The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1701: Savage power

As soon as Miyaba Yu was resolved, someone could not wait to jump out.

However, the color head is not a spirit stone, but a garland with intricate patterns carved on it.

This thing is not attractive to Jun Changxiao, but attractive to flowers and roses, because the breath is exactly the same as the soul power, even more pure and pure!

"That's the case."

Xi Jun often laughed: "I help you win."

"Thank you."

In fact, the flower rose does not care about this so-called soul ring. What is concerned is why the upper universe has the same attributes as the soul race?

Especially, did the guy mention the Imperial Soul Realm after he took it out, could it have something to do with the soul clan?

Xun Jun often laughs and thinks of it.

He secretly said: "There are other planes in this starry sky?"

One is called Yutianjie and the other is called Yuhunjie. Since the names are so similar, they should not be too far apart.


When the burly man saw that he never said a word and had no plans to fight, he said coldly, "Don't look at this thing?"

Xun Jun often laughed: "I'm just curious. Since this place is Yutianjie, how can you have things in Yuhunjie?"


The burly man chuckled coldly: "I have been fighting in the independent battlefield for years, and things with them are naturally normal."

"Independent battlefield?"

Xi Jun often laughed in his heart and muttered, "Can it be a battlefield similar to a plane?"


The burly man shouted, "You can't fight!"


"Get out of here, Lao Tzu's fist is already hunger and thirsty!"

"No weapons?"

"Fist is enough to crush you!"

"Well, for the sake of fairness, we don't use weapons."

Xun Jun often laughs as the Zhenxian sword enters the space ring, then walks out.

"Hong Tianniu has been immersed in the cast for many years, and his body is strong. A pair of fists is enough to cross the river and fight with his bare hands.

Others shook their heads one after another.

他们 In their opinion, Jun Chang laughed to win two games in succession due to the high level of weapons. Now, he has taken the initiative to withdraw and challenge the parents with bare hands, absolutely no hope.


A strong man said lightly: "I advise you to use a weapon."

This is not a reminder in good faith, but if you lose to Hong Tianniu, you will not have the chance to get the sword.

"The fight against people is upright and upright, and never take advantage." Jun Chang laughed.


Xi Hongtianniu laughed and said, "It has been a long time since I have encountered anyone who dares to fight with Lao Tzu with bare hands! Come! Come and fight today!"


Xun Jun often stops and laughs, holding his fist.


Xi Hongtianniu swung the right fist suddenly and smashed the visible fingerprints, as if leaping at him!

This is pure physical power. Although the movement is not small, the special effects and wonderfulness are far less than the warriors who release spiritual power.

Xun Jun often laughed and did not dare to underestimate, and took a half step back, his hands waved in the void, and instantly formed a substantive enchantment.

From the point of view of the form, it is similar to breaking through the air wall condensed by the Empress Wu, but it contains extremely majestic properties of heaven and earth and the mysteries of heaven and earth, and its defense is ten thousand times stronger.


The fist condensed with purely physical power blasted on the enchantment, and the roaring force emerged, setting off the surrounding land fiercely.


Xun Jun often smiled and remained motionless.

Xi Hongtianniu's gaze flickered, then he was extremely excited and punched several times in the air!

Xun Jun always laughs, the stronger the enchantment is, the more his blood boils, especially looking forward to it. The breaking sound from the broken one must be wonderful!

"Boom boom!"

After several powerful punches came in one after another, under the spread of power, the nearby ground continued to sag, and gradually became a deep pit.


Everyone frowned.

I'll take Hong Tianniu's simple and rude attack. If you try to resist yourself, the result is definitely not optimistic!

"I said."

Suddenly, there was a voice: "Are you not full?"

Everyone looked through the dust and found that the guy was still standing in the enchantment. Although there were obvious marks of bombardment on the surface, there was no substantial damage at all.


"Is this enchantment a treasure?"


He is either supreme or enchanted.

They all thought that Jun Chang laughed and won two games in a row, relying on Zhizhenxian Sword. They did n’t know that without weapons, they were still very top!


Wu Hongtian was angry.

"Ah!" He yelled, his upper body clothes burst instantly, revealing his strong muscles, and then he slammed his hands on his body, saying, "It's a wild power, just add me!"

"Should you move your cards!"

Everyone was amazed.

I just used the hole cards as soon as I had a few punches, wasn't it a bit too fast?

In fact, Hong Tianniu knew to himself that the previous attack was on the enchantment, as if playing cotton, so if he wanted to break it, he could only use his hole cards!


Xi Hongtianniu's hands were still attached to the ground, his body slowly arched, making a sprint-like sprint like a 100-meter race, and then breathing in and out with a big mouth and a hot air spray from his nose.


Xun Jun often laughs silently.

This action, this airwave.

How do you look like a wild bison!

"Unfortunately the stars did not follow, otherwise, they must have a common topic." Jun Chang smiled secretly.


At this moment, Hong Tianniu seemed to end his charge, making a roar like a cow, then exerting his legs' power, and rushed in like a shell.


The irritability pervaded the whole body and quickly materialized, and the whole person seemed to turn into a huge beast!


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "It really is a cow!"


Xi Hongtianniu turned into a cow, and his running speed has also accelerated, and the horrible brutal force has been greatly improved!

"Boom ——————————"

It was too late for everyone to be surprised, the huge cattle and beasts that had been transformed had hit the enchantment fiercely, and then heard an extremely crisp crackling sound!

I broke open!

That guy is out of luck!

Let's not say that the broken enchantment will bring back to the exhibitor ~ ~ The impact force caused by the impact of the beast alone is unbearable!

"Crossing the palm print!"

At this time, a shout came from above.

The big guy looked up in unison, and saw that Jun Chang laughed and wondered when it was suspended in the air, and quickly knotted his hands, while the substantial palm prints fell madly. The number was one, two, three ... dozens. A!

At that moment, all hands were in sight, all marks were in sight!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The palm print fell, and the ground shook.

"Sure enough, the higher the realm, the stronger the power." Said the flower rose.

She also practiced the Du Tian Palm Seal in her daily life, but compared to her husband, it is not worth mentioning, and the gap comes from the realm.

Uh ...

The violent and frequent bombardment caused the ground to shake wildly, forcing several deep cracks to appear around it, like a naturally formed canyon cliff!


Hong Tianniu, who was lying in the pit of the palm print, spurted out blood, and then lifted up the soul ring.

I lost.

I'm willing to lose!


Xun Jun often took it with a smile and threw it to the flower rose. When the latter reached out to catch it, the carved lines on the soul ring flashed brightly, and a ray of fluorescence slowly wrapped around his body.

Seeing this, the celestial celestial powerhouse was surprised and said in unison: "This woman is a genus of spirits!"

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