The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1696: Bully me, kill me?


When Jun often laughed and returned with the night star, he immediately exploded the pot.

"You heard it!"

"Brother Ye was instructed to go to Tianyan World this time, but the martial art resources were not brought back, but a woman!"

Wu Su Xiaomo stepped on the cafeteria bench and said in a vivid voice.

Sure enough.

As long as there is something to let him know, Baozhun immediately spread it at the gate, Su Da mouth, deservedly deserved!

"Who is that woman?" Said a disciple.

"You've come up with an idea." Su Xiaomo patted her thigh and lowered her voice. "As far as I know, this woman has a very close relationship with the night teacher and brother. The suzerain and the elders are discussing when to hold a wedding for the two! "


"Brother Ye is getting married?"

The eyes widened.

Except Master Sister, Ye Xingchen is undoubtedly the most arrogant of the core disciples. He has not even contacted a **** door on weekdays. It is incredible that Leng Budinger wants to get married now!

Qi Su Xiaomo did not lie, because at the moment in the main cabin, Jun Chang laughed and discussed the matter with the senior officials of Zongmen.

"You all."

"What do you think?"


Mrs. Wei Wei put the tea cup on the table, forcibly pressing down the tea to be sprayed.

In terms of feelings, two people made him very headache. One of them was Ye Xingchen, but he never expected to go to Tianyan World to do such a thing.

The epigenesis is awesome.

Afterlife is awesome!

As for the other person who gave him a headache ... not to mention.


Tamarix South Road: "As a man, there should be a role, and I agree that they should hold a wedding."

"I agree," said Gongsun Hou.

Everyone else agreed, saying no opinion.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Pick a good day and get them married."

"I object!"

The night star rushed in from outside, her face was bulging.

It is true that she took Taishi Yuanli Liquid and did something wrong, but she did not have to marry her.

"invalid objection."

Xi Jun often laughed: "The wedding will be held in three days."


The night star burst out of the door, and locked herself in the room, the more she became more irritable, the more she wanted to become guilty!

Uh ...

Sister-in-law disciples live in the cabin area.

Yao Mengying came with the delicious food and saw that the food that had been put on the table was unchanged. She said, "Jie, girl, you have to eat something big."

Xie Lingyao leaned on the bed, her hands resting on her knees, her face had two tear marks on her face, her eyes were dull, as if she had lost her soul.

女人 This woman first encountered Ye Xingchen, even if she was put on the neck by the sword frame, she still remained calm, but what happened in Shishi was unacceptable.

"Innocent ..."

She raised her head, tears couldn't stop flowing, and choked, "My innocence is gone ..."

Yao Mengying was silent.

当然 Of course she knows how innocent is important to a woman.

"Brother Ye is a responsible man, he will be responsible to you." Yao Mengying comforted.


Suddenly, the door opened and Ye Xingchen came in with a black face.

"Brother Ye ..."

"Go out."


梦 Yao Mengying left with cool food.


As soon as the people here left, Ye Xingchen took out a three-foot sword frame on Jie Lingyao's neck, and his eyes suddenly appeared to kill.

I killed her, everything is fine!

Xie Lingyao's eyes grew resentful and he said, "You bullied me, and you still want to kill me?"

"Stop pretending."

Ye Ye Xingchen said coldly: "You are the Emperor Ling Yao, the so-called treasure, the so-called Taishi Yuanli are all designed by you in advance!"

The sword sinks a bit, cuts through the skin, and blood oozes out.

Does it hurt?

解 For Xie Lingyao, this pain is nothing like the previous experience.

"I'm Xie Lingyao, not Lingyao Empress!"

"Dead to death, still acting."

Yan Ye Xingchen firmly believes that this woman is Ling Yao Yao Emperor, because this is the only reason to kill her.

"I will design you to bully me? I will design you to repeatedly kill me?" Jie Lingyao's eyes were not afraid, only the hatred that gradually rose.


The night stars are speechless.

It is true that Ling Yao's emperor is proficient in calculations, and if she is easily exposed by herself, the means will be a little clumsy.

"You kill me, don't you just want to deny what you did before?" Xie Lingyao gritted his teeth: "Well, I won't entangle you, I won't hold you responsible, I just want to leave here!"

She's leaving?


Of course, Ye Xingchen cannot be the master. After all, this is on the Vanguard, and she can't tear the cosmic starry sky to send her back to the heavenly realm.

Uh ...

"Are you sure you want to go?"

Similar to the cabin of the main hall, Jun Chang laughed and asked in the first place.


Xie Lingyao nodded.

After taking the elixir developed by Sun Bukong, her complexion and condition were obviously better than yesterday.

"This one……"

Xi Jun often smiled and said a few moments of silence, "Well, this seat will take you back to Tianyan World."

既然 Since others do not let Ye Xingchen be responsible, they must not be forced to come.

The day.

Xun Jun often laughed and took Xie Lingyao to fly out of the Vanguard and landed in the heavenly realm. On the farewell, he gave a space ring and said: "Girl Xie, this disciple has no intention to offend, I hope you can forgive him."

In fact, the reason for the matter, the dog left has a basic understanding, control of Taishi Yuanli, suddenly lost his reason, can not be attributed to Ye Xingchen, after all, the situation was extremely uncomfortable.

Xie Lingyao's eyes grew resentful and he said, "I will never forgive him!"


Xi Jun often laughed awkwardly and turned away and flew away.

System said: "It is no longer necessary to forgive. For Tian Xingjie, to Ye Xingchen, it is only a temporary rest station. This time, the two will definitely encounter each other again."

Uh ...



After returning to the Vanguard, Jun Chang laughed and ordered.



The eleven warships suspended outside the heavenly realm started one after another ~ ~ until the tail spurted out light and soon merged into the endless starry sky.

The night star stood in the cabin, looking through the window to a plane farther and farther.

At this moment, his mood is extremely complicated, especially when he recalls those projection pictures that he saw in the stone room, and the whole person becomes more and more confused.

Does that happen in the past or in the future?

Did he really leave the eternally trusted elder because of that woman, and then ... marry and have children?


Ye Yexing said: "It must be made!"

Uh ...

Tianyan world.

Xie Lingyao sat alone on the mountain peak and said with a grudge, "Night stars, I remember you!"

She was brought back to the Wangu, and she already knew that the so-called ‘Pei Niu’ was just a pseudonym, her real name was Ye Xingchen.

"I will work hard!"

Xie Lingyao said, "Then I find you and report my revenge!"

Uh ...

Rundown ruins.

A black-robed man emerged slowly, standing in front of a collapsed stone wall, and talking to himself: "There are many variables in the past and the future. If the monarch and his disciples can change, they will naturally be able to change the upper universe. "

Xun Jun often laughed. If she was present, she could tell immediately from her voice. For convenience, it was a mysterious person who had been taken back by herself and disappeared strangely.

Hit him.

Who is anyone?

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