The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 825: Another role of magic change vacuum cleaner

"Sovereign is back!"

"Sister Liu is back!"

At the Wanguzong, Li Fei shouted loudly with his throat, and the disciples who were practicing were greeted with warm welcome.


Xi Gang just sat in the hall, and Jun Chang laughed and said, "This is a new disciple, please arrange it."


青 Li Qingyang took Lin Yao to the inner court.

"Elder Jiang."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "I'm leaving these days, nothing happened?"


Qijiang evil road: "Responsible for cleaning the internal courts, and found that the magic multifunctional vacuum cleaner can ingest some unclean things."


Xun Jun often laughed with surprise.

At that time, the daily necessities bought by the intermediate beast Dan Qiang were refreshed, and they were handed over to the imperial city when they went to the imperial city to clean up the fallen leaves and dust on the Yanwu field.

"Call him."


It didn't take long for him to cross into the hall.

家伙 This guy's previously flowing hair has been shaved and he is properly a monk.

I didn't do it on purpose. I mainly came to Zongmen to catch evil spirits and get kicked out. My head fell off on a slate. It took time to grow, and I simply shaved.

Don't say.

After shaving his hair, Watan ’s understanding of the Dharma has increased, and he has typically become bald and stronger.

Xi Jun often laughed and asked, "Can a vacuum cleaner **** things that are not clean?"

"Yes, lord!"

Can Du Du: "After the disciples' observation and research, this object can absorb not only dust and debris, but also evil gas."

What happened was a coincidence.

One day, he routinely cleaned the inner martial arts court with a vacuum cleaner.

Ran Moyu happened to be practicing, releasing evil spirits, and forced the energy directly into it.

Xi Jun often laughed: "Call him to demonstrate."

Not long.

墨 殇 came over.

However, his head was so bright.

Xun Jun often laughed and wondered: "You have also seen Hongchen and become a monk?"


Can Du Du: "Brother Mo's hair was sucked away by a vacuum cleaner."

When I mentioned this, Mo Yan's tears were almost falling.

I got up early to practice in the inner courtyard. As soon as the evil energy was released, the energy was taken away uncontrollably, and my body was not stabilized. I planted it directly, my head was pointed at the flat nozzle, and my black hair was sucked in instantly.

Fortunately, I turned it off in time, otherwise my scalp would have to be sucked in.

After listening, Jun Chang stood up with a smile, patted Mo Yan's shoulder, and said, "Aggrieved ..."


"Hahahahaha ————"

Uh ...


Mo Yan Wu Wu, Mo Yan collapsed and said, "Don't test it!"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Xun Jun often laughed and took the magic vacuum cleaner, and said, "Hurry up and release your evil spirits. Let's see how you **** it out!"


墨 殇 reluctantly released evil spirits.


Xun Jun often laughed and started the vacuum cleaner. The strong suction suddenly burst out. The flat nozzle was just placed on the ground, and the dust and stones were immediately included in it.

At this moment, a strange scene happened!

The evil spirit originally gathered in Mo Yan's body suddenly flew out of control.

"Can you really take in evil spirits?" Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

墨 殇 always worried, forcing himself to hold his body, and no longer sent his head to the door automatically. But he didn't pass, and the flat nozzle came flying by himself, squinting and coming into close contact with the forehead ...


Xi Jun often laughed and hurriedly shut.

Suddenly the suction disappeared and Mo Yan was paralyzed on the ground in shock.

The flat suction that suffocates the mouthpiece is not a horrible force, but when it comes into contact with his body, I deeply feel that this is to be sucked. The evil air in the body is a small matter, and the scalp is a big thing!

"It's amazing." Jun Chang smiled and blinked with surprise.

It is beyond imagination that such daily necessities that you can buy can actually ingest evil spirits.


Xun Jun often laughed: "Release your psionic energy."

He also wanted to try whether this stuff also has the intake function for normal martial arts.

The result was disappointing, because after Li Qingyang released the psionic energy, he was not affected by suction. Even if he held the flat nozzle on his face, he only had a slight suction and could not pull the flesh.

I shouted to Yao Mengying.

测试 Testing concluded that she could ingest the magical energy she released.


Xun Jun often laughed: "The magic-repairing multi-functional vacuum cleaner has no effect on normal martial arts, but it only has effects on the two demons."


He held his chin and said, "Is it effective if used to deal with the evil sect?"

This is effective not only for ingestion, but also for high realms.

"Old Ding."

Xun Jun often laughed: "You come to release the evil spirit."

After all, Momo is only an evil cultivation at the level of Wu Wang. He needs to test the Wu Sheng such as Wu Jue Sheng!

Xi Dingxing proudly said, "Sect, although this vacuum cleaner is a bit weird, I'm afraid I can't do it if I want to ingest my evil spirits."

In the era when Emperor Wudi was not born, as an evil martial arts saint, he had the capital to look down on the heroes!

"Try it."

"okay then."

Bian Ding thrived in its place, and a strong evil spirit erupted all around him. Compared with him, half of the evil monk was like an ant at the foot of the mountain!

The corner of Du Nan's mouth was drawn slightly.

It turned out that this elder Ding was not only an evil practitioner, but also very horrible. Where did he have the courage to sneak into the Eternal Sect?


Xi Jun often laughed and turned on the vacuum cleaner. Suction suddenly erupted. Although she felt the evil spirit and wanted to take it, she couldn't keep up.


Bian Ding prospered, "It's useless to me."

Xi Jun often raised her hand with a smile, and put it in front of the button on the handle, and said, "Adjust the second gear."

Magic Multifunctional Vacuum Cleaner has the same speed regulation function as a fan, divided into first, second and third gear.

It ’s all in the first gear, because it ’s enough to take in the leaves and dust.


Second gear starts.

"Hoo ——————"

Suddenly, a strong suction was generated at the flat nozzle, and even if it kept a sufficient distance from the ground, dust and leaves were suddenly taken in.

Ba Ding Xing Wang's face changed slightly!

At this moment, he has felt that the evil spirit is being pulled by some force, but it is still under control.

"Not yet?"


Third gear is on!

"Woohoo ——————"

Stronger suction lifted, Du Fan and Mo Yan and others clearly saw that dust and fallen leaves within more than ten feet centered on the suzerain were all sucked in instantly.

Ji Dingxing's face suddenly dignified.

The third-speed suction erupted, and the evil spirit gathered around him could not be suppressed at all, and it was stretching towards the flattening nozzle.

Although he has been trying to restrain himself, he can only postpone flying time.

The screen is now.

The strong suction erupted, pulling the evil spirits hard, and the two were getting closer.

"How?" Jun Chang laughed.

Pu Dingxingwang looked ugly: "Can ... carry ..."

Say this with a pout, but know in my heart that if you don't quickly keep a sufficient distance from it, the evil spirit released will definitely be taken in!

The third gear mode can make a martial art so embarrassing, showing how horrible the suction is.

of course.

The only reason is that Ding Xingwang allowed the vacuum cleaner to **** like this.

If you change to be an enemy, people can leave the first time, then it will be useless.

"That's the case."

Xi Jun often smiled and said solemnly: "You can only turn on the enhancement mode!"


The words are finished ~ ~ Click on the red button.

叮 "Ding! The host successfully turned on the multi-functional vacuum cleaner enhancement mode and consumed 100 points of contribution."

"Ding! Martial contribution: 0."


Xi Jun often laughed and collapsed, "It takes so much!"

"Whooh —————"

"Whoohoo ————————————"

At the time of the collapse, the flat nozzle suddenly burst into a stronger and more horrible suction than the previous one, and almost flew off without holding it.

Xi Dingxing's face changed suddenly, and the evil spirits released suddenly rushed like a flood and a flood!

Can't control it at all, even the body can't control it, follow ‘噔 噔 噔’ 踉跄, and finally nail his head directly to the flat nozzle!

"not good!"

Xi Jun often exclaimed with a smile, and quickly turned off the vacuum cleaner.

However, although the suction stopped momentarily, after Ding Xingwang and the flat nozzle were detached, the old and connotative gray hair was gone, and his head was bright and bright.


"My hair is thick!"


Xun Jun often smiled at the corner of his mouth and comforted: "Ding Lao, don't be sad, I'll find a way to get you a bottle of overlord shampoo. After using it, you should be able to duang it out!"

:. :

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