The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1676: Your friend Junda Huyou is online

The first-class flint in the Chi prison world is very suitable for energy driving, but Jun Changxiao didn't buy it because ... no money.

Of course, Dao Shi is more comprehensive than Fire Stone, but this world majors in the Department of Fire Martial Arts, and it is definitely not rare for people to exchange it, so they can only find ways to earn it.

In fact, with the strength of Jun Changxiao, you can grab it directly, let alone Zunwu City. Even if no one can stop the entire Red Prison world, what is the difference between this and a robber?

Along the way, Jun Chang laughed and indeed grabbed a lot of things, but he can speak frankly and never did anything for no reason to do housebreaking. In some cases, please give an example and say that I will not write a book .

Someone might use the forbidden ground as a metaphor.

However, it is only a possessionless thing, it is a heaven and earth breed, not a public facility that is officially funded by an official organization.

What can I do if I take it by my own skill?

If forbidden land counts as public property, then do various veins count? No major gate can be robbed, should we still develop?

not to mention.

The danger of the forbidden area is dangerous.

Jun Chang laughed and destroyed it. Although most people lost their cultivation environment, they also saved many lives to be moths.

Taking modern Sanguan to ask him to destroy Sanban life-saving spirits in the world of weak flesh and strong food, it is not right!

of course.

Jun Changxiao originally intended to strengthen the ancestral gate, without thinking of saving sentient beings.

But what he did did prevent many warriors from falling into the forbidden area in the future. This is undeniable and unquestionable.

Dog left never considers himself a good person.

For example, the battlefield on the plane, the mad blackmail of mainland warriors, the behavior seems to be excessive, but in fact allows them to exchange money for safety, and smoothly return to their homes and meet with their loved ones.

Hello i am good

Isn't everyone happy?

Is it necessary to shape Jun Changxiao into a big man for the country and for the people, and do nothing in return for the kind?


The First Fleet of the Protoss came to commit the crime. Without a mission, haven't they stepped forward?

Even because the power of the Dragons used the system to pull the Gu Tianxing couple to the upper world, thereby avoiding the world catastrophe.

Throughout Jun Changxiao's development from the astral continent to the upper realm, every time there is a disaster, it is he and Van Gonzong who try to turn the tide. Otherwise, the demon ancestor is still alive and dead with the Ten Great Immortals. Cosmic dust.

Don't say that the dog is wrong.

Apart from being ridiculous and ridiculous, have you ever done anything harmful?

I also hope that some readers will maintain a pure innocence, instead of overdoing it, bringing in their own imagination and being unable to extricate themselves, and treating Jun Chang laughs as a complete villain, which is unfair to him.

Reader of a certain surname: "He is a scumbag!"

Author: "+ 1!"



"I'm motivated!"

Jun Changxiao was totally unaware of his own three-view problem, and he elaborated so many words. At this moment, his eyes flashed.

Starting from the upper realm to the astral realm, many galaxies must be crossed, and the energy problem must be solved, otherwise there will be no oil when flying and stranding in the endless universe will be embarrassing.


How to make money?

Jun Chang laughed aimlessly walking on the street and began to think about how to obtain first-class flint.



At this moment, the sound of fighting came from afar, and the heat wave screamed.

"Isn't there a fight in the city?"

Jun Chang laughed and released his spiritual thoughts, and found that at the end of the street, a warrior with a disheveled hair gathered the attributes of the fire department, besieging passersby frantically, his eyes were red, as if he had fallen into madness.

'Hey. "

The middle-aged man shook his head next to him: "Another crazy one."


Jun Chang smiled curiously and asked, "Friend, is this person sick?"

"No problem."

"Why crazy?"

The middle-aged man glanced at him and found that the decoration was simple, and then he was unhappy: "Whoever consumes the flint, may be insane. Don't you know?"


Jun often laughs and silences.



At the end of the street, the red-eyed warrior rammed the street like a mad cow. Although passersby avoided each other, they still inevitably suffered heavy damage.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and avoid it." The middle-aged man reminded that he was far away.

In a short period of time, all the soldiers in the entire street avoided it. Although there was panic on their faces, it was not obvious. It was mainly experienced, and they were already used to it. They knew that the Guards would soon appear. The mad man killed on the spot.

and many more?

Why didn't that guy in the gray coat hide?

The passersby who had hidden in advance looked at Jun Chang who was standing still.

Some people want to remind in good faith, but they are afraid to startle the madmen, so they can only talk back.



The mad man couldn't find a target on the street, and ran directly to Jun Chang with a smile.




On the light curtain of Wangu, a real-time picture takes place on the streets of Zunwu City.

"Sun is not empty."

Jun Chang laughed loudly: "Is this person sick?"

Sun Bukong hurriedly walked over to review, and deliberately enlarged the picture. The nose hair of the mad warrior could be clearly seen, but Miao Saifeng, who was sitting next to him and drinking tea, judged one or two, and said, "This person Fire poisoning, he will die in a quarter of an hour. "

"Fire poison?"

Jun Chang laughed: "Is there a way to save?"

"This poison is not terrible. It can be formed only over time. And a small amount will not cause death. If it accumulates to a certain extent, the gods will be difficult to rescue."


Jun often laughs silently.


Miao Saifeng also said: "The suzerain has the spirit of the fire soul and should be able to forcibly resolve it."


Jun Chang smiled, took off the special sunglasses connected with the battleship, and looked at the lunatic warrior who rushed towards himself, and said, "Meet your life."


He moved.


He caught the madman!


He put a slow motion in his left hand and held the other person on the ground, a slow motion in his right hand, opened his mouth and threw Dan Wan in.

"Ah -----------"

The mad screamer screamed.

The middle-aged man just said, "This guy is a little bit patient!"

Passers-by also talked, apparently did not expect that the seemingly weak guy ~ ~ could even subdue a warrior who had fallen into madness.


"Masters are folk!"

However, what made them even more shocked was that the eyes of the mad screamers who had been crushed to the ground gradually returned to normal, the power of the irritable fire had dissipated, and their faces were dull: "Aren't I practicing? Why am I on the street?"

"He's awake!"

"He's sober!"

Passers-by on the street exclaimed.

Jun Chang laughed to help the returning martial artist, and put on a good-looking **** stick, saying: "You just had a venomous attack, you will lose your reason first, and then you will be violent on the spot. Therefore, you can use radical medicine to completely cure you. "


System said: "Junda flicker!"

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