The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1734: The Royal Soul tribe was born to assist Van Gonzong

The products that Qianhua Qianxing researched in those years were epoch-making, because a more supreme soul was added to the golden soul.

From the perspective of gloss, it is temporarily defined as the color soul.

of course.

His original intention is not to create a new soul system that overwhelms all beings, but to hope to improve the law of the ethnic group on the value of souls for many years.

The Dai people cannot be low and noble in life, they have the right to be respected and to become strong.

From the perspective of Jun Chang's laughter, the move of Qian Qianxing is great.

虽然 Although the flower rose that inherited the color soul marries dogs and dogs, it also has to complete the mission left by the ancestors, and is committed to improving the pattern of the royal soul world.

First of all, she banned the status of the Eight Door Supremes in the realm of the soul, canceled the rule that the gold souls were supreme, and the green souls were slaves. As long as they are people, they can practice martial arts and enjoy the right to obtain resources.

This can only change the regulations, and it cannot change the difficulties in the cultivation of the lower soul system. Therefore, Hua Rose also advocates that the people can suffer their minds and strain their bones.

In fact.

Green soul is not bad, at least you can play assist.

If it is combined with other soul systems, both sides will definitely benefit.

Naihe, the royal soul world always admires the golden soul and despise the green soul, how can they agree to let the lower soul system assist themselves?

Until Bamen was banned, and until no distinction was made between expensive and low, this complementary situation gradually emerged, and many people realized that in fact, it is also very cool to be assisted by the green soul!

The monsters that couldn't be played before were blessed by Green Spirit, which can be easily solved. The copies that couldn't be played before were blessed by Green Spirit, making it easy and harmless to get through customs.

If the soul ancestor is in the spirit of heaven, it will be very comforting.

Because the purpose of creating different soul systems is to hope that future generations can cooperate with each other, not treat them differently.


Standing on top of the mountain, Jun often laughed and his eyes lit up.

At this time, Hua Rose is improving the situation of the Imperial Soul Realm. He has always watched as a bystander and witnessed the special effect of the fusion of the green soul and other soul systems.

If this group is included in the eternal world, and the disciples are matched with various soul systems, will they increase their combat effectiveness?

A man with an auxiliary, the picture can not imagine!

"It may take two or three years."

Yanhua Rose came over, and during this time he had been dealing with ethnic matters, and his expression was slightly tired.

"I help you." Jun Chang smiled.

"How to help?"

Yanhua Rose joked: "Take them all into eternity?"



Hehua Rose looked at him suddenly.

Because the soul clan has already been included in the eternal world, she never thought that it would bother her husband to put the imperial clan into it.

Xun Jun often laughed: "Eternal world has no shortage of the position of the Royal Soul, not to mention, it is a family with your Soul and should be able to live in harmony."

"The husband is really good to me." Hua Rose laughed.


Bian Dangjun often laughed and put all the souls of the Royal Soul into the eternal world, and then chose Li Qingyang and others to fit together, and she understood the real intention.


Flower Rose said helplessly: "I think too much."

Uh ...


青 Li Qingyang sat with Yan Yuwu at the Yanwu Stadium.

Xi Jun often laughed: "Let's get started."


青 Li Qingyang closed his eyes and relaxed his mind.

The Soul Warrior who sat next to him turned into a green attribute and merged into his meridians and blood.


For a moment, the green attributes pervaded the surrounding area. After gradually weakening, I saw that Li Qingyang's hair color and eyebrows were all green.

"Second Brother!"

Su Su Xiaomo exclaimed: "It's green!"


此时 At this moment, Li Qingyang stood up and hung above the air, his right hand suddenly swooped down and yelled, "Crossing the sky!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

With several consecutive palms, the power is extraordinary.

"I go!"

Su Su Mo and Li Fei were surprised: "Is it so strong?"

Regarding the strength of the second brother, they still know relatively well. Now they are blessed by Green Soul, and the display of Du Tian's palm print is obviously at least 20% stronger than before.


Li Qingyang fell to the ground.

Green air shrouded in power, extraordinary.


Xi Jun often smiled with satisfaction.

先前 My previous guess was correct. The blessing of the Yusoul tribe really improved the overall strength of the disciples.

of course.

Different soul systems have different effects.

For example, although the green soul combined with Li Qingyang has improved a lot of strength, it is more to strengthen the eukaryotic energy, which can frequently display the prints of the sky, which can often be consumed by the enemy.

There are also purple souls and red souls, which need to be tested one by one to know.

"Stars, go out."


The night stars stepped forward.

Don't look at him on the surface, but he is a little excited, after all, he can improve his strength after integration.

At this time, a warrior of the Soul Clan came to the performance martial arts field, not someone else, but Song Dechen, who was pretending to be dead in the ninth gate.


He grinned: "Take care."

When I saw the goods laughing, I was so irritated, Ye Xingchen frowned suddenly.

"Merge it."


The Song Song mark is a golden soul, so it turns into a golden light and merges into the night star body. When the special effects dissipate, I see that the hair of the latter turns golden yellow, and the proper Super Saiyan transforms.



Emperor Ye Ye stood in a row and punched several times, his face appeared excited.

After the combination, the increase in strength is at least 50%!

Can't stand it.

The power of the true spirit is also consumed much faster than before.

It can be seen that the characteristic of the Golden Soul is to enhance the ultimate combat power of the warrior, and it will also consume energy, which can be described as a double-edged sword.

选择 Choose from a personality, Li Qingyang, who is seeking for stability, will definitely choose the green soul, and the night star who adores strength will naturally choose the golden soul.

Next, I tested purple souls, red souls and the like one after another. There are defense, acceleration, strengthening the soul, strengthening potion and casting. It can be described as everything.

"I figured it out."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Your souls are born to assist me forever!"

There is no shortage of talents at Xi Zongmen ~ ~ There is a shortage of talents to take them to the next level!

Flower rose silent.

Of course, she does not oppose the tribe's assistance to the ancestral gate, nor does she care about the real intention of the husband to bring them in. After all, placing in the ancient world is a huge benefit in itself.

Uh ...

秘 Life and death secret.

青 Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo, and Ye Xingchen and other core disciples stood proudly, and beside them stood a famous Yuhun tribe warrior.

"Is there enough elixir?"

"Enough is enough."

"Is the fried rice charms ready?"

"Bring it up!"

"That line, go!"

After everything was ready, everyone stepped into the mystery of life and death, and then screamed loudly through the sky: "Ten people including core disciples Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo, choose-hell mode!"

"I go!"

上 Li Shangtian was shocked: "My brothers challenge the **** mode!"

"Is this wasteland?"

Jun Chang, who was sitting in the study, smiled.

秘 The life and death mystery settled in Houshan is of high quality. So far, there is no disciple customs clearance **** mode. Now with the help of the Royal Soul clan, it should not be a problem.

The problem is big!

青 Li Qingyang and others just went in a few minutes. The core star of the wasteland mission output Ye Xingchen was sent out. He grabbed Song Dechen, who was also sent out, and shouted, "You **** run!"

"I ... I'm afraid ..."

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