The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1607: Storyteller

Here comes, he comes!

He took a fan in his left hand and flew up with a gavel in his right hand!

The strong men of various roads did not know this person, and Jun Chang laughed naturally without seeing it, but when he heard the word ‘storyteller’, he suddenly remembered Bai Xiaosheng, who had been mentioned many times by Gu Zhaoxi and had never met.


System seriously.

This is definitely nonsense, because people appear on the scene, although not powerful, but the quietness and calmness emitted by the whole body, that is definitely a master master master!

and many more!

Wouldn't that be the mother his father was looking for?

I have been anonymous for decades, and when the upper world is alive or dead, he appears as the savior? Then stage a big show of three people?


I have to prepare a few tear gas smoke bombs in advance, in case it won't cry when I get embarrassed.

When the dog was left thinking, the system said silently: "The host, like seeing a strong person, would like to hug his thighs, and he would like to recognize his relatives on the spot. I'm afraid it cannot be changed!"

"In the face of that captain, the momentum will not fall, do you think it will be a local?"


The system is silent.

Xi Jun often laughed: "Since from the outside, there must be a probability of being my mother!"

"My son."

Wu Gongsun Ruoli said: "Do you know this person?"


Jun Chang, who was soaring in the fairy tale he was weaving, instantly stiffened, and then collapsed, "Don't know him?"

"do not know."


The realistic slap came over, and the dog left was discouraged.


I saw that the host didn't touch the porcelain to a bully mother, and the system laughed loudly, almost laughing into a goose.

"This person."

Wu Gongsun Ruo Li solemnly said: "The strength is above me!"

Better than half stepping into the third step, there is only one possibility. The seemingly simple old man has entered the realm of heaven!


Xun Jun often laughed in shock and said, "The person you mentioned is a hidden power!"

From the appearance of the top ten strong players in the Ten Sects, he has determined that it should be at or near the half-step level, and no one really has entered the realm of heaven, otherwise he will not be as honest as his grandson after the captain's appearance.




Xun Jun often smiled and arched and said, "Do you know Gu Zhaoxi?"

It's not that the mother doesn't care, you can also climb the relationship from another angle!

"Gu Chaoxi?"

The old man stunned the goatee, and after thinking a little, he said, "A little familiar, isn't that the little guy who fuses the spirit of reincarnation I gave?"

Xun Jun often laughs and stings directly in place.

The Tongtong real people and the top ten Xianzong strongmen are also dumbfounded!

Regarding the day and night there is a spirit of reincarnation. This is something that the upper world knows, but I don't know ... the special spirit species born in the depths of the universe would be given by this old man!

"The spirit of my brother's reincarnation was given by the predecessor?" Jun Chang smiled suddenly.


He told the storyteller: "It took me a long time to haunt my husband, and I gave him a spirit seed just to send him away."

Send ... whatever ...

Xun Jun often laughs a little dizzy.

I thought that the captain of this fleet was very pretentious. As a result, the storyteller appeared more powerful than anyone else.

Take it!

Capitalized clothes!


Xun Jun often smiled and was rather ashamed and secretly said, "I have a long way to go."

He was shocked not only by martial arts soldiers, but also by the traitorous demon ancestors. He was shocked in his heart: "When is this character in the upper world?"

Don't look at him dead and just resurrected 100,000 years ago, but I am convinced that the probability that the upper world wants to give birth to heaven is almost zero!

"Old man."

General Yi put the goblet into the space ring, shook off the cloak that was placed on his shoulder, and said, "From your breath, it doesn't seem to be a local."

"Do not."

The storyteller shook his head and said, "I am a native of the Upper World, but I left in the early years and learned some decent skills from the outside. When I returned, I started to focus on storytelling."


General Wu said: "Hidden in the city?"

He never thinks that this old man who is not weaker than himself will really be a storyteller. The decent ability is definitely unfathomable, otherwise, how can he never find out?

"it's wired."

He Wudi, who was among the disciples, whispered in his heart, "This man is strange."

It's weird and unspeakable there.

"Can't afford to be a hermit."

The storyteller said humblely: "It's all about eating by mouth."


Everyone was speechless.

In the face of a world of opportunity, a real world of thousands of people, and so many flying monsters, you can still talk and laugh without changing the face. Whoever thinks that they are eating on the rivers and lakes, their heads must be kicked by donkeys Already.

"Why not."

General Yun did not intend to search for his identity, and said, "Since it is out, you and I will fight."

He was pretending to play and is now very serious.

Obviously, it's not the kind of dog left to force to pretend to force it, and it will take a serious attitude when it encounters a rival with a good fanfare.

"Right on my mind."

The storyteller's expression is very calm and not timid at all, fully interpreting what is called a true master!


He paused and said, "I need to add a bet."

"What bet?"

"You lost, leave the upper bound."

"Where do I win?"

"The life and death of the husband, and the life and death of the upper world, you choose."

"it is good!"

General Wu said: "General Ben gambled with you."

The storyteller glanced at the Ten Great Emperors of Zongzong, as well as various repairs, and said, "Let's spread out, so as not to affect you.

"Senior, thank you!"

Xun Jun often holds his fist with a smile, and flies down without turning back.

Others also evacuated one after another, and even pulled back a long distance before stopping, muttering in their hearts, "Should it be safe here?"

Uh ...

The appearance of the storyteller has undoubtedly brought respite to the upper world.

However, the strong men still feared, because this hidden world can not defeat the opponent, the end result is still inevitable.

Xi Jun often didn't think so, but her mood was terrible.

When the upper world is in distress, it is really a great opportunity to pretend to be forced, and the result can only be reduced to soy sauce.

I did not shine in a certain key plot, which is the biggest failure of the protagonist of the fantasy novel in his life!

"Don't be discouraged."

System comforted: "I'm here."

"So what are you waiting for? Come on!"

"Sorry, I can't help."


在 When Jun Chang laughed and was frustrated and had no sense of gaming experience, the general raised his hand lightly, and the surrounding properties suddenly gathered together. Various special effects broke out, making it difficult for him to cry.



脸 The ten great Emperors of the Sect were shocked.

They have realized that middle-aged people are extraordinary.

Now he raises his hands to gather the attributes of the heavens and the earth in the half of the sky, and he is still trembling with shock.

The stronger the performance of General Puppet, the less the game experience Jun Chang laughs at.


The storyteller said indifferently, "A little patience."



在 At this moment, the general raised his **** lightly, converging the surrounding properties of heaven and earth to quickly compress, forming a bit of bright light, and the surrounding space was folded and twisted.

"This is a martial art created by the General, called Bafang." He proudly said, "I am ugly today."

"咻 ——————"

Twenty-two fingers stretched out, bursting out like a drop of light.



The space where I passed by was instantly disturbed, leaving scars similar to those after steaming.

The so-called Bafang worship came from the gathering to the show, which seemed very common, but the breath sent out made all the warriors in the upper world feel pressure.

Find the real world and turn to Dan.

A tadpole is nothing but a ant in front of heaven.

The storyteller laughed, "It just so happened that I had a martial arts student called Octagon Guests."


After his words, he waved his hand.


The powerful attributes of heaven and earth fly from farther away, and then quickly converge and form a colorful enveloping defensive enchantment. Looking at it from a distance, it is like a Pentium waterfall hanging from the sky for nine days!

"too strong!"

常 Under the harassment of two kinds of forces, Jun Chang laughed and shook his heart.


He often hangs up.

But today, he saw two third-step battles with his own eyes, even if it seemed to be a tentative sexual encounter, he made him feel a little self!

"Boom ———————”

在 At this time ~ ~ The light collided with the light curtain, and the sound of the eardrum broke, and ... the surrounding space instantly collapsed and collapsed, just like the end of the world!



The breath of astounding waves continued for a little, then gradually vanished into nothingness.

Xun Jun often laughed and looked at all the strong men in a hurry, but did not find the storyteller, so they speculated in their hearts: "Hidden?"

and many more!

什么 When did you get a big pit underground?

Everyone unconsciously released spiritual thoughts, and soon found the storyteller who had turned his eyelids and spit foam in his mouth.


The atmosphere suddenly freezes.

Even the general was dull.


For a moment, Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head, growling, "Feng Qingyun Yunfa played, so Fengyun Yunfa was defeated?"

"I understand!"

He Wudi, who was always unable to figure out, peeped into the breath of the storyteller again and hurriedly said, "Zongzhu, this guy is bluffing, but his real strength is not the pinnacle of seeking truth!"


Ps, normal update will resume tomorrow

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