The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1591: Long Aotian!

The development of the Dragon race has basically ended here, but it lacks one of the most important links, that is, inheritance of Datong.

Although Xiaolong Dragon no longer has the body of the Dragon Emperor, but blends into the heart of the Dragon Horn, gains a stronger body of the Dragon Ancestor, and becomes the ruler of the entire Dragon Realm.



Outside the Qiang Hall, Zhong Yi led the Mecha regiment to clean up the battlefield. Until a large number of dragon scales were piled together, they were gradually included in the space ring.

The dragon family is also a beast.

So what's on them is extremely valuable!

If it is not for the dragon, Jun Changxiao will even order his disciples to pick up the dragon meat and give it to Liu Wanshi for a rich whole dragon feast!



Lu Peiqi landed on the Yanwu field, and the soil system properties broke out. He successively repaired the deep pits, and Li Qingyang's construction team filled the slabs.

As the first contracted beast left by dogs, fighting has never been shot, and it is very sad to appear immediately after doing hard work.

no way.

As a pager who is proficient in the soil system, his role is to be responsible for logistics.

For example, the purple beast tiger, crowing rooster, and other contract beasts, envy can not be envious, after all, there are hundreds or thousands of chapters that do not appear in the camera.

In just a few days, the run-down Long Palace, which looks like a slaughterhouse, has been renewed, and because Li Qingyang is in charge of the renovation, it is even more magnificent than before.

"The High Priest."

Jun Chang, who was standing in front of the clan hall, laughed, "How about letting Xiaolong Long ascend the throne tomorrow?"

"it is good."

He stood beside the vicissitudes of the high priesthood.

高层 This dragon clan has undergone tremendous changes compared to the previous visit to the mansion, especially the temperament seems to have changed people.

The reason is very simple. The former high priest was actually impersonated by the Qingming Dragon King, and the true deity was imprisoned for strongly opposing the latter's succession.

Unlike the presence of the three dragon kings, he always supports the dragon dragon, even if the latter is taken away from the dragon emperor.

As for the dragon clan of the dragon domain.

Except for Qingming Dragon King, all were blindfolded.

I had previously killed from all major cities regardless of all the reasons, but also because of the summoning of the Dragon Emperor's body, which was exactly regarded as cannon fodder.

Uh ...

The next day.

The Dragon King succession ceremony begins.

The three dragon kings and the seniors of the dragon clan who were unhealed were neatly arranged in the clan hall, with shame and self-blame appearing on their faces.

Some dragons are not under the control of Qingming Dragon King, but because they are afraid of strength and the body of the Dragon Emperor, they can only be forced to compromise.

Xiao Xiaolong knows, so after inheriting Datong, he did not go to the post autumn account.

There are too many high-level officials involved in this seizure of power. If you really want to count them one by one, you will face the situation where they will not be available.

After the succession ceremony, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Are you sure you don't punish them?"

"A lot of people are forced."

Xiao Xiaolong said: "Now that the Qingming Dragon King has fallen into power, and then investigate the faults of others, it may shake the foundation of the entire Dragon family."

Xun Jun often nodded with a smile and said, "After this disaster, you have grown a lot."



Xiao Xiaolong did not know what it meant, but he did so. When he felt that the connection between the two was cut off, he suddenly said, "Master ..."

Xi Jun often patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "You are now the boss of the Dragon clan, and the clan will need you to carry it in the future."

After Xiaolonglong hatched successfully, the two automatically signed a master-slave contract.

However, the dog left never regarded it as a servant, but as a loved one. Now that he inherits Datong, the contract that was originally nothing can be officially abolished.

"the host."

Xiao Xiaolong said sadly, "Don't you want me?"

"Call me Sovereign."

"Monarch Sovereign ..."


Xun Jun often laughed and punched on his forehead, then threw the entry table and shouted, "Take the word Jun!"

Xiao Xiaolong covered his head, grinning his teeth.

It turned out not to stop myself, but to change the master-slave relationship to the sect-gate relationship!


No comment!


刚 He just picked up his pen and tangled: "It seems to have no name."

Whether the fire dragon or the dragon dragon belongs to the pronoun, so it cannot be used as an official name.


Xun Jun often laughed: "One now."


Xiao Xiaolong scratched his head and thought.

The names are so tangled, how can such a cultureless guy be my contract animal?

Xun Jun often laughed and scorned in his heart, then flashed with aura, and said, "Since the Dragon clan has a dragon as its surname, it would be better to call it Long Aotian, which means to be proud of the sky."

"it is good!"

Xiao Xiaolong readily accepted.

Since then, he is no longer a contract beast, and also has a real name Long Aotian!

As one of the four big surnames of Ye Linxiao who is not weak in the status of rivers and lakes, coupled with arrogance to the sky, he is absolutely king.


Cover the big red zongmen seal.

"Practitioner Long Aotian!" Xiaolonglong straightened, arching: "See Suzerain!"

I developed from a contract animal to a disciple. In theory, the relationship is a bit distant, but each other's feelings are sublimated after experiencing this.

梦 Yao Mengying controls millions of delusional soldiers.

Long Aotian controls the entire dragon clan.

Xun Jun often smiles as the head of the stone statue clan.

The three most powerful ethnic groups in the upper world are all in the possession of Wanzong. This power is condensed, and you can really join the wrists of the top ten immortals!


It's ok!

青 The destiny contract of Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji, etc., is the heart of the major ethnic groups.

Add them, okay!

常 Jun Chang, who is developing in the lower world, relies on opening and realm, as well as challenging the major gates and participating in various competitions to make Wan Guzong a legend step by step.

I came to the upper world to develop to this day. Although I have just entered the search for truth, my disciples and their own power are enough to be tough with the top forces.

Uh ...

After a few days.

Xi Jun often laughed and led everyone out of Longcheng.

It's almost time, it's time to go back.


Xiao Xiaolong sent to the door and said earnestly: "After the disciples have finished handling the affairs within the clan, they will return to Zongmen."

He has just become the ruler of the Dragon clan, and there is still a lot of housework to deal with, so for the time being, he does not plan to return to Wanzong with Jun Changxiao.


Walking the dog left shows understanding.

However, before I left, I remembered something and said, "The people and horses of the Astral Realm will kill at any time, and your dragon clan should also be more prepared to avoid being affected in time."

"I understand!"


Xi Jun often smiled and waved his sleeves to take everyone away.


Xiao Xiaoxian glanced at Xiao Longlong fiercely and followed his master away.

"My queen."

He watched them leave, and the high priest looked solemnly, "You lord is extraordinary!"

Qiu Qingming Dragon King's seizure of power and position has been almost irreversible, but because of his arrival, it turned into nothingness.

"If you have too much contact with the suzerain."

Xiao Xiaolong proudly said: "You will understand what is unusual and inadequate."

Uh ...

"Elder Liu."

Before Shi Shilong's high-speed teleportation, Jun Chang laughed and said, "You take them back to the ancestral gate first, and this one will go to the stone statue clan."

Look down!

Let him take us back?

Xi Dingxingwang, Li Qingyang and others instantly remembered the painful past that had come back to Longyu, which was unbearable and memorable.



Wan Guzong high-level officials and students left.

Xi Jun often laughed and took a flower rose, followed Gongsun Ruoli to return to the stone statue tribe.

He could have returned directly to Wanguzong, but since he is the head of a clan, he must arrange it in advance.

"My son."

On the road, Gongsun Ruo said: "You daughter-in-law seems to have special magical powers, but the strength is too poor, so you might as well practice with me for a while.

"Aren't you going to leave the upper world to find a pitiful man?"

"Not bad for a year or two ~ ~ Good."

Although the patriarch of the stone statue family is a daughter, her strength is stronger than that of the real people in Tonggu. She will teach the flower rose in a short period of time.

Uh ...



On the west sea, the space slightly collapsed.


Suddenly, a streamer squeezed out from the gap, and then a grotesque laughter was heard: "Oh, Benzu finally came out!"


The saddest villain in this book is Mozou!

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