The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 819: Water water water!

If it is a culinary contest, the judges will consider it as appropriate, even if the contestants have a little bit of flaws.

For example, Ma Tiancheng's dish can get at least 90 points, but only 79 points in the God of Food contest, although only 1 point, but can only helplessly out.

The ten judges invited by the organizers are super-sophisticated. They can't tolerate sand in their eyes and are extremely picky about the color and flavor of the food.

"I don't agree!"

"I don't agree ..."

Ma Tiancheng was taken away by two strong men, still roaring loudly, tears in his eyes.

After winning the culinary contest, he has been working hard to study the culinary arts. He just hopes to get good results in the God of Food contest. However, due to the insignificant flaws, he has totally denied himself for many years of hard work, which is definitely unbearable!

The other contestants watched Ma Tiancheng be taken down, there was no gloat in his heart, and some were just trembling and nervous. After all, he might be eliminated like him in the next second.

After ten judges rinsed their mouths with water, they began to evaluate others accordingly. The first few works scored a maximum of 76 points.

"A bit too much." Jun Chang laughed.

He could smell the food made by the contestants through spiritual thoughts, and the taste was very good. However, he failed to meet the passing standards. According to this rhythm, more than one hundred people were to be taken away.

People can not escape from doing wrong?

Because of a few small flaws, or the pursuit of harshness for intentional harshness, it seems unfriendly.

Tang Rendao: "The monarch did not watch the last God of the Gods contest, and the main judge did not have much money. After the first round of evaluation, only a few people were promoted."


Jun often smiles and widens his eyes.

If only a few people advance this year, it will be like entering the final round.

System: "The author is not good at counting words."

"It tastes salty and fails."

"This flower cut from radish is very poor, which lowers the overall beauty of the dish and fails."

"It tastes good, and the swordman is OK, but he is older than me and fails in failure."

The warriors of the whole continent twitched.

The taste is not right, the elimination is normal.

The knives are poor and elimination is normal.

Can people get rid of it when they grow old? This Nima still looks in cooking? !!


Under the same culinary skills, one is a dish made by a gorgeous and beautiful woman, and the other is a dish made by a muscular brother. Which one do you choose?

Anyway, I chose two because of my looks.



None of the top 20 contestants scored 80 points, and all of them were eliminated. They were naturally unacceptable. When they were pulled down, they shouted: "There is a shady, there must be a shady!"

"I thought that in the first round of 120 people, half of them could be promoted. Now it seems that it is very good to be able to advance to 20."

"More than 20, I think it may be in the single digits!"

"Is this group of judges from the sky, one by one does not eat human fireworks?"

The most unbearable for the audience is that after the judges determine that the dishes are unqualified, they will directly throw them into the trash.

The culinary powerhouses carefully selected through culinary skills, even if the dishes have a little flaw, can't be so wasteful!

"Too bad."

Jun Chang, who was sitting in the auditorium, laughed, almost couldn't help but fly over, rubbing the ten guys who broke the food on the ground and rubbing hard.

Oh my God.

An advertising madness, even saying that people are owed, is there a king law? Is there any truth?

In the successive evaluations, one contestant finally scored 81 points and successfully entered the second round. The number of people eliminated in the previous round has reached forty.

Such a horrible elimination rate is simply outrageous, and it also shows that the God of God competition is very strict, and it is worthy of the mainland's strongest cooking event.

"Not bad."

Lin Yao's turn, the ten judges nodded and praised, and finally gave the current maximum 91 points.

Next, several participants entered the second round.

The audience also realized that the successful promotion was all the disciples of the champion of a certain food **** contest!

People without a big background are really used as stepping stones.

It's not that there is a shady event, but that the champions have hard power, and the disciples who are trained naturally have real skills.

Evaluation continues.

After the work of 100 contestants was tried, only eight people advanced to the next round.

"The disciples of God of Food are definitely no problem. If other contestants are eliminated, the promotion can't break the double!"

"The girl named Liu Wanshi should be fine."

Everyone will wait and see.

"Fail, fail, fail ..."

Ten judges continued to evaluate, and more than ten contestants eliminated.


An old man with Fengxiandao bone walked in front of Qian Songbao and laughed: "This dish you make should be a flavored burdock. In the past, the God of Food had made it, and the old man had the honor to taste it. ? "

Several other reviewers also came over.

They didn't go to taste the first time, but evaluated the colors of the dishes first, and nodded their approval.

"You guys, please."

The old man picked up a piece of beef with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and immediately exclaimed, "That's the taste!"

"It is indeed a successor of the God of Food!"

After eating, other judges praised them with expressive expressions. When they raised their score cards, they were all 10 points!

"Qian Songbao's flavor burdock, got full marks!" Huang Jinsuan announced loudly.

"My God! It's incredible that such a harsh review can give a perfect score!"

The audience in front of the TV all stared.

"Sure enough," Jun Chang laughed.

From the moment when Qian Songbao touched the kitchenware, he realized that there are definitely two brushes in this child, and he can get full marks in the first round, which proves that his eyes are very spicy!


Is this guy boasting about others or himself?

"There are more and more Zongmen members, and Dudu's workload has increased a lot. If you pull this kid over and become a No. 2 gold medal chef, it will be very good."

Jun often laughs and his eyes light up gradually.

There was a sudden coolness behind Qian Songbao, secretly: "Ominous premonition!"

"Little girl."

Ten judges stopped in front of Liu Wanshi after gargle, and laughed, "What is your dish?"

"Mapo tofu," Liu Wanshi said.


Everyone looked at each other, apparently had not heard of the name of this dish in the starfall continent.

"What are the characteristics?" Fengxiandao bone old man laughed.

With the exception of Qian Songbao, he has a serious face towards other participants, and he is more optimistic about Liu Wanshi when he is so kind and amiable.

"This one……"

Liu Wanshi scratched her head and said, "It's mainly spicy and hemp."

"Can you open the cover?"


The old man waved lightly, and the natural psionic energy filled out, and the lid flew up by itself ~ ~ and then landed on the desktop.

Just at this time, the image formation method over the sky was also given a close-up shot. A plate of Mapo tofu from the Sichuan system was displayed in red and white with some green onions.

哽 噺 繓 赽 Qiki Novel 蛧

"Mapo tofu is characterized by numbness, spicy, hot, and salty." Jun Chang smiled and hugged his hand, said: "The girl put it in a casserole, but also afraid that it will cool down after a long time."

"The dishes are good."

Ten judges nodded.

"You guys, please."

The old man was about to prepare chopsticks, Liu Wanshi reminded: "It is better to have more water, because it is a bit spicy."

"Ha ha."

One judge said with a smile: "My husband has always been hot about eating."

Picking up a piece of tofu with chopsticks and obviously touching it, I felt very flexible, so I praised it: "It is so surprising that it is still so flexible even now."

In the mouth, chew.

Several other judges judged with chopsticks or spoons.

The crowd stared intently, and soon they saw through the lens that their entire faces were flushed, and sweat was seeping from their foreheads.

The judges who are all hot and hot have closed their eyes, as if they are in a crater, their entire body and even their internal organs are experiencing hot steaming and roasting.

"Spicy, so numb!"




Regardless of the others, take the water for mouthwash next to you and drink it, and even feel that if you do not quickly remove the spicy taste, the whole body will burn!

The other judges also panicked and picked up the kettle to drink it. One pot was clean and still felt extremely spicy!

"Water water!"

For the sake of water, can you put

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