After the battleship was commissioned, Jun Changxiao didn't rush to take his disciples out of the upper bound, but decided to stay temporarily for a while, and deal with everything later.


Li Luo Qiulai Daily: "The super-transport arrays in the major cities have been deployed and can be officially operated."

During this time, Zhenfatang members established teleportation array systems in many well-known cities, making it easier for warriors to reach their destinations as quickly as possible.

Counting it out, Jun Changxiao hasn't developed in the upper world for more than ten years. If you want to talk about feelings, you can't compare to the starfall continent, but after all, you have witnessed Zongmen's strength, so before you leave, you can count it as a practical thing.

Or maybe for compensation, forbidden grounds that have been scourged by themselves.

of course.

Arranging the array method will consume a lot of black stones, and usually requires funds to maintain it. Riding the teleport array will definitely need to pay the corresponding fees.

At the same time benefiting the people and earning some money, why not do it.


Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Don't think again?"

After completing the main task, he visited Jidao Cave for many times, in order to draw the ancient real people and chess wild realities into the sect.

"I'm indifferent to fame and fortune in my life, and I regard money as dung, so ..."


Without saying a word, Jun Changxiao put Da Qianfen Yingshu Cheats on the table and said, "This is a kind of cohesion, which can help improve the martial arts. As long as Master and senior chess player enter the sect, you can feel free. Cultivate. "


Tonggu's real man sternly said, "Are you insulting your firm Taoist heart?"


"Ding! Zongmen member: 100042."

"Ding! Zongmen member: 100043."

Jun Chang laughed and walked out of Jidao Cave with a two-point entry table, looking at the blue sky, and a serious smile gradually appeared on his face.

In fact, with the current strength of Wan Guzong, there is no need to forcibly recruit real people in Tonggu and Qiye, but these years have been protected by them, so they will definitely give benefits to express their hearts before leaving.

Both of them are at the pinnacle of seeking the realm. Obviously, Xuan Shi Dao Shi and the like can't help, then they can only give martial arts, but the restricted system cannot be cultivated unless they enter the school.

"Old boy!"

After carefully reviewing Daqianying Jue, Qiye Yeren blinked excitedly and said, "This martial art is incredible. We hope that in our lifetime, we can touch the third step!"

Tonggu real man stunned for a while and said, "With such good martial arts, why didn't he take it out early!"

Don't blame the dog left.

In the same year, they invited two people to join the Vanguard Sect, and repeatedly refused with ‘indifferent fame and fortune’.

After leaving Jidao Cave Mansion, Jun Chang laughed and went to the misty fairy mountain, and donated many stones and fairy stones to the misty Seven Sages.


Stone Statue Domain.

Jun Chang smiled and sat on the main hall, and said, "I will leave the Upper Realm after a while, and the tribe will take care of you."


The expression on San Gong Jiu Qing's face was a little exciting.

It was not long before the former patriarch had left, and the new patriarch had to leave. What a matter.


Denote understanding.

The patriarch is very young and strong, and staying in the upper world can only limit himself, and he can travel stronger in the universe.

After arranging the stone statue clan, Jun Chang laughed and came to the dragon clan, asking Xiaolong dragon if he would follow him to conquer the star sea.

"The disciples are willing!"

Long Aotian summoned the three dragon kings the same day, and ordered them to take full responsibility for the internal affairs of the Dragon clan, and then followed Jun Changxiao to Wanguzong.

He did not fall in love with the Dragon Emperor, but only wished to follow the suzerain to the north.


A few days later.

In a black robe, Jingxuan Xuan came to Wanguzong, looking at the familiar buildings, and looking at the familiar disciples, his mind seemed to float to the past.

"Master of the palace."

Flower Rose smiled: "It's been a long time."


Xi Jingxuan hurriedly lowered her head and seemed afraid to look at this woman.

"The husband's personality must be strong, so that he can take the initiative to admit defeat, I am afraid that only the palace master." Hua Rose said.

Coincidentally, Jun often came to the main hall with a smile, and after he heard the words, he cursed in his heart: ‘Small Mo is definitely speaking! "

"It's not something you can't see."

System said: "Why is the host suddenly nervous?"

"Who is nervous!"

"The heartbeat frequency was once every second. Now the heartbeat frequency is three times per second. You said you were not nervous?"


Jun Chang laughed: "Only a boring guy like you will deliberately detect the heartbeat frequency of others."

"Ha ha."

The system looked disdainful, although it had no face.


The atmosphere in the hall was embarrassing, and Hua Rose and Yun Jingxuan didn't communicate again.

Jun Chang smiled and couldn't stand it. He walked in from the outside and arched his hand and said, "The Lord of the Palace is here, and I miss you far away. Please forgive me!"

"I have the housework to deal with, and it is troublesome to entertain the palace master."

Flower Rose made an excuse to leave, and the awkward atmosphere was eased.


Chang Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, her palms sweating.

As far as repairing is concerned, she is not too weak in flowering roses, but when she meets, she is particularly nervous.

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and said, "Is everything properly arranged?"


Xing Jingxuan nodded and said, "Just wait for the monarch to leave."

"The day after tomorrow."

This is the eclipse of the Zodiac that Jun Changxiao deliberately picked.


He asked, "Have your eyes healed?"

While burying Yeshan, the dog found that the woman was not wearing glasses.

"Master respected his elders for finding a lot of natural treasures and helped me restore my normal vision." Wu Jingxuan said.

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed: "The residence has been arranged, it is still the old place."

"Thank you."

"It's an old friend. Thank you for seeing me."


Two days later.

One hundred thousand disciples gathered at the main peak to perform the martial arts.


Jun Chang laughed as he walked out of the hall and said loudly, "Just fine!"


The crowd shouted in unison.

"Get on board!"


The disciples entered ten battleships cast from Tianling Quenched Ore, and then flew towards the sky slowly.


At the same time, Van Gogh was shrouded in light.

This time to go to the universe, it is impossible to bring Iron Mountain, so we can only seal it temporarily.

As for the various martial arts facilities inside, all naturally moved to the battleship, and the disciples can still be used for cultivation in interstellar travel.

"set off!"

Jun Chang, sitting in the Vanguard, ordered with a laugh ~ ~ The tail of the eleven battleships carrying 100,000 disciples emitted energy rays, then disappeared into the deep space.

"You're gone in vain."

Outside Jidong Cave, Qiye is really humane.

Tonggu real people said with emotion: "To him, the upper world may just be a humble stop in the long journey of life."

Although the two joined the Vanguard Sect, they did not leave with them. The reason was that they were getting older and leaving the universe to the young people.


In the vast upper universe, eleven warships, led by the Vango, traveled at high speed.

"Master, where are we going?"


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