The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1659: You have to be stubborn!

A sect is not strong, just look at the site to know.

For example, Ling Tianxian Zong, as one of the absolute rulers of the upper world, has a magnificent mountaintop, like a fairyland, and even the air reveals a very strong level of heaven and earth attributes.

Seriously, Jun often laughs and is jealous.

Such a good geomantic land, even if you do n’t practice, you can definitely get stronger every day by breathing and breathing.


"When you go back, you have to remodel Wanguxianshan."

Ling Tianxian Mountain is good, but in the end it is only suitable for visiting, not suitable for the dove to occupy the nest, so Jun Changxiao prefers to build his own site with his own hands.

In fact, throughout the rise of Wanzong, although it has bullied a lot of sects and occupied a lot of resources, the site is always Tiegushan, and it has not been replaced because of the stronger geomantic treasure.

This is love home.

This is feelings.

Li Qingyang was also shocked by Ling Tianxian's mountain and secretly said: "Zongmen needs many ways to improve."

For a split second, the architectural drawings were drawn without repetition.

"Is this the monarch?"

"Isn't it bald? Why is there hair?"

"Qi Yu Xuan Ang, Yushu is near the wind!"

Outside of Ling Tianxian Sect, millions of people who came to see the lively eating melon gathered and quietly talked about the appearance of Jun Changxiao.

Of course, I also admire the opponent who just flew in the warship. The first sentence let the Emperor Xianzong roll out quickly!

Too arrogant, too awesome!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, the sound of wind breaking from the sky in the distance.


"Come for the teacher!"

The real man from Tonggu flew over with relatives and friends such as the real chess player, and then hung on the right side of the battleship with a smile on his face.

The Ten Great Sects were targeted at the Eternal Sect. They went forward to support their determination to turn their faces and even fight to the battlefield, so their expressions were dignified. Now that they know the strength of Jun Changxiao, they are naturally indifferent.



A strong wind blew over the sky.

The stone statue clan leader, led by San Gong Jiuqing, arrived and then hung on the left side of the battleship. Qi Qi Chaojun often saluted with a smile: "See the patriarch!"


"The monarch is the head of a family of stone statues?"

The martial artists were dumbfounded.

When the astral spirit came for the second time, although many ordinary warriors saw the stone statue tribe, they did not know what had to do with Jun Changxiao.

The real people of Tonggu and the real people of Qiye learned about them in advance, but they saw that San Gong Jiu Qing, who was stronger than himself, stood beside them respectfully and respectfully, and then he was calm again.


"You have a long face for the teacher!"

At this moment, the real people in Tonggu held their heads high, proud, and could not see what Jun Changxiao described, and they were outside the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements.


Suddenly, a deafening dragon's voice rang through the sky, shocking everyone to look up, and they saw dozens of mighty giant dragon beasts flying in the sky like clouds.


The expressions on everyone's faces were even more shocked!

and many more!

The young man standing on the dragon beast wearing a gorgeous costume and wearing a crown ... is it the Dragon Emperor?

"Disciple Long Aotian!"

Xiaolonglong led the crowd in front of the battleship, arching: "See the lord!"

Dozens of dragons turned into their bodies, lowered their heads, and raised their eyes in high respect.

The two high-level ethnic groups came one after another, one called him the patriarch, and one called himself a disciple.

anything else!

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, streamers flew from heaven to earth and north to north. From the perspective of the breath, it was obviously not human!

"Lei Ling tribe, have seen the monarch!"

"The patriarch of the Bingfeng clan, I have seen the monarch!"

"The Patriarch Patriarch ..."

When the chiefs of major ethnic groups flew in with their own high-level officials, and then saluted the monarch on the Tonggu battleship, millions of warriors were left as dead as chickens.

What is Faner?

This is!


Li Shangtian, who drove the Mech 66, took the opportunity to take out the camera and take a wide-angle lens to photograph the scenes of salute to the suzerain.


At this time, Lingtian Xianzong flew a few streams of light, headed by Lin Haoyan, when he saw Jun Chang smiling standing on the battleship, suddenly angry ... lying down! How come all the major groups?

If he has an angry value on his forehead, he climbs the top directly when he comes out, and then quickly drops to the low end after seeing the masters of various races.

"Mr. Lin."

Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "It is the so-called courtesy and exchanges. Since you Lingtian Xianzong visited me Wanguzong, this seat will naturally return."


Lin Haoyan's expression was ugly.

Almost all the major ethnic groups will be convened soon. The return visit is too big!


Your top ten immortal sects sent 100,000 elites to my eternal ancestors. If this seat does not give feedback on a larger scene, readers will definitely be ridiculous.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Lin Haoyan said in a deep voice: "Are you going to make things irreparable?"

"Ha ha."

Jungo was polite and smiled awkwardly.

The real people in Tonggu were relatively straightforward. They looked at Lin Haoyan with a disdainful look. If they hadn't considered their identity, they would have spit on the spot.

When your top ten immortals came to hit my apprentice gate, I didn't think about making things irreparable?

"Mr. Lin."

Jun Chang smiled and picked his hair, and said with a smile, "After all, they are all sect gates. I do n’t want to look down in the upper world, and I do n’t want to make things too ugly. So, give up all your martial art resources. Take someone away! "


The system said: "Still others resources!"

With the development of this matter, Ling Tianxian Zong has been unable to compete with the Eternal Zongzong. Losing money and admitting mistakes is the best result, but Lin Haoyan was unwilling to hear all the resources handed over!

Resources are very important to a sectarian gate. Isn't it all worth self-defeating martial arts?

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Lin Hao extended: "I am Lingtian Xianzong willing to compensate, but surrender all the resources, it is difficult to survive!"

Millions of warriors were present, saying that they were willing to compensate, this is really advocating, but since you have to counsel, you also have to counsel, at least bargain, you can't be arrogant!

"To protect Ling Tianxian Zong from all resources, how can this business not be lost?" Jun Chang laughed.

Everyone at the scene understood that the monarch's meaning was simple. After paying all the resources, Xianzong could continue to exist, and he would be removed if he didn't pay.


All martial arts secretly said.

Xianzong with a long history in the upper world is simply the supreme god. Nowadays, there are people who threaten such red fruits. It is definitely something that you can't dream of!

"No room for negotiation?" Lin Haoyan said arduously.

It is a very painful thing to say something like asking for mercy in front of the world, but ... he has to say, because Xianzong Jiye cannot be destroyed in his own hands.


Jun Changxiao answered very decisively.

In fact, he has given a step down.

As far as the 100,000 elites were sent before, the Emperor Lingtian Xianzong was not wronged a hundred times.

The expression on Lin Haoyan's face was unpredictable, and there were struggles, pain, and anger in his eyes until he finally got a word: "Okay ..."

"What a fart!"

Suddenly ~ ~ There is a thick old voice from Xianzong: "If there is an old man, no one will ever think of knocking me to Lingtian Xianzong!"



As soon as the voice fell, the billowing waves came.

The attributes of the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be forcibly gathered by some unquestionable force, and then quickly formed a huge palmprint carrying the mighty power over the ancient warship.

"not good!"

Tonggu's face changed greatly.

"Protect the patriarch!" San Gong Jiu Qing responded very quickly, and immediately flew up, the power of the stone statue exploded quickly, forming layers of defense!

"Back down!"

Jun Chang laughed from the warship: "I will meet him here!"

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