The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1718: The sky is falling

Xun Jun often smiled and returned to the upper bounds, just as he came gently and left gently, waving his hand to take away only a group of elites.

of course.

There are also major ethnic groups.

Needless to say, the Nine Dragons and Stone Statues have a close relationship with the dogs.

The Xing Shenxing clan, the Bingfeng clan, etc. also came in.

The ancient world is very large, not to mention the ethnic group, even if there are dozens of upper circles, it is not difficult.

If it was said that in the beginning it was only the ancient ancestors that were reclamation, then the major ethnic groups sent in will also be reclamation because they will not live with humans.

"East, Dragon."

"West side, stone statue tribe."

"South, Xuangui Clan."

"North, Bingfeng tribe."

Xun Jun often smiled and stood in front of the sandbox of the ancient world with a big wave, and divided each area into ethnic groups, allowing them to build their own cities here, and even provide help unconditionally.

"Thank you Monarch!"

大 The heads of all ethnic groups are thrilled.

属性 The properties of the heaven and earth in the upper world cannot let them ingest, because the level is not high, so they can only create independent spaces suitable for living.

Eternal world is different.

不仅 The heaven and earth attributes here are not only strong, but also all-encompassing, they can be fully absorbed.


I stand on the land that belongs to me but has not been developed yet. The chief of the Shenxing tribe can hardly suppress the excitement and said, "This entry into the ancient world is a great opportunity for my tribe!"

The senior officials nodded in approval.

The majestic nature of the heavens and the earth, my family settles here, and it will certainly prosper in the future!

More than just gods.

Other ethnic groups also think so, and even look forward to the future, and began to work hard to open up wasteland and build their own ethnic tribes.

Uh ...

Dongji Road Cave House.

Tonggu real people look ugly.

Because, Jun Changxiao not only took over the real people of Guhong and Qingwei, but also arranged their caves nearby so that they could see each other when they went out.

He Qiye said, "I won't be lonely in the future."


Wu Guhong's real man did not hum, and then returned to his cave.

The real man in Tongtong suddenly lost his temper and shouted, "You can enter the elder world, but you haven't entrusted the blessing of my disciples, what's the matter!"


Wu Guhong ran out and yelled, "I entrust the blessing of my disciples, and it has nothing to do with your apprentices!"

"This is my apprentice's plane, how can it have nothing to do with him!"

"He invited me!"

The more the two of them said, the bigger their tempers were, holding their sleeves close to each other, and finally their heads were together, their anger could not be suppressed.





A masterful show with a sense of picture and taste began.

Uh ...

Pluto fell from the continent.

Due to the invasion of the Astral Realm, the space dents have not recovered.

In fact, if Jun often laughed quickly, and later reinforced with a terrain reformer, this face would have completely collapsed long ago.


Xun Guangkun raised his toast at Yunlai Inn, an iron town.

Seeing this, Wang Dazhen, who settled his account at the counter, shook his head and said, "Isn't it that the aura is gradually dying, why does Xie Chengzhu sigh all day long?"

Xie Guangkun put down his wine glass and said, "The king's shopkeeper does not practice martial arts, so it is difficult to understand our martial arts irritability."

君 Since Jun Changxiao left the starfall continent, because the plane was destroyed, the attributes are not as good as the day. Just yesterday, the Wumeng League also issued a notice, speculating that if the aura continues to flow, it may be difficult to maintain for two years.

Martial arts world.

Oblivion of heaven and earth attribute supply, that is undoubtedly very fatal!

So, let alone Xie Guangkun's sorrow, the forces of Taixuan Shengzong and Aoxin Shengzong are also worrying, especially the hair of the head of Dacheng Imperial City Hancheng is white.

Uh ...

武 盟 大殿.

Yun He, who is the temporary leader, sits in the first place, with a very serious expression.

He just issued a notice, but after strict calculation by experts, I am afraid that it will not take two years for the aura to disappear.


Wu Yinhu said, "What should I do?"

"What else can I do?"

He sat next to him and put his hands together, and said, "I can only find another home."

They are all in the middle of the air. They used to be on duty in the Starry Fortress and had their own warships. It was no problem to leave the star warriors from the mainland.

Not to mention.

The Pleiades meteor continent is now a trading post in the lower universe.

Many planes come here to do business, so warships are also very common, and leaving is easy.

"Before the monarch ruled, we were told to guard the star continent, how can we abandon it?" Yunhe said.

Everyone was silent.

It's really easy to leave.

But how do you face the monarchy like this?


At this moment, a loud noise came from outside.

Everyone went out in a hurry, and saw the sky once repaired by Jun Changxiao, cracks began to appear, and continued to spread around.


Jin Yunhe frowned: "The plane system is about to collapse!"

"not good!"

Wu Yinhu was shocked: "The speed of the heaven and earth attributes that exist around us has accelerated!"


表情 Everybody looked dignified.

"You all."

Jin Yunhe turned his back to them and said: "The continent of Starfall suffered a previous calamity. Although it was repaired by the monarch, it is difficult to reverse the sky in the end. I can only prepare to leave!"

I just have no aura and can accept it.

But now the sky is about to collapse, and it will be troublesome to live again.

Jin Yunhe flew out of the hall and hung in the sky, saying: "As the temporary alliance leader of Wumeng, I announced that the major cities, major families, and major gates must gather in the fastest time to leave the starfall continent together!"

His voice echoed in the heavens and the earth, and the world could hear it clearly.



One star warship hovered over the major cities, and the warriors stepped on the ship in an orderly manner.

"Mother, are we leaving?"

"The sky is about to fall, and you will die if you don't leave."

"But this is our home. How can we leave without regard to it?"

Children's words, silence adults.

They don't want to leave either. Until now nothing can be done unless the omnipotent monarch comes over.

Uh ...

The Wuwu League is very efficient.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of huge warships gathered in the sky, and major states and counties and major forces took care of their luggage.

"Brother Feng."

青 In Qingyang City, Yangzhou, southwest, a man said, "Let's go."

"I do not go."

The man who yelled Feng Ge turned his back to his companion ~ ~ looking at the former Iron Bone Mountain, his eyes firmly said: "I want to wait for the monarch to return!"


"Home is almost gone!"

"Tiezi, follow them."

The man resolutely said, "I have to wait for the monarch, because ... this is what we used to promise!"


The companion howling Tiezi collapsed and said, "The monarch and the lord are all immortals. How can they remember you? Besides, if their lives are gone, there is a fart agreement!"

"Do not!"

The man sternly said, "The monarch must remember me!"


Xi Tiezi was completely speechless.



Suddenly, howling winds, magnificent!

When Jin Yunhe's face changed, he hurriedly looked up, and saw a huge steel battleship flying in, hanging like a **** in the sky, with three large characters on the surface-Wangu!

"My fellow folks."

"This seat is back, where is the applause!"

When the cheap voice echoed in the world, everyone shouted in joy: "Sovereign Sovereign!"



在 At this moment, because the fluctuations were too intense, the starburst continent was difficult to support, and the space and the earth quickly collapsed. For a time, the flood rolled up and the volcano erupted, as if the end of the world!

Jin Yunhe covered his brain and collapsed: "The monarchy came in with great fanfare, accelerating the destruction of the starfall continent!"

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