The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1769: In one, in one!

In the distance of the large locust tree, a woman stands tall.

Black hair fluttered in the wind, slender brows, eyes like the moon.

"she was."

Xiao Guiji said, "How is it in Liyang City?"


Murong Xin.

The girl who had taken the initiative to retire from the Xiao family at that time has matured a lot now and has not left any marks on her face.

Xiao Guiji was surprised.

Shouldn't she be in Lily Shengzong? Shouldn't she be at Murong's house in Tianhai City? How could it be in Liyang City?


At this time, a child asked, "Xiao sin has become a disciple of all ages. What about his former fiancee?"


The storyteller said: "Leaving the Holy Sect of Lily, there is no more news."

"I must be sorry."

"Being able to become the core disciple of the Eternal Sect, Xiao Gui has long since become a former disciple. How can ordinary girls deserve him?"

Everyone you say I discuss.

"In my opinion, the last person to regret it is the Xiao family."

"It's no wonder that in just a few decades, it has fallen to the inaccessible family, all of which was made that year."

In the distance, Murong Xin turned away silently, complex emotions appeared in his bright eyes, and he sighed, and said to himself, "Because of the divorce that year, I am destined to be talked about."


The man's current achievement can only stand up.

But if she can come back, she will choose to remarry, because the two have no relationship, everything is determined by the family.


Will change another way.

At least not at his most difficult time.

Murong Xin walked out of Liyang City and walked on the road that he did not know.

In the past, she was a personal disciple of Lily Shengzong. Now she has left the ancestors alone, wandering all over the world by herself, and occasionally remembers what young and ignorant do, and her heart is full of remorse.

Murong Xin said bitterly: "As Master said, this will become a demon that I can't get rid of in my life."


She stopped.

Because a black warrior passed by.

Although she didn't see the appearance clearly, although she showed a sense of mystery, Murong Xin shouted subconsciously: "Xiao sin?"

The man in black didn't stop, didn't answer, and always walked forward.

Murong Xin hurried to the past.

However, the two sides were a few feet apart, but they could chase farther and farther, until they stopped at the end of a road, and the men in black had disappeared.

"Xiao sins himself!"

Murong Xin exclaimed: "I know it is you!"


No response.

Murong Xin didn't care, and said the words that had been suppressed for many years: "I don't want to make excuses for the ignorance of the young people. I just want to say to you ... I'm sorry."


The wind blows, and the leaves fly around.

Murong Xin lowered his head, turned away and looked away.

Xiao Gui, who stood on a distant mountain, had no ups and downs in his eyes, and said to himself, "I have forgotten the past, and why do you remember it in your heart?"


"Hurry up."

Su Xiaomo urged.

Xiao Guiji glanced at the distant back, and then reunited with his elder brother without looking back. The love episode of the journey from the Westward Journey resounded in the sky.

"Brother, someone called you just now?"

"Brother heard it wrong."

"Hey, I ’m not a brother, you are all going to be around. It ’s not always a way to be alone. If you meet a good girl, you can quickly develop and develop. You see, even people like Ye Ye are not ... Su Xiaomo closed her mouth, because Ye Xingchen was staring at herself.

The bitter sea turned up love and hate.

It is difficult to escape fate in the world.


There are not only various ethnic groups relocating in the ancient world, but also many ferocious beasts. They are planned in a fixed area, far from the city where they live.

In the Jun Chang laugh plan.

Each ethnic group has its own territory, as well as an area suitable for the existence of monsters. In the future, you can let them practice from the calendar.

The strong attributes of heaven and earth can only allow them to improve their realm faster, and to truly have absolute strength, they must go through the trials of life and death.

For example, Wan Yao Valley.

It is a gathering place where various monsters and beasts exist.

Don't ask when it was done. When the disciples entered Tianwei's secret realm, Jun Chang laughed and passed by other planes.


Ye Xingchen, Xiao Guiji, and Su Xiaomo stood tall outside the Valley of the Monsters with their heads raised. Their purpose was to complete the task of eradicating the black scorpion giant scorpion beast.

of course.

This is just one of them.

There are also two core disciple tasks, which have already been done because of the road.

"A disciple of Wanzong!"

"Do they come here to practice too?"

"It's really mighty!"

The various ethnic groups settled well in the ancient world, idle and idle, so they came to Wanyao Valley in groups of three or five to seek excitement, so hundreds of people gathered at the entrance at this moment.

"I hope this so-called black clamp giant scorpion will not let us down." Su Xiaomo said.

The previous two core disciples' missions were also to fight monsters. As a result, it was easy to get to the destination, which was really no challenge.

no way.

The captured monsters are generally not high-powered, and they are crushed properly for repair now.

"You shouldn't call me for such a difficult task." Ye Xingchen's face appeared unhappy.

He would rather go to Tianwei's secret realm and be abused by Guan Erye than to abuse the monster, because there is no help for martial arts.

"The core discipleship, we have to do it."


Su Xiaomo said: "Go in."

The three men walked towards the Wan Yao Valley, but as soon as they entered, they were shocked by the pictures inside, because all the special sights in the field of vision were monsters, snakes, spiders, lions, tigers, and alpacas. Also rich.



All kinds of growls sounded, making people shudder.


Deep in the valley, a group of warriors are calling for help, and they are chased after by a group of spiders.

The strength of the monsters in Wan Yao Gu is not high, but there are too many, and if the warriors come in and practice, if they accidentally provoke too much, they will be beaten to death.


Su Xiaomo pointed to one place and was surprised: "Your ex-fiancee!"

Xiao Guiji turned his head to look at him, and saw that Murong Xin was holding a three-foot sword and was fighting with a monster. His wrists and back were stained with blood, and it seemed that he should be scratched.


Su Xiaomo dragged his chin and said, "This woman has broken through to the bottom."

"Let's go."

Xiao Gui turned around and said, "Go and find the Black Claw Giant Scorpion."

"I'm afraid your ex-fiancee will soon be unable to carry it." Su Xiaomo said, "Are you sure you want to die?"

Ye Xingchen, who was silent all the time, said: "The creation of the Wan Yao Valley by the suzerain is to let the warrior go through the life and death experience. Now that she has entered, she must do the consciousness of death."


Su Xiaomo looked at Xiao Xinji and said, "Do the task first?"


Suddenly, the deafening explosion came, only to see that Murong Xin was blown out and hit the edge of the wall like a residual leaf, revealing a pale face under the scattered blue silk.


The giant beast dragged his body and rushed to the front, his forelegs lifted high, and brought down with great force.

Say goodbye to the injured, even hard diamonds can be crushed into powder.

"Leave, leave."

Su Xiaomo said: "Hurry up and find the black tongs ..."

Brother Shi Xiao ~ ~ Who are you?


There was a crackling sound behind him, and the monster that rushed to Murong Xin turned into a mist of blood, and the disappeared Xiao Gui had stood in front of her and said coldly, "Don't you know what to cultivate? Don't you dare to come to Wanyao Valley alone. "


Su Xiaomo said: "A hero saves the beauty!"

As a matter of fact, turned into a crowd of eating melon, put his hands near his mouth, and blindly coaxed: "Be together, be together!"

"嘭 ——————"


Su Xiaomo was blown out with a punch, and her whole body was planted in the mountain.

Ye Xingchen retracted her hand and said, "Noise."

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