The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1710: Imagination

For the past half month, Ren Shan has been following the suzerain to mine spiritual veins.

Sorry, as the official designation of Koi in Kozong, because the guardian beast existed, soy sauce was played all the way without any play.

In fact, Jun Chang laughed and took him to add more insurance. Now that the contracted beast can solve it, naturally he is not needed.


Koi is koi.

Wu Ling's veins were dug out, and a stone gate was found!

"You released your hands again?"

Xun Jun often smiled faintly remembering that the big vein that he encountered near the Qingqing Prairie that year was discovered because he was urinating everywhere.


Zan Renshan looked very serious.

In fact, he does have plans to dissolve.

But when I came here, I was about to take off my pants. The mud layer huffed and fell off by myself.

The mud layer fell off because of the mining of the veins, but unfortunately, Ren Shan was next to it. This is really a koi. This is really invincible!

Xi Jun often patted him with a smile, and said, "The world is so big, go out and walk around, don't get stuck in the gate all day."

I was so bad against the weather that squatting at Zongmen was a waste of talent.

The lens turned to the large stone gate that was exposed due to the soil falling off. The overall color was dark, which means that it has been buried in the ground for a long time, and the surface is carved, which looks very ordinary.

Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't think ordinary.

In his opinion, since it was hidden in the battlefield of independence, it might be the cave left by the Supreme People.


Holding his hand on the stone door, then ... opened!

"So simple?"

Xun Jun often walks in with a smile, but always stays absolutely alert, after all, the ghost knows if there is a trap.


As soon as I walked in, Jun Chang laughed and stopped, his expression was stiff.

Vision field presents a huge spirit stone with filaments on the surface, which makes people feel like a spider's nest.

He systematically said, "This is the ancestor of Lingshi, several generations taller than Lingshi's mother!"



Xun Jun often laughed, covering her face immediately.

A spirit stone mother can bring up countless children and grandchildren, higher than the spirit stone ancestors, isn't it ... rich, I'm rich!


"Are you OK?"

Yan Renshan waved before his eyes.

Jun Changxiao, who was laughing so suddenly, turned back to God, only to find that he was still standing in front of the stone gate. What happened just now was nothing but his own fantasy.

The system can understand his thoughts, sneer and sarcastically said: "Do you think you are a koi? Just go in is chance?"

"Where are the ancestors of Lingshi?"

"I bother!"


I was uttered by the system, and Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.

However, he calmed down quickly, and said, "Back away, I will open the door."

Zan Renshan hurriedly avoided.


Xi Jun often took a deep breath and laughed, then poured his strength into his fist, apparently intending to forcefully break through the door.


At this time, the big stone door opened directly.

Xun Jun often smiled suddenly, pinching his face subconsciously, feeling pain, sure not to be a fantasy or a dream, wondering: "Why did it open on its own?"

"The stone gate looks ordinary, but the material should be extraordinary. Perhaps it has gathered wisdom in the endless years. In order to avoid being destroyed by the host, it resolutely chooses to admit it." System analysis said.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Stones have sages? Nonsense!"


Suddenly, a cold wind came in.

Xun Jun often laughed and showed the maturity that a suzerain should have, and immediately formed a defensive enchantment in front of him to block the breath of toxins that might exist. Hua Rose and Ren Shan were also protected.


Except for a bit of a sense of time, the wind blowing is not dangerous.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Go in."

I never removed the enchantment from beginning to end, which shows that it is obviously very strong, but overly cautious.


Xun Jun often laughs with one foot coming in, and the surrounding area flashes and shines quickly, lighting everything brightly.

This is a fairly reasonable stone room. Not only does it have no spiritual stone ancestors, it does not even have side doors and side rooms, just like a deserted house.


Xi Jun often laughed and collapsed: "Nothing?"

Li Huahua said: "Maybe there is a dark room hidden in it."


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Look carefully, there may be great discoveries!"

I said, started walking in the stone room.


他 When he walked to the central area, a strange pattern suddenly appeared on the floor beneath his feet, and the entire space began to twist and fold, and people were instantly placed in the vast cosmic starry sky.


Xun Jun often smiles calmly.

Similar situations have happened before, so naturally no fuss.


At this time, Jun Chang laughed and found that the cosmic starry sky he was in was only one plane flashing. There were no stars or meteorites around. It was as clean as being cleaned with a broom.

"咻咻 咻!"

此时 At this moment, the sound of breaking wind came from the ear.

Xun Jun often turned back with a subconscious smile, and saw the starry sky shrouded in darkness in the distance, and suddenly flew a stream of light, exuding an extremely gloomy atmosphere.

流 The streamers flew past him and even passed through the body, which shows that they are indeed in a fantasy state.



流 A large number of streamers flew together, and then hung near the bright plane in a trend of encirclement.

After waiting for the light to clear, Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes, because it turned out to be tens of thousands of huge warships. They were all the same color, all painted black, and all kinds of weird and strange patterns were printed on the outside.

"I go!"

"so much?"

Jun Chang, who has eleven battleships, laughed and felt that he was awesome, but compared with this blackness, at least tens of thousands of battleships are like children.

"They want to invade?"

While the dog was muttering ~ ~ A streamer flew from the bright plane, standing opposite many warships, showing a middle-aged man with a brave armor and a magnificent look!

This person!

Super strong!

Xun Jun often smiled and only glanced at her, and she could not help but respect him.

I stabbed my sword in the upper world, and Gu Tianxing, who slashed the Astral Battleship, never gave him that feeling!

"Lone Xuanyuan."

The murmured voice of Wu Yin heard the main battleship sounding: "Are you really going to use your own strength to fight against the Lord of the Demon King who controls the Octagon universe?"

"This is my home."

The middle-aged man raised his hand and offered a sword full of special effects, saying, "You can't wait for bullying!"


Wu Yinsen's voice sounded again: "It is nothing more than a first-class plane. For it does not hesitate to offend the Lord Tianmo and destroy itself for tens of thousands of years, is it worth it?"

"You demons who live by invading and occupying the world of others will naturally not understand the importance of home to human beings," Gu Xuan said.

"桀桀 桀!"

Howling laughed.

Xun Jun often laughs and likes to laugh like this, but compared to others, no matter how toned or the atmosphere, he is properly turned into a dog.

"You human beings have too many feelings, so you will be restrained everywhere, you will not be able to peek into the higher heavens, and you will not even be qualified to touch the path of eternal life."

Wu Guxuan said: "Just because we have feelings and feelings, we are called people, and you cold-blooded and ruthless people, even if you step into the path of eternal life, are only worthy of demons."

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