The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1623: There is something wrong with Jun Chang laugh!

The latest website: The appearance of flower roses is aging, which is due to the consumption of a large amount of longevity. According to the inference of hundreds of miles, normal medical treatment is impossible to treat, either by itself to enhance the realm, or by special methods to make up for the lost longevity.

Coincidentally, when traveling around the world, I accidentally got a prescription, and its effect is to prolong life.

It is the law of heaven and earth to live, die, die, and forcibly increase the longevity, so it is against the sky, so refining this dan must use the soul to do medicine, so as to achieve the equivalent exchange.

to be honest.

Want to live longer?

OK, trade it with a strong soul.

"Isn't this Dan Fang specially prepared for me?"

Jun Changxiao is a little proud, because he thinks that he is not weaker than anyone in terms of soul strength.


The system said: "The host currently has two of its biggest characteristics, one, strong soul, and two, thick-skinned."


Jun Chang laughed: "List the supplementary medicinal materials, and I will buy them now."

Baili Qianchu immediately wrote a list with a pen, but added: "I first refined this elixir. I have no experience, so it is best to prepare dozens of copies."


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

Depending on the situation, this is going to be practiced dozens of times.

If you use only medicinal materials to make it, it does n’t matter if you fail, but you can bear Fengxian ’s soul again and again?

Hua Rose said: "Lack of souls will cause serious consequences, and husbands should never mess around."

"The absence of Shou Yuan will also bring serious consequences. Have you considered it during the period of life?" Jun Chang smiled and asked.


"I'm done."


Flower roses are not talking.

The day.

The members of the Procurement Hall became operational.

Fortunately, the auxiliary medicinal materials for refining Quehunbushoudan are more common, and there are many sects, so dozens of copies were prepared the next day.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Ding Ding Ding!"

In the alchemy room, the sound came.

Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou looked dull, because Baili Qianwu wore a robe, one holding a peach sword, and one holding San Qingling, standing and shaking in front of the altar.

Is this guy a doctor? Or Taoist?

"* &% ¥ ..." Baili Qianchou chanted a spell that no one could understand, and then put down various props, opened his mouth and sprayed it towards the candle, and immediately formed a sky-high fire group, and set the nearby furnace Ignite it in flames.

"it is good!"

Wan Guzong disciples applauded.

This technique, this performance must give a perfect score!

Sitting in the back of the strange array, Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.

This is the practice of opening the altar, performing acrobatics, and exuding an extremely unreliable breath throughout the body.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

At this moment, Baili Qiangu said solemnly: "Relax your mind and sacrifice your soul."


Jun Chang laughed and closed his eyes, releasing a ray of soul.


Hundreds of miles worrying about picking up the peach-wood sword is a wagging wave, and finally saw the soul wrapped around the sword, and secretly exclaimed: "This little guy's soul is so strong!"

The dog has a strong soul, which is not too dark.


The fire increased and blue smoke emerged.

"The hour has come."

Hundreds of miles of melancholy quasi quasi-internal medicinal materials were smelted. Immediately opened the Dan furnace and incorporated a ray of soul from Jun Changxiao, and then turned over and withdrew to the altar, picked up San Qingling, and walked away in eight steps. Strange spells came to his mouth.


Sun Bukong thumbs up.


Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou rolled their eyes, thinking, this guy will not be a **** stick?

Jun Chang, who was sitting in the formation, smiled, his face was a bit ugly, because a ray of devoted soul was being burned in the Dan furnace, and mixed with various medicinal materials, the taste was uncomfortable.


Suddenly, the Dan furnace blew and black smoke appeared.

"Sure enough," Baili Qianju shook his head, and said, "The first refining failed."


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed.

Dan furnace has blown up, isn't your soul wasted?

"carry on!"


Failure is the mother of success, and Baili Qianyou did not give up, and took out a second medicine for refining.



Therefore, at regular intervals, explosion sounds can always be heard in the alchemy room, because of frequent failures, the Dan furnace has been changed several times.


After the thirty-sixth failure, Jun Changxiao finally couldn't hold the blood spurting out.

Although I have practiced the Sacred Heavenly Gong, and my soul can withstand the torture, it is definitely a life-threatening game.

"carry on!"

Hundreds of miles worry.

Gongsun Hou wanted to stop, but when the suzerain adjusted his sitting position, he realized that he was going to let the other party refine, so he could only swallow what he wanted to say.

Liu Sinan's eyes revered.

The loss of the soul will bring many unpredictable consequences. The lord's dedication and sacrifice again and again, so that he can see that he has a deep relationship with his wife, and even ... made him have a strong guilt, guilt and the same time practicing martial arts I didn't regret it until I lost my love.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came.


Hundreds of sorrows walked to the Dan furnace in excitement and took out a crystal-clear elixir.

Jun Chang smiled with a smile on his pale face, and then fell back, gloriously passed out.

Dan is done.

No one can do it.

It ’s almost a chapter to make a dan, he wo n’t die directly!


Severe soul loss, often laughed and fainted for two days and two nights.

During that time, I dreamed a lot.

For example, drunk beauties lie on their knees, wake up to the power of the world, do not ask for the city, but for the killing sword.

Another example is the east of Wuling, Shaojin City, and the white horses of Yin'an in spring.


The system understands: "After the host shrinks, the dream dreams appear so strange, completely different from before."


Jun Chang laughs very recently.

The teeth are always sharp, but they can't keep up with his head, and say something that makes people laugh.

Especially in the presence of everyone, she said that the flower rose was her own daughter-in-law. You must know that as the handle of the iron and steel industry, it has always been trying to avoid and escape.

Uninformed readers might be guessing if dog leftovers have been taken away? After all, personality and personality are very different from before.

The third day.

Jun often woke up with a smile.

Because the memory stays at the stage of the practice of the elixir, he asks, "Did she take it?"

"You have to take care of yourself first," said System. "Loss of soul is very heavy, and the body is very weak. At least it takes a long time to heal."

This is not an issue.

It has long been a habit to use a hard-to-reach knife for two years.


Systemically: "Your hair loss is serious again ..."

Speaking of the last few words, it has entered into the effort to laugh, because the dog's left head is bright and bright, as if it turned into a small sandy ~ ~ rely! "

Jun Chang laughed and jumped off the bed, saw himself through the bronze mirror, and growled, "I can't pass the bald stalk!"


The door was pushed open, and the fragrance of roses rose first.

Jun Chang smiled and looked around, and saw that the flower rose came in under the shimmering light.

Her sloppy face had been restored, her black hair turned into a cloud, her crescent moon eyebrows, her eyes were as clear as water, and her face without fat powder was like snow jade.

Sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and shame flowers.

Due to cultural restrictions, Jun Changxiao can only think of such idioms used to describe appearance.

"something wrong!"

The system said: "The host is absolutely wrong!"

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