The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1787: Meeting ceremony

In the sunset.

Jun Chang laughed sitting on the stone, how lonely his back was.

Why not give the front camera a fear of scaring everyone.

At that time, how hard he abused Su Xiaomo, Gu Tianxing abused him so hard. It was the so-called reincarnation of Tiandao, and Cangtian had spared anyone.


Covering his swollen face, Jun Chang laughed and grieved in his heart, "I didn't steal your medicine!"

Various martial arts cheats were stolen. At that time, they did not know and could not help it, but Gu Zhaoxi took the medicinal herbs and had nothing to do with himself!

Only then did I carry the pot.

Think of Taixuan Old Man, think of ancient real people.

That is really a pot knight from the Jiangshan generation, each leading the show for hundreds of years.


Gu Zhaoxi came and apologized, "I'm sorry."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid that's life."

"I just heard what my father said." Gu Chaoxi sat down and said, "There is a transcendent organization called Xinghai League in Crossing the Realm. My father is the twelfth leader of the alliance, and his status is not inferior to the leader of the realm.

Jun Chang smiled expressionlessly, because his face was too swollen to see.


This guy really cast a good baby.


Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Can the spirit of reincarnation change hands? I don't want to fight."

Gu Tianxing was originally a strong person who crossed the heavens. The name can be understood only from the print of Du Tian's palm print, so he did not deliberately chase the dog leftover, but encountered it by accident.


Why not live in seclusion and why return?

Mainly because I have been out for too long, I came to visit friends and relatives.


Xinghai League.

Jun Chang smiled in under the leadership of the Gus and his wife.

As the existence that stands at the top of the cross heaven, that scale is really luxurious.

The dog left is also experiencing strong winds and waves, so when you come to any place, you will remain calm and even change your face.


Li Qingyang can't.

When he stepped into the Xinghai League and saw strangely shaped buildings, he would stop unconsciously, then use his eyes and inner heart to feel every structure, and silently remember it in his heart.


A magnificent middle-aged man wondered: "Your son is so old?"

There are elders next to them. They have sharp eyes and extraordinary momentum. It can be seen that they are all high-level.

and so.

Van Gonzong wanted to change strong.

The number of half-step opportunities will increase.


Gu Tianxing laughed: "This is your uncle Peng, the deputy leader of the Xinghai League. He is in charge of some internal affairs in the league."

Peng Vice-League leader smiled, but roared inwardly: "You took your daughter-in-law to live in seclusion, and I do all the housework in the alliance!"

"Uncle Peng!"

Because he is only a few years old, Gu Zhaoxi must pretend to be a sweet child.


Vice Peng felt his little head, took out the treasure from the space ring, and said, "The first time I met, my uncle didn't prepare anything. This soul and jade will be given to my nephew."

Meeting ceremony, no less.


Gu Tianxing said: "Your uncle Peng's soul is a soul treasure. Wearing it will increase the strength of the soul over time. It can also help resolve it when it is attacked by the soul. It is a rare treasure and it must be quickly collected.

"Thank you Uncle Peng!"

Gu Zhaoxi hurriedly put it down.

In fact, when the other party took out a moment, he felt that this thing was extraordinary.

"Hyun nephew."

At this time, a green-haired old man walked up and took out a wooden box, saying: "There are thousands of years of blood ginseng in it, and eating it directly can improve your skills and can also be used for refining elixir."

The deputy allies gave it.

The elders must not lose their way.

"My nephew, I have an extremely cold knife, cutting iron like mud."

"My nephew, I have a red-scale dragon armor, and it won't invade you!"

Xinghai League senior officials have presented gifts for the first meeting of the lord's son. Levels and levels are more important than one, and things are more precious than one.


Jun Chang, who stands at the side of the main hall, smiled and turned away, and secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and secretly said, "What awesomeness is so enviable!"


Peng Fumeng said: "What is this little friend?"

"Elder Suzerain," Jun Changxiao hurriedly introduced himself, "Jun Changxiao!"


This name is a bit arrogant.

The Xinghai League executives were obviously not as enthusiastic as Gu Zhaoxi when they treated Jun Changxiao, and they simply left for a few words.


Jun Chang smiles very consciously, and stands silent beside him.


Slightly, Deputy Leader Peng exclaimed: "Zong mainly let his nephew participate in the universe jihad?"

"something wrong?"

"Is too young?"

"He is only five or six years old now, and he will be an adult ten years later."


Deputy Leader Peng was silent.

In fact, what he wants to say is not about age, but about strength. After all, those who are qualified to participate in the universe jihad are all top talents.


Gu Tianxing said: "Ten years later, give my father results!"

"no problem!"

Gu Zhaoxi was playing various treasures at the moment, so she just said it casually.

"Retreat." Gu Tianxing said.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, he hurried to the crowd again: "I forgot to introduce my son's fiancee."

The leaders of Vice Peng and others twitched and said in their hearts: "I'm only four or five years old, how can I have a fiancee!"



At this time, Qing Qiulin, who hated the sky, followed Gu's mother and walked rather embarrassedly, "See you uncles."

Vice Peng and the elders face each other face to face. In the end, they can only bear the tears and continue to bring out gifts. After all, the first time I met my nephew, how can they be empty-handed!

If you lose, you will have a son.

It will take a few more births, and bring a few more nephews back. I'm afraid I can send myself to bankruptcy just by giving me a ceremony!


at night.

Jun Chang laughed and lived in the arranged courtyard.

The environment is good, but he has no intention of admiring, sitting in the small hall frowning.

Especially thinking about the daytime, Xinghai League executives sent gifts to Gu Zhaoxi, really envious and jealous.


The system said: "Unfortunately the host did not share a good dad."

Jun Chang laughed, knowing that he was laughing at himself, so he didn't take it for granted: "The real man has to work on his own, not ... to fight for his father."

"It's sour!" The system said.


Jun Chang laughed and ignored him.

"Brother." Gu Chaoxi came over, put all kinds of treasures on the stone table, and said, "I will hand over all these things to Zongmen."

"Do not."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "It's yours, I can't!"

"My thing is my brother's thing ~ ~ Gu Chaoxi said:" Besides, Zongmen is in the development stage. With these treasures, you can undoubtedly enhance your strength. "


Jun Changxiao fell into a brief silence and said, "Since this is the case, it's hard for me to accept it."

With all that said, he waved into the ancient world.


Inside the study.

Gu Tianxing retracted his spiritual thoughts and shook his head: "My son is a bit silly, so many good things have been given away."

"What do you know."

Gu said, "This is the trust between their brothers."

Gu Tianxing shook his head and said, "I just hope that the dog baby is not broken by the dog thief."

Jun dog thief.

He gave Jun Chang a new nickname.

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