The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1783: Give respect

The monarch who came to the holy medicine realm laughed and just wanted to take away what he needed, so he kept his disciples busy.

However, he needed too many things, such as medicinal materials, seedlings, medicinal animals, and medicine fields.

This must be picked up, at least to evacuate the Holy Medicine Realm.

Shang Zhonghou was unhappy.

After finally taking a big list and helping the Chen family to get all kinds of resources, as a result, when they met such a group of people like robbers, they had to stop themselves!

to be honest.

Jun Chang laughed that if he only took away a few things, he could not see them, but even the land was dug away, which would definitely not be acceptable to the employer.

Therefore, Shang Zhonghou shot.

Refers to the light flying out, cutting off the weeds that Jun often laughs and smirks.

This is to warn the other party, if you don't cooperate, your head will break next time.

If you change to another person, you will definitely be shocked by the immersive finger light just now, and even cause fear to slip away, but the parties often laugh.


A protagonist who is suspected of misbehaving in three senses and suspected of being a eunuch.

No wind, no wave.

If this label is applied, it means that the person must have a problem, and often goes to extremes due to changes, postures and distortions.

Mess with him?

Isn't that just death?

In the early days, Jun Chang laughed in the eyes of the world, and all kinds of deaths. In the eyes of readers, the late Jun Chang laughed.


The steward came and said coldly, "Senior is already very kind, and I can't wait to get out of here quickly!"

"who are you?"

Jun Chang smiled over and looked over.

"The Chen family!"

"Housekeeper ..."



As soon as the words fell, Jun Changxiao suddenly appeared in front of him. He picked up a lounge chair, smashed his head, smashed his face, and slammed "a housekeeper dragging!"


Shang Zhonghou's eyes were cold, and several Dow lights burst out.

Jun Chang smiled and turned around and placed the reclining chair in front of him.


Strong refers to the light banging on the reclining chair, shocking him back several steps, and then holding his body, grinning, "No wonder it's so arrogant, it turned out to be a little capable."

Shang Zhonghou was shocked.

The seemingly ordinary recliner can take your own aurora finger!


Could it be the treasure?

In fact, the chaise lounge is really ordinary, nothing more than Fan Tangzhu has nothing to do for the suzerain. The strong resistance is that Jun Changxiao blesses with the power of the true spirit.

With his current strength, even a brick can also be used as a weapon, especially the corner area can even cause several times headshot damage.


"I'm hitting Chen's house!"

"You're finished!"

The steward, who was covered with blood, growled as he staggered back.

Chen Jinqiao frowned and unpleasantly appeared on his face.

He already reported his name. This guy dared to do it first, so he really didn't take my Chen's eyes into consideration.


Chen Jinqiao said, "These are entrusted to you."

He also didn't like the ink, after all, the medicine of the Holy Medicine was too strong, and it cost a minute to stay, and he had to get the needed medicinal materials as soon as possible and leave here.

"Chen Gongzi can pick medicine with peace of mind." Shang Zhonghou said, "I'll solve them."


Jun often laughs silently.

It turned out that they also came to collect medicine.

I dug mine, you dug yours, isn't it easy for everyone to get along peacefully? Do you have to walk away and monopolize the medicinal holy land? Is it interesting?


The system said, "Are you digging? You just sent the holy medicine world away!"

"I've got it on my own. Is there anything else wrong?"


The system is speechless.

Don't blame Jun for laughing too much.

In fact, if anyone has an independent plane, they will have the idea of ​​pretending to be the holy medicine world.

For example, Chen Jinqiao.

Every time I came to the Holy Medicine Realm, I returned with a full load every time, and even repented that the capacity of the warship was too small.

So this time I invited a strong man to drive a high-level warship specially, in order to receive as much as possible, if it can accommodate the plane, it would be best.

A plane that is not suitable for living creatures, since there are natural treasures, naturally, whoever has the ability and who takes the most, who does not have the ability and who takes the least.

This is pretty good.

If you do n’t see him, even if you have the Lord ’s things, as long as you are remembered, you will use whatever means to snatch.


Shang Zhonghou raised his finger, and the light gradually gathered, saying "I'll give you three numbers, and quickly get out of the holy medicine world, otherwise ..."


Jun Chang sighed with a smile.

He slowly raised his hand.

Shang Zhonghou said, "Knowing the current affairs is Junjie, you still have help."

"Do not misunderstand."

Jun Chang smiled and raised his hand and said, "I'm not surrendering, I'm ..." He waved his hands and said, "All come, all come."



The disciples of Wanguzong who gathered in the holy medicine realm either carried the medicine beast on their backs or dropped the medicinal materials they held in hand and flew over at the fastest speed. Then they gathered near Vango and surrounded them like Shang Zhonghou and Chen Jinqiao.


"Want to fight more?"

Shang Zhonghou disdain.

"Hahaha!" The steward laughed. "Seniors are well-known in crossing the heavens, but they are good at playing less and playing more. At this point, the soldiers and crabs are not enough to plug their teeth!"

A proud look emerged from Shang Zhonghou's face.

The steward was telling the truth, and it was exactly the same that he was hired by Chen Jinqiao. After all, there are too many medicinal beasts in the holy medicine world, and this kind of strong is required to fight less.

"That's the case."

Jun Chang laughed, "Give respect."




Clap your hands continuously.

With each beat, tens of thousands of people will appear in the sky, until the last 100,000 disciples, tens of thousands of mechs, elders, law guards, and church masters arrive.



The bursting breath was diffused and shrouded in the Holy Medicine Realm.

The smiles on the faces of Chen Jinqiao and the housekeeper were completely condensed, and especially the sensation of bursting air, and the scalp suddenly became numb.


At this time, Jun Chang laughed sitting on the chair Xiao Xiaoji prepared, clasped his hands together, chin pillowed on it, and laughed, "Are you singled out this door? What about? "


The corner of Shang Zhonghou's mouth was slightly drawn.

If there were only more than 100,000 disciples, he might not pay attention to them, but there are many high-level and even core disciples, one by one glaring at each other, making him feel as if he is stuck in a tiger pond.

"not talking?"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Single single this door."




Suddenly, the dense palm prints of the sky were down, and the number was too large to describe, and the scene of playing more and less was also indescribable!

The battle force of Wan Guzong came out, the battle was too strong.


Shang Zhonghou has also been on the battlefield for a long time. In the face of the depressed palm print, he unfolded the ten fingers without panic, and the power of the aurora converged, and dozens of finger light came out instantly.

"Can the light of firefight compete with Haoyue?" Jun Chang smiled lightly.

High-level officials such as Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou raised their right hands, and the colorful beams burst out.

This is how Qi Xuanxia broke.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Various colorful streamers wore transitional palm prints and blasted them at extremely tricky angles!

Shang Zhonghou's aurora refers to the condensed energy to form a small beam, and the Seven Xuanxia Light Break of Wanzong is also a condensed beam, but the power is not only strong, but also thicker and more than the former!

"not good……"


"Boom boom!"

All kinds of beam bombardment, all kinds of palm print suppression.

Chen Jinqiao, butler, and others were frightened to flee to the battleship ~ ~ Occasionally, I saw more than 100,000 people hanging in the air, condensing various forces to bombard an area, and scared the scalp.

If Shang Zhonghou is likened to a special soldier with ak47, at this moment a person is surrounded by 100,000 troops. What's more terrible is that he was bombarded by a machine gun, heavy machine gun and rocket gun.

Just ask.

Who can stand it?

Therefore, when the king often smiled and raised his hand, when the disciples of Wan Guzong ceased fire and shot the gun.

A proud aurora spirit man with a proud face sunk in the deep pit, his body was scorched black, his mouth crooked and his mouth spit white foam.

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and looked at Chen Jinqiao, the housekeeper and others who were terrified in the distance, disappointed and said, "This is what you say is to fight less?



You have so much, too much!


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