The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 669: The whole gate broke the heart for Aniu

You may not have experienced despair, but now Ye Xingchen is in deep despair, because a woman who does n’t know each other stands in front of him with a bowl of rice porridge.

"Brother Niu."

Huier said, "Let me feed you."

Ye Xingchen shook her fist and said, "Can you leave and close the door smoothly?"

Because the suzerain had ordered not to treat this woman rudely, he must have been pointing at the door to let the family go.

"Brother Niu."

Huier bit her lip and said, "You have changed, you have become strange ..."

"Don't call me Niu."

Ye Xingchen said coldly, "He is dead!"

"I know."

Hui'er said, "You are now called Ye Xingchen. You are a disciple of Wanzong. You have a new life."

The night star is silent.

He was telling the truth, this stupid woman must have understood it wrong!

"Ah ... Brother Xingchen." Huier said with tears in her eyes: "You said before that you will be good to me for generations to come, do you think you have abandoned me now?"


Ye Xingchen said coldly, "You don't deserve me!"

This woman is so annoying that she can only pretend to be Pei Aniu, so she pretends to be a miserable person and lets her leave with interest!


You are so ruthless!

No poison, no husband, no wine without dinner!

"Tick, tick!"

Huier was holding the bowl and standing by the bed, and Douda's tears rolled down.

She was convinced that Aniu would not forget himself and waited for three years outside the village until he found him today before realizing that everything had changed.

Now that he is a disciple of Wan Guzong, he has a bright future, and would he not care about himself, an ordinary man of poor origin.

Huier put the bowl on the table and said with a look of frustration, "Brother, I'm gone."

"let's go."

Ye Xingchen said, "Don't bother me in the future!"

He didn't know, the girl liked Pei Niu, but after his body was occupied by him, they were destined to be separated from each other.

In other words, wasn't Guidi guilty for taking away the body of an ordinary person for no reason?

The idea is ridiculous.

The strong man who stood at the top of the continent in previous lives would care about an ordinary person.


"Girl Huier."

Jun Chang smiled standing at the entrance of the inner courtyard, looking at Huier who bowed his head, and said, "I have something to tell you, in fact, A Niu ’s head was severely damaged, he lost some important memories, and forgot some Important person."


Hui Er, who was already discouraged, suddenly widened her eyes.

"and so."

Jun Chang smiled and comforted: "He's indifference to you is not because he changed his heart, but he really doesn't remember."

"So it is, so it is."

Huier suddenly realized that the pain in her heart had weakened a lot.

It wasn't that Aniu brother changed his heart, it was he who forgot everything, and I should understand him!

Jun Chang laughed: "From your eyes, I can see that you and Aniu used to love each other, but God made a joke."

"Master Sovereign."

Huier asked, "What should I do?"

"It's simple."

Jun Chang smiled back and said, "Let him who has amnesia fall in love with you again."


I didn't see that this guy who was destined to be a lonely person for a lifetime was quite the same in teaching others the feelings.

Declare it again!

My junior often laughs is not a single person, but I don't want to slap my sister!

Huier was a little silent, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said firmly: "Master, I understand!"

"As the so-called Jinshui Loutai first gains the moon, this block is an exceptional one today, and you will practice with Aniu in the future." Jun Chang laughed.

"Thank you, Lord Suzerain!"

In this way, Huier did not go through the assessment and became a disciple of Wan Guzong.


Sitting on the hall, Jun Chang laughed and said, "We should not only care about the disciples' cultivation, but also the life-long events of the disciples. Where can such a suzerain go?"


After becoming a disciple, Huier changed to her school uniforms, and her whole temperament immediately improved.

She is not as famous as Lu Yan, but she is also a kind of good wife and mother who knows she will live at a glance.

After becoming a disciple, Huier did not go to Ye Xingchen, but took the initiative to talk with her brother and sister to understand the character of Aniu brother after her memory loss.

Inside the cafeteria.

Ye Xingchen sat down.

When seeing Huier wearing Zongmen uniform, the whole face freezes instantly!

This woman hasn't left yet, and she is wearing Zongmen costumes.

"Master Niu."

Su Xiaomo leaned over and smiled: "She is now our colleague, and my brother took the word. If you dare to bully sister Huier, I will never spare you!"

"Yes, it is." Li Fei followed the echo.

Li Qingyang came and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ye, sister Huier is so good, you can't fail it."


Wei Lao sat next to him and said, "Should I teach you some tricks?"


The whole gate broke the heart for Aniu.

Ye Xingchen clenched his fists.

Forget it.

As long as the woman doesn't come to bother me, it doesn't matter even in Zongmen.


When Huier joined Zongmen, she didn't really entangle the night stars, but went through the same door to understand his life habits and so on.

"Aniu brother likes to practice martial arts, and I have to work hard!"

"Brother Aniu likes to eat meals made by Master Liu. I can ask her for advice!"

Therefore, after practicing, Hui'er will go to the cafeteria to ask Liu Wanshi, and even take the initiative to help in the kitchen.


One day, Ye Xingchen ate a dish, and frowned suddenly, saying, "It doesn't taste right."

"Hee hee."

Liu Wanshi Leng Budinger appeared in front of her, holding her cheeks in her hands and smiling: "Brother Ye, this is a meal made by sister Huier. How does it taste?"


Ye Xingchen dropped his chopsticks and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Isn't it delicious?" Huier, standing in the kitchen, said with frustration.


The whole eternal ancestors knew that Ye Xingchen had amnesia.

Everyone is actively helping Huier so that both of them can develop a relationship that can sing and weep.


Only the night stars are clear.

It wasn't her own amnesia, it was Pei Niu who was dead.

But I ca n’t take the initiative to say it, after all, winning the rebirth is the biggest secret in my heart.


Ye Xingchen stood on the peak of Houshan, his mood was extremely unstable.


Jun Changxiao appeared behind him and said, "Don't deliberately pursue martial arts, and don't take the cold-blooded ruthlessness of your camouflage, to experience the emotions and desires, and to enjoy life is actually another practice."

"Master, can you not call me Niu?"

"Good Pei Xingchen."


Ye Xingchen almost couldn't hold back ~ ~ Jumping from the mountain peak.


Regarding the emotional problems between the disciples, Jun Changxiao can only try his best to provide opportunities. It depends on them whether they can succeed or not.

A few days later.

Arranging everything, the monarch and his lord left Xiaozong with Xiaolonglong.


Go to Northern Mozhou to find ore to build equipment.

Before leaving, he said, "Aniu, I hope this seat will return, and you and Huier will break through the mirror and reunite."

Break your sister's reunion!

The arrogant and arrogant Yedi, almost couldn't help yelling.

this day.

Jun Chang laughed and went to Beimozhou, and Wan Guzong continued to break his heart for Aniu and Huier.

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