The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1662: All delisted, reduced to a cloud of smoke

The suzerain was killed and the suzerain was breached.

Ling Tianxian who ruled the upper world 100,000 years ago was eventually removed from the upper world.

Nearly 50,000 disciples are still alive, squatting on the ground and holding their heads. Although their eyes are sad, they can only be obedient prisoners.

Ding Xingwang suggested killing them all to prevent future troubles, but Jun Chang laughed and said that he has a good life in heaven and decided to let them go.

In fact, all Lingtian Xianzong's high-level and elite were destroyed, and the remaining miscellaneous fish were no longer threatening. If they were released, they could gain a good name, and killing them would only increase their fame.

"Monarchy righteousness!"

"It's going to be replaced by the Top Ten Immortals, I'm afraid it's not so kind."

Witnessing a disciple of Ling Tianxian Zong downcast down the mountain, the warriors in all walks of life suddenly raised their respect.

However, they would not think that at this moment, Jun Chang laughed standing in the underground treasure house, squatting on the ground with one hand to cover his face, and issued a ‘桀桀 桀’ weird laughter that is unique to villains.

"Oh my God!"

Su Xiaomo walked in and saw that Jinshan Yinshan and various martial arts resources were stored in the basement of Luda University. His expression gradually became stiff and even a little dizzy.

Lingtian Xianzong.

One of the upper bounds.

How deep they are, you can understand just by looking at the treasure house.

"Take it away!"


The disciples began to get busy, and soon all the gold and silver treasures and martial arts resources were collected into a space ring. After being counted by Yuan Gongzi, excluding the minerals and medicinal materials, billions of black stones, hundreds of millions of stones, and 10,000 yuan of white stones!

"Only a million?"

Picking up an immortal stone that is ten times more pure than Dao Shi, Jun Chang smiled hardly to hide his disappointment.

Hei Luo Cha Dao: "As the most advanced martial arts resource in the upper world, immortal stone has not been circulated in the market in currency mode since ancient times. The reason is that it is too rare. According to records, the earliest occurrence of the immortal vein must be traced back to 100,000 years ago. "

Jun Chang smiled and heard the words, looking at the elderly Taixuan.

He clearly remembered that Shangjie had borrowed five kinds of natural treasures from the guy in order to go back, and finally forced himself to pay the IOU and pay back 10 million cents.

Damn it!

Only one million was destroyed after the immortal sect was destroyed.


System said: "You never even want to pay back!"

"I took a vow of poison, and I didn't pay it off within ten years. I was hit by five thunder!"

"Come on, this host is thicker than the universe, let alone five thunder, and even five hundred thunder can't help it, the so-called swear is just farting!"

In this world, what Jun Chang laughs most about is not the flower rose or the core disciple of Wanzong, but the system that accompanies them every day.


"Slow down! Don't break it!"

On Lingtianxian Sovereign Peak, Li Qingyang directed the same door to carefully demolish many buildings.

There are more than 100,000 years old ancient gates, and many building materials are very precious. If you stay here and suffer erosion over time, it is better to bring them back to glow.

of course.

As a professional-level architectural master, Li Qingyang will not dismantle the materials and then assemble them intact. He needs to be transformed to form a style that matches the Zongmen.

Lingtian Xianzong is located on a very large hill and there are a lot of buildings, so it took a whole day to demolish it.


Li Qingyang said: "It's all done."


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and said, "Go to the next house."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Van Gojong flew up and down, leaving a bare hill.


However, as soon as their front feet left, a stream of light emerged on their hind feet, covering the whole mountain and sounding the sound of Jun Changxiao: "Lingtianxian Mountain has been banned since then, and no one may break in.

If this place is compared to the ancestral land of various ethnic groups, then Ling Tianxian's end is not only destroyed, but also completely sealed.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he was involved in sealing the magic delusion.

After 100,000 years, he participated in the seal stone statue and dragon site.

Today, the cause and effect cycle makes retribution unhappy.


"Out of number, out of number!"

"Lingtian Xianzong, one of the top ten Sects, was destroyed by the Eternal Sect, and the gate of the Zongmen was tragically sealed!"

On the same day, under the deliberate operation of Xiyutang, the news spread quickly in the major cities, and immediately caused a magnitude 981 earthquake!

"Out of number, out of number!"

"The hidden immortal one of the ten immortals was destroyed by the eternal ancestors, and the ancestral land was tragically sealed!"

Within a few days, news of a crack came again.

"It's going to change!"

"It's going to change!"

The Ten Great Sects ruled the upper world for 100,000 years, and now two have been destroyed one after another, which is enough to show that Wan Guzong not only has the ability to replace it, but even surpasses Xianzong!


In a small city, the gavel was lowered, and the storyteller used his accent to finish the last sentence and saw that there was no one in the audience.


Suddenly, a sound came from my ear.

The storyteller turned to look at a sword-holding man under the tree who did not know when, and shook his head: "You are still here."

"I do not understand."

Humanity under the tree: "Why do you live in a remote and secluded country in your realm?"

"Want to know why?"

"Want to know."

"Come, sit down and listen to me in the previous paragraph."


The man under the tree frowned slightly and said, "I don't like to listen to nonsense."


The storyteller laughed and looked right: "I live here because somebody who will change the order of the universe will be born shortly."


Humanity under the tree.

The storyteller took a sip of tea and said, "I can't leak the secret, because the leaker killed the whole family."


The people under the tree knew him, and did not continue to question, and shifted the topic: "How long do you plan to stay here?"

"Go now."

The storyteller got up and put away the gavel, paper fan, table, and chair.

"Where to go?"


On this day, two streamers silently broke through the upper space barriers and disappeared into the vast universe.

Before the storyteller left, he intentionally or unintentionally smiled at Jun Chang, who was extorting from Supreme Master Zong, and secretly said, "Will this son be the one who changes the order of the universe?"


The Supreme Sovereign Sovereign died in the Wanxian Mountain, and the entire Zongmen group had no heads. The high-level side did not consider whether the Wanzong Sect would fight revenge, but divided into several factions to contend for the supremacy.

After learning about this, Jun often laughed silently.

This long-lasting ancient ancestral door really rotted into the bones.


Today, I will destroy it myself and re-plan the upper-bounds pattern, so that future generations will have a growth environment and will not be suppressed and rejected.

Systematicly said: "You are stabbing others' resources, don't advertise yourself as great."



In the other nine immortals, there are elder elders sitting in the town. If Zongmen encounters a crisis of life and death, he will definitely go out to fight, but in the face of the powerful thug King Zhu Niao, the end result is defeat and he is admitted to the Tianyuan prison tower.

With the arrival of a prisoner, Zhao Doudou floated again. After all, his strength was not outstanding in the Zongmen, but at least he was holding the pinnacle to find the truth, and even dare not fight back against their faces!

Everyone has goals.

For example, Ye Xingchen pursues constant breakthroughs.

Zhao Doudou's goal is very simple, using ordinary identity and cultivation as a bully for all kinds of big guys in the palm of his hand.



Half a month later ~ ~ When the last Xianzong Hall, which did n’t even have a name, collapsed, the martial art resources were swept away, and the hilltop was ruthlessly sealed. Delisting from the upper realm has become a cloud of smoke.

How much wealth was gained? Indescribable!

So that Jun often laughed and returned to Zongmen, his expression was always in a weird state.

This is the end of the matter?


Jietang has not been resolved.

This organization supported by the Ten Great Celestial Sects has survived to the end, which is a little unexpected!


PS, some readers said that destroying several Lingtian immortals, how many chapters? Damn, this is looking down on anyone!

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