The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1749: For amnesia, he has a complete set of treatments ...

Jun Chang laughed and took his brother and sibling off.

However, Gu Tianxing's painstakingly cultivated Tiancaidibao is gone.

Many people subconsciously believe that the killer must be a dog leftover. After all, he has this criminal record, especially the one who was just jailed.

In fact?

It was Gu Zhaoxi who stole the treasures.

In recent years, he has been responsible for the cultivation and cultivation of the medicinal materials grown by his father. He has gradually developed feelings of concern that his mother ’s domestic violence will be affected, so the full income space ring.

The next day and night defense, home thief is difficult to prevent.

As for Jun, who often laughs, he is abused by Gu Tianxing for a full hour. Unless he is kicked by a donkey, he will not dare to steal anything.


"I will cultivate them well!"

She stood in front of the window, looking at the mountains and seas that were getting farther and farther into the starry sky, and Gu Zhaoxi's eyes were filled with tears.

In this life, he deeply felt the love of his parents, and parting was naturally sad.


Xun Jun often came over with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "The young eagle will eventually leave the nest and soar in the sky alone."

Gu Guxiu wiped away her tears, and smiled brightly: "Thank you, Monarch."

"Remove the King character."


"Don't pretend, Elder Gu."

Uh ...


Gu Guxing was relieved from the theft of medicinal materials, and said, "Why the son is gone!"

"Followed the monarch." Gu mother said.

Gu Guxing stared angrily: "Okay, stole my heavenly treasures and abducted my son, is this kid tired?"

"and also!"

"Why don't you stop it!"

"Our son was an elder elder in his lifetime, and now the suzerain comes to him in person, why should he stop it?"


When Gu Tianxing patted his head, he said, "I almost forgot about it."

Actually, the two already knew about Gu Zhaoxi's last life. To be precise, it was his son who voluntarily confessed. After all, the spirit of reincarnation was exposed early.

"The mountains and seas and the upper world are far apart. Even if there are astral warships, they will consume a lot of energy. The monarch and lord came here thousands of miles in person to see that we care about our son." Gu mother said.


Regarding what Tianxing thought of, he said, "No wonder my son cultivates the seal of Du Tian so fast. It turned out that he had been enlightened in Wan Guzong in his last life!"

I was talking and silent.

That kid not only learns to cross the palm prints in seconds, but also learns the Huaxin Heart Sutra and the Great Shadow Secrets, does it mean ...

"Dog thief!"

Gu Gutian Xing Yangtian growled: "How much martial art have you stolen from me!"


Suddenly, the master of the mountains and seas flew at a high speed, and landed in front of the Gus and his wife. They took out a letter and said, "Your son eloped with my daughter!"


Gu Tianxing was dumbfounded.

The two are engaged and their parents do not object. Is it necessary to elope!

"What are you doing!"

Laoshanhaijiejie shouted: "Catch up!"

"You don't need to worry about your in-home." Gu mother said: "Gouwa and Lin'er left this time is also a kind of experience, maybe you can slowly cultivate feelings in the future."

Gu Tianxing didn't find that Jun Chang laughed and laughed because the whole family was in domestic violence, but Gu's mother always kept an eye on it, and he didn't stop to hope that his son and daughter-in-law could build up a holding hand in the wind and rain, and the feelings of Zi old.

to be honest.

Gu Gu's mother wanted to see the two leave together instead of hurriedly marrying without feelings after waiting for adulthood in Shanhaijie.


The master of the mountains and seas gave up the idea of ​​chasing her daughter.

Since you have to run away with your fiance, let her go, after all, the girl who got married spilled the water.


Looking at the sky, Gu Tianxing said, "I'll give you ten years, and ten years later I will take you to the universe jihad."

"Have you figured it out?"

"Although I am indifferent to fame and wealth and don't ask about world affairs, but my son needs to be trained, the holy war in the universe is just an opportunity." Gu Tianxing said.

"as far as I know."

She Shanhaijiejie said: "Many top geniuses in the first-class plane have signed up. It is very difficult to compete for a place in the Canghai system."

"Difficult for others."

Gu Gu Tianxing said: "To my son, it's like searching for something."


Laoshanhaijiejie laughed: "Since you are so confident, I'll wait ten years later at the viewing platform and see how Xianxuan can dominate the heroes!"

Uh ...


怎么 "How did you die?"

Wangu, Gu Zhaoxi's face was stern, and the innocence in his eyes was replaced by vicissitudes.

"Sure enough."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "A part of your memory is lost."

He knows that as long as the brother relies on the spirit of reincarnation to reincarnate, he will lose some important memories, such as the meeting in the upper world, and he does not remember who he is.


Xi Jun often laughed: "I'll take you somewhere."

有 He has a complete treatment plan for this amnesia dog blood disorder.


"Go and know."


Regarding the day and night to relax, I just felt a flower in front of me and appeared in a prison-like environment.


The lights are bright and dazzling.

After ignoring Zhao Zhaoxi's adaptation, she subconsciously looked up and saw that after the Black Cat Sergeant fired five shots, a few large characters suddenly appeared in the sky-Tianyuan Town Prison Tower!


Xun Jun often patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Next, I will treat you in all directions. Although the process is painful, I can absolutely retrieve the lost memory for you."


Gu Gu Zhaoxi played a clever.


Xi Jun often clapped her hands with a smile, and said, "Yer, your old friend is here again."


Gu Guxiu muttered, "A little familiar!"

Somehow, the heart suddenly accelerated, and every single hair was erected. The soles of the feet and palms were sweating coldly. The legs and stomach did not listen to make the call tremble, and the whole person was about to stand still.

Calculate carefully.

Gu Gu Zhaoxi has entered the palace three times.


Suddenly, a clear voice came from my ear.

Regarding Zhao Xiuxi, she turned her head stiffly, only to see a girl who seemed to be standing in front of her, ~ ~, holding a candle in her hand, because it was extremely dark and horrifying when the whole face was illuminated in front of her chin.

There were two people standing beside the girl, one in white and one in black, with white and black impermanence written on their foreheads, and their bright red tongues were almost hanging on the ground.

"Ghost ——————————"

Uh ...

Gu Zhaoxiu entered Tianyuan Town's Prison Tower for the second time to receive Erya treatment. Because the process was too detailed, he was caught by the river crab, so it was greatly modified and deleted. To avoid similar situations, it will be omitted later.

"No need to omit!"

Gu Guxiu growled, "I remember!"

The moment he was hoisted by Erya, the memory sealed in the soul, such as the flood of the **** bursting wildly.

My name is Gu Zhaoxi.

I am the life and death brother of the suzerain.

I'm the elder of ancient times.

I picked up a bomb for the upper world, and rushed to the nine warships of the astral spirit!



Xi Jun often laughed and cuddled with Gu Zhaoxi's tears, the scene was more sad and more sad.

二 Era, who had prepared various treatment props, saw the host and brother reunited again, and said, "It's so easy to have a lens, and it's over before I can show much."


豆 Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu sighed, "Can you give me a line?"

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