The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1738: The most powerful switch disciple

The thick voice sounded through eternity, all disciples could hear it clearly.


"That's **** mode, it's worthy of being a brother!"

In many disciples are generally stuck in the normal and difficult modes, and the core disciples directly clear the **** mode, which naturally caused heated discussion in Zongmen.

内 Inside the study.

Xi Jun often laughed and put the mask on his face, then patted it a few times, and then he was relieved: "It really didn't disappoint me."

"Because of the first time to clear the **** mode of the high-quality life and death mystery, the members of the clan are specially rewarded for some experience points." The thick voice sounded again.

"There is still this feature?"

Xun Jun often smiled suddenly, releasing spiritual thoughts that pervaded the entire gate, and found that the disciples were all shrouded in the light.


This is the so-called experience value.


"Feels absorbable!"

Disciples are sitting on the ground one after another, ingesting the holy light that surrounds them.

力量 This power is very pure, and it also contains the mysteries of heaven and earth, so once it is ingested, it instantly blends perfectly with the meridians and Dantian.



In a short period of time, disciples who were stuck in a certain realm broke through to a higher level because of ingesting experience values, forming an extremely huge promotion trend.

"I broke!"

"I'm in search of truth!"

The sound of excitement rang out in the gate of Zongmen.

Li Qingyang and others passed the **** mode, but brought benefits to the entire ancestral gate, which Jun Chang laughed and never expected.

Can't stand it.

I am a little strange.

Wu Shengguang only shrouded his disciples, not the high-rises.

"Because it is the disciples who clear the customs," the system explained.

Xi Jun often laughed: "If you let Elder Liu go to **** mode, they will also benefit from customs clearance?"


The system is not sure, after all, it is just an auxiliary and spit.

"If you have time, you can give them a try." Jun Chang smiled, holding his chin, and said, "Anyway, I'm idle."

If Liu Sinan and others heard this, they would cry and yell, "In order to prepare for the Zhufeng contest, we are all dying!

Uh ...



Li Houshan, before the mystery of life and death, Li Qingyang and others were sent out.

After solving the third level BOSS, they also gained a lot of experience value, especially Li Fei and others went to the top to find the truth in one fell swoop.

Before going in.

Everyone's strength is high or low.

后 After customs clearance.

Everyone's strength is at the pinnacle of seeking truth.

Although these people, Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen, did not make a breakthrough, they have a deeper understanding of martial arts. In the future, due to chance, they may enter a half-step world.

of course.

At this moment, they didn't bother to pay attention to the benefits brought by the customs clearance, still stunned and looked at the invincibility of their backs.

This guy just ... killed the boss!

"too strong!"

Ye Yexing was shocked.

He was among the disciples of Zongmen, and he pretended not to fall behind.

But regarding He Wudi's strong performance just now, the difference between the two is too far!

"Oh my God!"

Wu Su Xiaomo walked over and couldn't tell the truth: "Master, you're hiding too deeply!"

He Wuji has played before, and the strength is not the best or the worst. From today ’s performance, the proper disciples of Wanguzong are not one of them!

More than disciples.

He gave up his hand in the copy ... Jiulong split palm, not to mention Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou, even Jun often laughed with envy.


At this moment, He Wudi, who had stood proud, suddenly collapsed on the ground like mud.

"Master He!"

Su Su Xiaomo hurried over to help.

"No ... nothing ..." He Wudi said: "It's just a little bit ..."

Everyone suddenly understood.

Brother He, even though BOSS broke out in one move just now, he also paid the price of being completely hollowed out.

This is normal.

然 Otherwise ... it's too scary!

"hurry up!"

青 Li Qingyang said: "Send Brother He to the Medicine Hall!"

"No ... don't ..." He Wudi said, "Take ... I'm back to my residence ... I can recover after a few days of rest."

Uh ...


The entrance door was closed.

Li Qingyang just left, He Wudi immediately got up from the bed and secretly said, "Still exposed."

His principle is to keep going, but he was infected by Xiao Guiji and others, so he chose to take the shot.

As for just paralyzed on the ground just now, in order to let the fellow believe that their strength is based on paying a huge price.

in short.

After a high profile, you have to be low profile.


怎么 No matter how low-key he is, it doesn't help.

Because of the outbreak of terror, it has been deeply imprinted in the minds of Li Qingyang and others, especially ... Su Xiaomo is still on the scene.

the next day.

The guy put the chair on Yanwu Stadium, stepped on it with one foot, and started to talk about the situation where the third boss was played yesterday.

"I go!"

"Is Brother He so strong!"

事情 The matter about He Wutian killing the boss at the third level quickly spread throughout the eternal ancestors, and the disciples began to discuss.

"Is this still the case?"

Xun Jun often learns with a smile, holding his chin and saying, "My disciple is in stock."

"That's not it."

Wu Su Xiaomo said: "The master didn't see it. Brother Shi's martial arts skills are so ... I can't describe it, anyway, weeping ghosts and gods!"

"I'm here to visit."

Xun Jun often smiles and leaves for the disciples.

On the road, the system said, "This item is in favor of martial arts."

Why again?

Because the whole sect is practicing, so far the outdated pretense to hide the magic skills is obtained from He Wutian.

Uh ...


"How lonely."

He Hevin was sitting on the bed humming the small song, and suddenly felt that someone was coming, and hurriedly put on a weak look on the bed.


Xun Jun often pushed into the door with a smile, and said, "I know you are weak now, so I didn't knock on the door."

"Zong ... Zongzhu ... I'm fine ..."

I have to say that He Wudi is the real acting school.

"Invincible ~ ~ Jun Chang laughed and moved a chair to sit on the bed, watching the weak disciple, and said," How long has it been in the sect? "


He He invincible said: "More than ten years."

"Are you used to it?"


"Are you still fit?"


He He Wudi replied, muttering in his heart, "The situation is wrong!"


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and backhandedly: "Although I inherited the Seven Mysteries from the eternal ancestors, but ... the martial arts left by his old man are very few, so as your realm grows stronger, you will become more stretched . "


He Hevin was secretly crying in his heart: "Come on my martial arts again!"


Xun Jun often laughed: "Is this seat good to you these years? In these years, you have less resources? In these years ..."

"Master, stop talking!"

He Hewu's companion took out a martial arts secret book from the space ring, accompanied by crying, "I pay!"

"Just one?"


He Hewu invincible took out another cheat book and did not wait for Jun to laugh and said, "This time is really gone!"

Actually, he still has a lot.

However, even if you take it out, there is no way to cultivate because of the environment and attributes.


Xun Jun often patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Take care of yourself. I will visit you when I have time."

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