The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1741: I heard my brother shouting at me

In just two months, Jun Changxiao relied on his own efforts to help Jiulong Divu to understand.

Although it is just a glimpse of the door, it is undeniable that without the help of props, the talent and understanding are still strong, and worthy of the title of `` Master of Martial Arts. ''

"How long has this been!"

He He invincible said, "Incredible!"

Wu Yao wanted to cultivate Jiulong Zhangzhang in that year, but he spent hundreds of years.


I deserve to be the successor of the ancestors created by the seniors of Qixuan!

At that moment, as the leader of the brain-tolerant trio, He Wudi's admiration for Jun Changxiao seemed to be endless.


Wu Su Xiaomo rubbed his hands and said, "Such strong martial arts, can we cultivate?"

"Of course."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "One copy per person."

I heard that my cheats were defined as public martial arts. He Wudi held up his chest, showing a proud, proud expression.

The day.

Xi Jun often laughed and copied more than 100,000 copies of Jiulong Zhangzhang, and then sent them to the disciples one by one.

This advanced martial arts from the land of eternal life, in the handbook of the ancient emperor, is a bit despondent.

I just did.

Whether or not he can cultivate successfully depends on himself.


Ye Yexing leaned back in front of the door and looked down at the Jiulong Divided Palm in her hand, looking more and more excited.

I have witnessed He Wudi's performance with my own eyes, and witnessed a powerful BOSS in seconds, so I am naturally fascinated by this martial art.

Emperor Ye Ye is proud.

I never thought that he would be weaker than He Invincible in talent. The opponent's ability to be so strong must come from the martial arts bonus.


As far as the realm is concerned, both of them are at their peak to find the realm.

If you have to do anything, you can only start with martial arts and equipment.

"No! No!"

Ye Yexing began to realize the division of Jiulong in Jiulong, and soon found that this martial art is completely different from previous contacts, and even ... extremely mysterious!


There are challenges too!

Ye Yedi's eyes glowed.

He likes challenges, he likes excitement.

However, until after dawn, he walked out of the room and looked up at the sky, his heart screaming, "It's too hard!"

I can make Jun Changxiao realize that for more than two months, I only have a glimpse of the doorway, which is enough to show that the division of Jiulong in Kowloon is difficult to cultivate, and the disciples have not used the amulet of insight, so ...

The next few days.

He successively saw Li Qingyang and others passing by lethargic, as if losing his soul.

They have been enlightened on the division of Jiulong in Jiulong, and they have become so distressed that they have no idea whatsoever.

in short.

I am too hurtful, too hurtful.


He Wudi said: "Although the attributes of heaven and earth in the ancient world can drive the division of Kowloon, it will not fit perfectly. It is extremely difficult to cultivate. I hope that you can do what you can, and do n’t waste too much time on things that are impossible . "


Xun Jun often laughed deeply and said, "The more impossible it is to accomplish, the more we have to overcome it. This is the spirit of my Wanzong."


Jiulong Divide palm is difficult.

But if you choose to give up for this reason, you will only be unmotivated and inert.

"One of the martial arts is like sailing against the water, if you don't enter, you will retreat." Jun often laughed.


He He invincible said: "The suzerain makes sense."

He also began to reflect on himself, because with the joining of the Wanzong sect, there are various resources to supply, and gradually a mentality of reaching for his clothes and opening his mouth for food is not desirable.

Uh ...

Disciples disciples are very difficult to practice in Jiulong, but no one chooses to give up. They are still working hard, even to the point of forgetting to eat or sleep.

of course.

青 Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others are stuck at the pinnacle to find the real world, so they have enough time to enlighten.

Most disciples at home and abroad, while learning about Jiulong's division, did not forget to practice other martial arts and to improve their own realm.


Any invincible worry is superfluous.

The self-discipline of Tongtong is far stronger than imagined.

Xun Jun often laughs at nothing and also talks about Wu Tang. He explains their doubts based on his own cultivation experience. It is the first time that the master of a case teaches his disciples without relying on insight.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [诲 人 tireless], reward 50 points of contribution value."

I went to the lecture hall one after another for a few days, and a sound sounded in my ear.

"Only contribute 50 points?" Jun Chang smiled silently.

The system is sharp and voicing. "This is obviously a preliminary task, and it is almost complete before it is completed. Doesn't the host reflect on reflection?"

Uh ...

教导 Under the guidance of Jun Changxiao, many disciples benefited a lot. Although he could not immediately grasp the division of Jiulong in Jiulong, at least he could take a lot of detours and pave the way for the success of the nationwide practice.

of course.

There is another book of martial arts.

Xun Jun often laughed and sat in the study, turning the first page of the cheats, and seeing the above records, this skill can be accomplished, and the world can disappear, so he was shocked: "So scary?"

"After all, it comes from higher levels of martial arts." Systemically said: "Take the host to cross the palm print, put it in the lower world is also a magical skill to destroy the world."

"Make sense."

Xun Jun often laughed: "I really hope to enter the land of eternal life and look at how strong the warriors are there."

He is the patriarch of the ancient ancestors and a warrior. He naturally yearns for a higher meaning.

"Work hard."

"Come on!"

Uh ...

"too difficult!"

A few days later, Jun Chang laughed and lay in bed with despair on his face.

Jiulong ’s split is difficult, and it ’s even harder to make the heavens and the earth more difficult. So far, I have n’t felt a little about cultivation, as if I ’m looking at the Wushu Tianshu.

"No more, no more."

Xun Jun often smiled and withdrew the cheats and said, "Let's go first."

The system said silently: "Wu Yiyi is like sailing against the water. If he doesn't advance, he retreats to his disciples. When he gets frustrated, he gives up.

Xun Jun often laughed and did not give the disciples the world, because everyone is currently working **** the division of Jiulong in Jiulong and has no time to practice another advanced martial art.


"Only two days away from the mountains and seas ~ ~ There was a cue in my ear, and a smile appeared on Jun Chang's face.

Oh brother!

My brother is here for you!

After meeting, I won't get drunk!

Uh ...


Wangu shuttles through the universe, and in the area it goes to, a large plane gradually appears in view.

According to the map signs, this is the mountain and sea boundary.

Xi Jun often smiled and stood in the cockpit, put his hands to his ears, and after listening quietly, he said, "I heard my brother shouting at me."


System said: "The bomber is about to be in place."


Su Wangu suddenly accelerated, dragged the hot light into the mountains and seas, and eventually suspended in the sky.

Oh brother!

I come too!

"咻 ——————————"

At this moment, Daoguang suddenly burst out from below, passing through the hull at an extremely lingering speed.


Xi Jun often smiled and hurriedly bowed his head, and found that a slight crack appeared on the floor under his feet, then spread to the left and right and began to crack, so he cradled his head and said, "My boat ..."


Wangu split into two parts and fell freely.


Regarding the sky star floating in midair, the right-hand chopping wood axe flashed, and his eyes were cold: "Your astral world dare to harass."

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