The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1588: Earth Dragon Heart

() "Woohoo ..."

The humanized little magic fairy cries sadly.

After Xiao Longlong was picked up, she bullied the psychic cat crazy because she often missed her. Who would have thought that it would be life and death to see each other again.

Jun Chang laughed and stood in front of the stone pillar, clenching his fists.

At this moment, the anger gathered in his body had overcome the grief.

Xiaolong was lying on the ground with scaly wounds all over his body. Although his face was painful, there was a smile in it. It seemed to be pleased that he could see the owner before he died.


Jun Chang laughed and shouted in his heart: "Empty the three values, save it!"

"I'm sorry." The system reluctantly said, "Xiaolonglong's vitality is cut off. Even if the crisis release mode is activated, it is difficult to recover from death, not to mention ... the heart has been dug away ..."


Jun Chang laughed and raised the sickle of death. The sharp blades burst instantly, and the mountains were cut off and collapsed, and the whole person appeared a wicked atmosphere, as if in a real sense he turned into a demon.

Shizhu is fine.

Nothing is allowed!

Because ... the dragon emperor who robbed me of the covenant beast and nailed it on top. If he didn't kill the guy in the same way, how can he be worthy of the dragon spirit in heaven!

"I'm going to destroy Dragon Realm ..."

"I want to kill all the dragons ..."

Jun Chang laughs, his eyes gradually become red, and it seems that people are gradually losing their senses.

The fall of Xiaolonglong may have nothing to do with many dragons, but you have not protected your dragon emperor, and that's **** good!

"It's over."

System said: "Enchanted!"

After learning that Xiaolonglong was nailed to the stone pillar, Jun Changxiao's mentality has collapsed once, and now seeing the former fall in front of his eyes, it really collapsed to pieces.

So, no matter what is going on in the heart, the system will not be unexpected.

"Little dragon."

"I'll take you home."

Jun Chang smiled and said in an unusually calm tone.

A dog who bites can't bark, and a dog who can bark doesn't bite. At this time, he is the most terrible!

"call out!"

The body was taken into the space ring.

Xiaolonglong was born in Wanguzong, and died in Wanguzong.

As for Dragon Realm, a land about to be destroyed, can you use it as a cemetery?


Jun Changxiao dragged the death scythe out of the broken mountain step by step, and the evil spirit gathered around him became stronger and stronger, and it was hard to see his appearance.

System said: "The fourth form has only a few minutes left."

Jun Chang laughed into the ring of space, and summoned the last sign of printing.

not enough time?


The system hurriedly advised: "This method won't work. Even if it can, two printing will inevitably bring more terrible side effects!"

"I do not care."

Jun Chang smiled and shouted, "I want the Dragons to be buried!"


However, as soon as he was about to crush the amulet, the ground horn dragon heart in the storage space ring suddenly flew out of control, and then hung on the dragon's body.

Jun often smiled.

"call out"

Suddenly, Dijiaolong's heart turned into a streamer, and he did not hesitate to dive into Yulong's surviving body, hanging in an empty heart.

"Muffy ..."

The system said, "This is a dragon heart?"



The vastness emerged and turned into white silk to wrap Xiaolonglong's body, and then ... disappeared out of thin air!

"Out there!" The system said.

Jun Changxiao has already seen it, his face exults.

The space ring provided by the system was not equipped with the effect of living creatures, and the dragon dragon that was blended into the heart of the earth dragon was suddenly sent out. There was only one reason, it was alive!

"Not only!"

System said: "I'm afraid this is a great chance!"



There was a sound of falling from the Dragon Palace.

Qingming Dragon King was sunken in Yanwu Stadium, with scales scattered on his body and his expression extremely distressed.

If Gongsun hangs from the sky, he said coldly, "You make my child sad, I will make you sad."


"But ... hate ..."

The Qingming Dragon King's eyes were craving, and his heart was unwilling!

The time to fuse the body of the Dragon Emperor is too short, and the match has not been completed, otherwise, this woman will have the upper hand!



On the other side, thousands of Diablos and 200,000 demons are also fighting the endless dragon warriors, always preventing them from rushing into the palace.

As far as the current situation is concerned, although the Van Cuzong and Shixiang clan have achieved temporary suppression, it is almost difficult to compete against the entire Dragon clan because there are too many!

Gongsun Ruoli was also aware of it, so he planned to capture the Qingming Dragon King to let the warriors of the Dragon race cast a mouse to jerk.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, three streamers suddenly broke through the mech defense line and hung above the clan hall. When the light gradually dissipated, three powerful men appeared.

Blackscale Dragon King!

Bai Canglong King!

Red Dragon King!

Gongsun Ruo frowned, "You are still alive!"

In her guess, since the Qingming Dragon King controlled the body of the Dragon Emperor, he would definitely start with the other three Dragon Kings. He did not expect that he would suddenly come out in good health.


Bai Canglong Wang smiled lightly: "Qing Ming Laoer, you seem to be in trouble."

Qing Minglong Wangqiang endured the pain, angrily shouted: "Is the stone statue family committing my dragon family, what are you still doing?"

"Want us to help?"

The Red Dragon King said: "Okay, hand over the body of the Dragon Emperor."


Gongsun Ruoli understood.

This brother-in-law didn't come to help the Qingming Dragon King, but came here to rob.

The dragons are messy!

"you guys……"

The Qingming Dragon King was furious, but thinking of his current situation, after a brief consideration, he was forced to compromise: "Yes!"

Three dragon kings smiled.

They are not afraid that this guy will play tricks, because they have been injured.

"Gongsun Patriarch."

The Blackscale Dragon King looked over and said with a cold face, "You and I have a world-famous relationship, but now they bring people to trouble and kill so many of us, which is a bit excessive."


Gongsun Ruo said, "I don't think so."



The other two dragon kings flew over and surrounded her in a triangle.

"From the breath of fighting just now, the Gongsun patriarch should have half-footed into the realm of heaven. The three of us joined together to fight one. Shouldn't it be more bullying?"


Gongsun Ruo slightly frowned.

A dragon king, she abused casually.

Now there are three ~ ~ are not weaker than the Qingming Dragon King, I am afraid a bit tricky.

"of course."

The Blackscale Dragon King looked at thousands of mechs and hundreds of thousands of delusional soldiers, and said coldly, "Those who commit my dragon race must die."


The power of Longwei erupted, blasting to more than a dozen Diablos.

"Boom boom!"

In the face of absolute power, the mech exploded directly.

At the same time, the men of the three dragon kings also came from different directions, and gradually surrounded the disciples of Wangu and 200,000 soldiers of the magic delusion.


Ruo Gongsun's face was dignified.

Although it is not very confident to defeat the three dragon kings, it should not be difficult to get out, but what should the tribe and the reinforcements do?

"call out"

A gust of wind blew, containing the power of space.

If Gongsun looked away from him, there was a sudden extra person in front of him.

Because he couldn't see his face with his back, he only saw the word "Tong" on the wandering cloak.


Jun often laughs.

He stood proudly, with the word ‘系 'inscribed on his forehead, and his eyes did not show emotion.

The three dragon kings froze.

Without any breath, without any movement, this guy seems to appear out of thin air!

"The Dragon Emperor is in trouble. I don't see him to help." Jun Chang smiled indifferently: "Now I am anxious to divide the body of the Dragon Emperor. What use is this group of waste?"


The Red Dragon King angrily said, "Who do you say is waste!"


The edge of Yanwuchang quickly sunk in a large pit, and the grumpy Dragon King's nose was squinting and lying deep.

The eyes of the Blackscale Dragon King and the White Canglong King suddenly widened, then turned their heads stiffly, until they saw Jun Chang who laughed in the area where his companion was, and a strong sense of fear burst into his heart instantly!

The Red Dragon King ... It's been seconds!

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said: "The dragon clan in Dragon Realm are all waste."

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