The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1796: The Iron Emperor Yedi

Because the qualifiers are divided into groups in advance, there is no need to waste time and pen to draw lots, but it also saves time.

However, after the participants found their own names and their first opponents, they were not relieved after confirming that it was not Chu Diange.

No one can meet him if he meets, otherwise a proper move will be dropped, and there will be no chance of mixing two rounds.

"Li Shangtian?"

"That's a happy name."

"A disciple of Wan Guzong? It was unlucky to encounter Chu Yizhao in the first round."

With gloating eyes, everyone looked at the elder disciples gathered together, hoping to find a disciple named Li Shangtian from it, and see what expression was on his face at this moment.


Li Shangtian said: "My opponent seems to be strong!"

"It's not a big problem," Li Qingyang said.


Li Shangtian was speechless.

For your core disciples, there is nothing wrong with this qualifier, but I am a novice and it is my first time to participate in such a grand event.

"Please enter for each group!"

At this time, Li Renfu shouted loudly.


Li Qingyang and others shook their heads and shook their shoulders, giving each other an encouraging look and heading towards their own block.

Many contestants are paying attention. When they see Li Shangtian walking eastward, they will be affirmed in their hearts. This is the unlucky guy who met Chu Yizhao in the first round.

As the top genius of crossing the heavens, Chu Diange is definitely the loudest voice in the qualifiers, but he will be eliminated if he meets his ending.


Gu Tianxing shook his head and said, "Smelly boy, your charter plan is over."

"is it."

Jun Chang smiled on his face.

He did not refute, because if he wants others to believe, then he must prove with strength.


There were many small platforms on the venue, and there were various groups of contestants nearby. They were all busy warming up, and even their blood began to boil.


The qualifier will begin.

On the contrary, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others were more peaceful.

After joining Wanguzong, all kinds of competitions have been experienced, and they have been calm for a long time, unless they encounter strong opponents.

"Extremely boring." Ye Xingchen said coldly.

If he does not need to follow the procedure to enter the main match, he will not participate in the qualifiers because the players are too garbage.

"The first pair of players in each group! Come on stage!"



On dozens of competition platforms, all kinds of geniuses appeared on the stage one after another, because of the excessive registration of the disciples of Wanzong, it was inevitable that someone would take the lead.


He is invincible.

He stood on the ring and collapsed secretly: "I want to keep a low profile, why take the lead!"

He Wudi secretly glanced at Jun Chang on the watching platform, seeing that the other party was smiling at himself, but said helplessly, "I can only obey the order of the suzerain."

"The first round of the universe jihad qualifier, start now!" Li Renfu announced.



In a split second, the atmosphere of dozens of contestants broke out, and the contestants first politely arched and then started the fierce battle.

I have to say that the strength of the martial arts who dare to sign up is not weak. The cultivation is all at the level of seeking truth, and there are even high-level and peak-level.



On the twelfth, it was the most exciting fight on the platform. The two players broke out in the strongest practice. Various martial arts showed and played.

of course.

Most of the audience's eyes focused on Channel 9, focusing on He Wuji.

Dare to let such a disciple enter the competition, does this ancient ancestor really have the ability, or deliberately make up the number?



The competition began, and the contestant named Dou Haitao exhibited his fierce palm from the beginning. He Wuji continued to retreat, even looking extremely embarrassed.


The corners of the mouth twitched.

Dou Haitao can only be regarded as ordinary among all the contestants, and he was beaten in the beginning. It was really funny.


Gu Tianxing said in a deep voice: "Are your disciples at this level?"


Jun Chang laughed: "Look back."

"Look at the fart!"

Gu Tianxing roared: "I was suppressed at the beginning, but I can't fight back the Jedi?"


Suddenly, there was a loud blast, and Dou Haitao stepped back a few steps.


Gu Tianxing suddenly froze.

He watched the fight all the way, and clearly captured that He Wudi punched a punch in a panic, accidentally hit the opponent's moves, and banged on his chest.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "This is not going to get better!"


Gu Tianxing shook his head and said, "One fortune, one fortune?"

That's right.

He Wudi was always under the pressure of his opponents, but always broke in an incredible way at the moment of crisis.


Gu Tianxing's expression was exciting.

One luck is understandable, and many lucks are evil!

Or is the other party deliberately hiding?

"Impossible," Gu Tianxing immediately denied. "This guy should be really lucky."

As the top powerful person in the upper universe, he is still very accurate when it comes to viewing people. He would never believe that He Wuji is performing deliberately. In fact, he is performing, because the performance is too real, so no flaws can be seen.


After fighting for a while, He Wudi pretended to make a difficult appearance and knocked Dou Haitao out of the ring. Then he sat on the ground and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. This is to tell the audience that although they won, they were lucky.


Everyone believes that he is too lucky!

Dou Haitao, who was knocked out of office, flushed with redness. From the beginning to the end, he clearly had an advantage, but he lost in the end. This is really wronged.

"The winner of Group 9 is invincible!"

"Participants of the second team of each group, come on stage!"

It is not difficult to see from the referee's shouting that the other teams have already won and lost, and He Wudi has been delaying a lot of time because he was too engaged.


The second pair of contestants of each group successively appeared on the stage.

This time, Ye Xingchen played.

The arrogant Yedi and other referees announced the start, and immediately approached a punch opponent and blasted out.

How to describe fast?

Just after the referee's voice started to shout, the trailing tail did not disappear, the game was over, and it took no more than one second.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "The stars and invincible are two extremes."

One attack, one defense.

Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin.

Go crazy, go all in.

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi.

Including the drunken go to Azi's bed that year, it can be described as the iron emperor Ye Ye, the same class of flowing water, can be called the strongest CP wild king among the elder disciples.


After winning, Ye Xingchen came down from the ring.

Because the performance was too strong, other contestants evaded, and their eyes became frightened.

"It's over."

Someone shouted in his heart, "My opponent next round is him!"


The competition continued ~ ~ Vanguzong disciples played one after another, and also let the audience know one after another, the weak is only one invincible, the other competitors are strong, the way to defeat the opponent is often all spike, such as the land Alas, for example Xiao Xiaoji of the copper wall and the iron wall.

"with no doubt!"

"It's just a bunch of monsters!"

"I can only see Chu Dirge!"

During the discussion, Li Renfu announced: "Each contestant is at the end of each group!"

"Here comes the highlight!"

The crowd locked in the No. 8 arena and looked at Chu Elegy, which represents the hope of crossing the heavens.

Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together, his mouth raised a smile, and said, "As long as God defeats this person, he can announce the end of the qualifier in advance."

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