The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1637: Don't go, it dies!

The latest website: In the East China Sea area, there are a lot of super-powered teleportation arrays. Xiyutang will send members to check whether it has suffered unintentional or intentional man-made damage.

The top ten immortals are here, and naturally they will be easily discovered.

After receiving the information, Jun Chang laughed and wondered if they had plans to seal the ancestors of the Dragon and Stone Statue clan?

In fact, the dog left knows better than anyone. The ability to fight against the top ten immortals is due to the support of two races.

Putting it in perspective, if you are yourself, if you want to destroy a threatening opponent, you must first solve the other's helper.

What's more, Xianzong had sealed the magic domain before 100,000 years ago, and now it seems normal to reapply the old skills.


Jun Chang laughed and put his hands together, calmly: "I now control not only the three major ethnic groups, but also the fourth largest ethnic group."

The King of the Birds who has just surrendered, after 100,000 years of nirvana, can only see from the previous attempted battles that his strength should not be weaker than that of Gongsun Ruoli, even if the two clans are sealed, he will not dare.

"I hope you are visiting the East China Sea."

Jun Changxiao is now unwilling to tear his face with the top ten immortals, because he wants to develop low-key development and then use his strength to crush!


The next day, Li Luo Qiulai reported: "The ten celestial horses were divided into two batches and stopped at the entrance of the stone statue and dragon clan."

"It's obvious."

Flower Rose said: "It is to seal the two races."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It seems that I have no choice."

People have made it clear that they must fight against you, no matter how unhappy you can only fight one!

"Notify Qingyang and sinners."


Not long after, core disciples such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji came to the hall and, under the arrangement of the lord, merged into the super teleportation array and walked to the entrance of the ancestral land where the beast of the destiny was located.

Ten immortals want to seal the two races?


I do n’t expect them to be helpers, but is it okay to count on thousands of ethnic groups? Capable to seal all!


Lei Ling domain.

Li Qingyang came with his beast, and his thoughts suddenly returned to the two years of hard work, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.


A high-ranking Lei Ling clan flew and scolded, "What are you doing again?"

Their ethnic babies were stolen. Although they were reconciled later, although they had encountered a catastrophe in the Upper Realm to go to Wanguzong to help them, in fact they were still very annoyed, and they couldn't wait to see Wanguzong.


Li Qingyang arched, "Xiao Lei is homesick, take it to see."


The Lei Ling clan snorted, but when his eyes locked on the arc-shaped little guy, his eyes widened.


I read it wrong?

He rubbed his eyes in a hurry, and then went to observe Li Qingyang's contracted beast. After it was determined, he couldn't be more shocked, and said, "Look for the truth?"


Find truth in the next place!

This is the benefit of the destiny contract.

As long as either party ascends, they will drive each other to practice.

After Li Qingyang practiced in the simulated battlefield, his realm was elevated to the lower level to find the real world, and the Thunder Thunder Beast naturally also benefited from it.

Counting the time, it has been only a few years since the incubation.



In the Lei Ling City clan, the patriarch and a number of high-level officials examined the small Lei Ling beast, and they were all shocked!

Li Qingyang said: "I know you hate me very much, because it is not worth signing a destiny contract with Xiao Lei, and it will even delay its future future."


The Lei Ling tribe seniors are dumb.


At first they were very pessimistic about Li Qingyang, and signing a destiny contract was a burden.

Now it's being beaten, because the little guy has broken through the subordinates to find the truth in a few years, even if it is given to the best martial arts resources in the ethnic group, it can't be done!

"In fact."

Li Qingyang arrogantly said: "Xiao Lei will follow me, and will only achieve higher!"

In Wanzong, he was considered normal. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a dog. No matter his body movements or words, he was very arrogant!

no way.

Those who are near Mexico are black, those who are near Zhu are red.

Even the most normal person, who smiles with Jun Chang for a long time, will be subtle.


The Lei Ling patriarch suppressed the shocked mood and said, "You came to my ancestral land to show off?"

"Do not."

Li Qingyang said: "The younger generation is here to ask for something."

"What is it?"

"Help me eternal ancestors, to fight against immortals."

As soon as this was said, the faces of the high-level people in the clan hall suddenly changed.

For the sake of Xiao Lei Ling's rapid promotion, it is not impossible to help Wanzong, but against the top ten immortals, the problem is extremely serious!


The chief of the Lei Ling clan shook his head and said, "I cannot help the Lei Ling clan. Of course, you can also think that my Lei Ling clan can't afford Xianzong."

I counsel, I confess.

The top ten immortals are mainly the absolute authority in the upper world. Moreover, the Lei Ling tribe was destroyed 100,000 years ago. Although the strength of the Lei Ling tribe is good, there is still a big gap compared with the three major ethnic groups.

Li Qingyang said: "Because of the regulations set by Xianzong, thousands of ethnic groups rarely leave their ancestors. If this **** is gone, you will be more free."

The Lei Ling patriarch and high-level eyes widened.

They heard it, this Wan Gu Zong was not asking himself to fight against the Ten Immortals, but he was going to ... overthrow!

"My Zong just got the news. The Emperor Xianzong went to the East China Sea and was preparing to seal the ancestral land of the stone statues and dragons." Li Qingyang said.

"Is this still happening?"

The Lei Ling tribe cried.

Li Qingyang said: "The top ten immortals have hegemony in the world. If you want to destroy them, destroy them. If you want to seal them, then you should not wait."


The Thunderling patriarch fell into silence.


Li Qingyang arched hands: "My suzerain has a message for the juniors to convey to you. Although your own strength is meager, but you are all committed!"

Two paragraphs, ringing through the clan hall.


Bingfeng domain.

Lu Yi, who was dressed in white, stood in the clan hall.

The destiny beast stood beside, as if the feathers of the ice cube were shining.


The patriarch of the Bingfeng clan said, "The suzerain of your family is a courageous person who dares to fight against the Ten Immortals."


Lu Yan said: "He won't take us to Zongzhang."

"it is good!"

The Bingfeng clan chief said, "Go back and tell the monarch, my Bingfeng clan is willing to assist."


Lu Yan left the contract beast, which is a pity word.

After watching her leave, a senior ethnic group said, "Cpatriarch, this matter is about the future of my tribe, and the promise is too hasty."

"Assist Jun to laugh."

The Bingfeng clan solemnly said, "It is the future of my clan!"

In a short time, she let the heirs of the ethnic group break through to the next place to find the truth ~ ~ She is willing to use the power of the ethnic group to help Van Cong Zong to fight against the Ten Immortals, because only by winning will there be a better future.


Su Xiaomo and Li Fei also entered the ancestral land of the contracted beast, the purpose of which was to persuade them to assist Zongmen.

The process is not narrated, lest it be said of water.


One has to mention.

That's the book Men's Second Night Star.

At this moment, he was in the Panyu domain clan, raised his sword frame around the neck of the contracted beast like Erha, and shouted, "No, it will die!"

"Do not impulse!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Panhu patriarchs and senior officials panicked.

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