The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1693: Taishi Yuanli

The night king is a father.

However, the child did not see it because the picture stopped.


After a while, the space was turbulent, and the projection gradually collapsed until the original stone room was restored.


Xie Lingyao said blankly, his face was hot.

The whole process didn't last long, but there were too many messages in the picture, especially when he and Mr. Pei ... married and had children!

Well woman.

After all, I am very shy.

The night stars fell into silence.

He knows that it should be a matrix projection just now, and it may even happen in the future, but it does not rule out the possibility of blind fabrication.

"Married with a woman and left Zongmen for her." Ye Xingchen clenched his fists and said firmly in his heart: "Impossible, it must be made up!"

Since his rebirth, the influence of Wanzong on him is self-evident, and he will never leave no matter what happens in the future!

Ye Yedi.

Stand down.

As for whether the face will be beaten, it depends on the future, so the more important thing is ...

投影 When the projection disappeared, weird lines appeared in the floor of the central area of ​​the stone room, and soon a small matrix enchantment was constructed. To be gradually faded, a stone platform appeared with a large box on it.


Night Ye Xingchen's eyes flickered and she hurriedly strode forward.

When I took a closer look, the box was very delicate, with life-like portraits sketched on it, and the words "Under the heavens, all are the earth of the king, and all the people in the world, they are the king".

字 These words are slightly different from the sentence left by the Emperor Ling Yao, but they have the same meaning. What connection does it have?

Twelve words appear frequently, making Yedi think more and more, and become more and more chaotic.

"Is this a treasure?"

Xie Lingyao came and stared curiously at the box.


Ye Yexing chilly.

无论 No matter what is in the box, it must be your own.

I said it plainly, protecting her all the way here for personal selfish desire.


Xie Lingyao retreated obediently, and his eyes were full of grievances.

男人 After all, this man, like all forces, only values ​​sheepskin rolls and only treasures.


Night Ye Xingchen raised his hand, and the power of the true spirit flipped the lock on the box, and then he heard the sound of ‘pop’ open, and quickly appeared a special atmosphere that had been sealed for a long time.

Avoid poisonous, and hold back your breath.

In fact, the special breath that emerged was colorless, tasteless and non-toxic.

After making sure that there was no danger, Ye Xingchen took a step forward and looked into the box, and found that there was a delicate jade bottle, a piece of paper was pressed under it, and then ... there was no other.

This is the treasure?

Ye Yedi frowned.

He thought that although the box was small, there might be a mystery, and there were countless martial arts resources. It could even be used as fuel to drive the battleship to shuttle the universe to the starry sky.


挥 Waving gently, the delicate jade bottle and paper quickly flew out.

The whole night Ye Xingchen remained absolutely vigilant, but no danger occurred until the two items stopped in front of him.


Hanging that piece of paper in front of him, it was written with vigorous and powerful characters, the content of which was-Taishi made chemical liquid, which can transform Dantian after taking it, so as to have Taishi Yuanli.

"Tai Shi made liquid?"

"Tai Shi Yuan Li?"

The night starry sky appeared blank.

"This is a very special attribute, and it is said that it can create planes." Jie Ling Yao said.

Ye Yexing was shocked.

How incredible it is to create a new level!

传说 "Legend." Xie Lingyao said: "A long time ago, a strong man came here, and Ethereum created the Heavenly Realm, and was respected as the creator of the world by future generations."


The night stars were calm on the surface and shocked inside.

Stubbornly strong like Gu Tianxing, destroying the fleet with a wave of hands, he has witnessed firsthand that the strong who can create a plane world, no ... has been separated from the strong level and can be called a god!

Xie Lingyao said: "I didn't expect that there were hidden Tashi Yuanli here. If it is transmitted to the outside world, it will inevitably cause a shock!"


The night star opened the stopper, his eyes flashed hot.

Taiyuan Yuanli, it sounds amazing just to hear the name. Since I got this kind of opportunity, I can't wait to take it!

"Can you leave me something?" Xie Lingyao said with a begging tone.


Ye Ye Xing Chen said coldly.

He said, lift up the delicate jade bottle, and drank it ‘Gudu Gudu’, drink it completely, it tastes sweeter, and it is much stronger than the quality transformation solution.



The sweet sap poured into the body, and an extremely special energy burst in an instant, quickly condensing at Dantian.

The soul and body of the night star gradually separated, wandering like a ghost in the endless dark universe, and the galaxy, meteorites, and planes flew one by one. It felt like jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements.

"Taishi Yuanli!"


Suddenly, a sound sounded in my ear.


The night star of the soul travelling in the universe obviously felt that the special attributes gathered in Dantian were spinning frantically, and then gradually condensed into a more pure and deeper power.

Uh ...

Tianyan outside the realm.

Xun Jun often smiled and sat in Wangu, frowning: "Haven't captured the breath of the stars?"


Xi Shangguan Xi Yao is helpless.

After the breath of the night star and the battleship suddenly disconnected, she has been trying to search, but she never found it, as if the world had evaporated.

Xiao Xiao sinned and said, "Brother Ye will not be in danger?"

"Notify Elder Liu, Elder Gongsun, Elder Baili." Jun Chang smiled: "Quickly enter this plane to find."



The order was just issued, and Shangguan Yaoyao was shocked: "Suddenly, there was majestic strength emerging, covering the whole plane for a short time."

怎么 How did she know?

The light curtain of the starry sky projection is displayed.

At first, it was normal, suddenly a little red light rose, and then quickly spread around.


After seeing the situation on the map, Jun Chang laughed and flew out of the Vanguard, forcibly integrated into the heavenly world with half-step imagination, until he felt the majestic breath in the real world. ! "

The majestic attributes of that envelop the entire plane are a sign of promotion, and from the perspective of implied meaning, it should be to reach the peak from the higher level of seeking truth.


Xun Jun often laughs and releases his thoughts, catches the breath out of the place, and quickly locks down the ancient primitive mountain range, wondering: "Seeping from the ground?"

Uh ...

Ocher indoor.

Night Ye Xingchen sits on the ground, releases the majestic nature of the whole body, and floats along the slate and dirt to the outside world, toward the entire heavenly realm.

This can be seen.

The so-called promotion sign comes from him.

Just drink a bottle of juice, and I will break through the peak immediately to find the real world. I really want to report this guy by real name ~ ~ Woohoo! "


More pure attributes are constantly being released. Ye Xingchen, who was originally in Baoyuan Shouyi, suddenly felt that the inner body was extremely hot, and the exposed skin gradually turned red.


So hot!

"咻! 咻!"

At the same time, an evil thought emerged from Dantian, instantly occupying the originally sober sea of ​​knowledge, forcing him to open his eyes, and his eyes gradually glowed like a wild animal's madness.

"Mr. Pei, you ... what happened to you?"

Xie Lingyao hurried back because the other person had been looking at himself since he opened his eyes, which made people panic.


Ye Xingchen stood up.

His body is red, and his eyes are also red. The evil thoughts of occupying the sea of ​​knowledge have gathered in the whole body, and the whole person has long lost his mind.

Xie Lingyao became more and more flustered and hurriedly turned to escape the tunnel. However, just after the start, powerful energy roared, and did not give her the opportunity to forcibly drag her in front of Ye Xingchen, who was like an incarnate beast.

"Mr. Pei!"

"You ... you ... don't mess around!"


The shadow cast on the wall of the flint room can clearly see the fragments of similar clothes scattered on the ground.

Uh ...


Xun Jun often laughs in the pristine mountain where energy emerges, in the ruins covered with vine branches and moss, holding his chin: "The stars disappeared here."

System said: "This place is quite weird, is there a treasure?"

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