The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1584: go to hell

The palace was forbidden, outside Yanwu.

The stone statue strong men headed by Jun Changxiao are holding together in a group, gathering thousands of dragon warriors in all directions.

This is Long Yu, the construction site of others. Now that we have hit the ground, we must be prepared to be beaten by the masses.

Fortunately, Jun Chang laughed with all his cards open and carrying a sickle of death. The spatial attributes that emerged from the whole body were extremely strong. Although the number was small, the momentum was not behind!

Not to mention, there is Gongsun Ruoli.

This kind of top powerhouse who only stepped into the realm of heaven, don't look at it now, there is only a pinnacle of seeking truth, who knows how terrifying the power will really erupt when fighting.

The Qingming Dragon King said coldly: "My emperor kindly invited you to attend the succession ceremony, but I have to try to provoke troubles. I really bully the dragon too much!"

He is irritable.

Seeing ascending to the throne as the emperor, the guests were confused!

I hadn't invited them since I knew this!

At this moment, the Qingming Dragon King has not realized how serious the matter has become.

Exactly, I don't know how short the dogs are.

"time is limited."

Jun Chang smiled and looked up at the exquisite labor soil, and said, "I can't see Xiaolonglong again." Sweeping the dragon warriors around him, he said with all eyes: "They all have to die."

At this time, he didn't care if the contracted beast could become the Dragon Emperor, but only concerned about security and insecurity.

If there is any accident, it will really make Long Yu into hell!

The elder monk and stone statue patriarch, Gongsunjun Rose, absolutely can do it!

Just at this moment, the Qingming Dragon King waved his large hand, the vast dragon energy gathered, turned into a roaring dragon, and ran over, angrily: "My emperor let you die first!"

I have been talking wildly in my own place, and I can't help changing anyone, so it is inevitable!

The strength of the Qingming Dragon King is not inferior to that of the ancient real people, and it is even a little stronger than that. The power that broke out between the hands and feet directly shakes the space and generates layers of energy ripples!

"Ka! Ka!"

Rupture, crack!

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

The roaring dragon was extremely oppressive.

After all, the Qingming Dragon King is one of the strongest fighting powers of the dragons. Even if the hole cards are all open, they are not enough to look at in front of others.

However, Jun Chang smiled and stood proud, not panic, because ...


Just when the mighty dragons came under pressure, if Gongsun made a mistake from his body, his right palm was wavy in the void, and the strength in the softness came up, colliding with the roaring dragon, and a deafening roar came instantly.


The Qingming Dragon King stepped back several times in succession, his eyes were incredible.

This woman's realm of realm is almost the same as herself. Why is the power of the outbreak better?

Could it be ...

It's too late to think about it, because Gongsun Ruoli stepped on the mysterious body.

"Brush! Brush!"

The afterglow of the sky is pervasive, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"My son."

Gongsun Ruo said: "This is my unique martial arts martial arts sky shadow charm step. Watching it carefully for your father will help you understand in the future!"


The Qingming Dragon King collapsed while hiding.

How despise this woman is, she will teach her son martial arts in battle!

Jun Chang laughed and his eyes lit up.

As for the physical method, he had cultivated the Seven Sages, but it was far worse than that of the stone statue!

Don't do it later!

Learn now!

Jun Chang smiled without hesitation and crushed an upper-bound version of the insight amulet, instantly transformed into a martial arts master, relying on spiritual thoughts and the naked eye to capture every step, and repeated exercises in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Seeing that his son was so focused, Gongsun Ruoli was very relieved, and then maliciously slowed down so that he could clearly see how he used the sky shadow charm in actual combat.


The Qingming Dragon King felt humiliated. He screamed at once, and the vastness of Longwei broke out. He gathered his palms from passive avoidance into active attack, and instantly struck the woman.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the power of the stone statue and the power of the dragon power broke out outside the clan hall.

Because the fighters are all in the pinnacle of seeking truth, the special effects are at their peak, and they are extremely visually stunning!

The dragon warriors around were not idle. When the Qingming Dragon King and Gongsun Ruo left the battle, they broke out and overwhelmed them. From the angry eyes, we can give the stone statues a good lesson!



Long Wei came roaring, it can be described as powerful!

"Protect the patriarch!" San Gong and Jiu Qing leaned around Jun Changxiao, forming copper walls and iron walls, each exhibiting the martial arts of the stone statue tribe, gathering bright light and blasting out.

Although the Dragon clan has many people, the high-level strength of the Shixiang clan is not bad, and they may not be able to take advantage of them!



At the same time, outside the martial arts show, the layer-by-layer streamer array method was presented, completely covering the ancient clan halls and buildings.



Seeing that the nearby buildings were protected by the formation method, the strong dragons were immediately brazen!

Coming to trouble?

Then fight to the death!

Dragons are militant and well known!



In the historical performance of the martial arts field, the unique energies of the two races broke out and frantically disturbed the space.

I am afraid that the parties in the upper world would not think that, for a seemingly bland day, the seniors of the Shixiang and the Dragon clan even started to fight, even evolved to pull their hair and spit!

However, letting the two clan fight with Shi Po shocked, Jun Changxiao never stood on the stage of acting martial arts, as if detached from the whole world, as if the team battle started here, others directly dropped the line and hung up!

Fortunately, it is not a single line. Fortunately, no one plays in the promotion bureau, otherwise, a wave of reports will definitely be made.



If Gongsun Ruili casts the shadow magic step to the extreme, because the original intention is to let his son understand, he has been consuming the Qingming Dragon King, making the battle look fierce ~ ~ but it is difficult to distinguish the high and low in a short time.

Jun Chang smiled standing in place, and the body style in the sea of ​​knowledge constantly evolved.



Slightly, he smiled at the corner of his mouth.



At this moment, more dragon warriors emerged from the palace, and their eyes locked on Jun Changxiao, gathering all kinds of forces to blast over.

"Protect the patriarch!" Taishi roared.

However, at this moment, they were all dragged by the strong dragons, and they could not distract themselves to resolve the various energies of the patriarch.


Jun Chang laughed, put down the death sickle, and put the blade on the ground, and murmured, "A quarter of an hour has passed, and you didn't hand over Xiaolonglong."

"and so……"


The fourth form of the hard-to-find sword suddenly waved, and the power of the vast space filled the mountains in all directions, and only saw the power of various dragons coming from behind to freeze the air.



"how can that be!"

The dragon warriors who rushed up were stunned.



The blade of light is crisscrossed.

"咻 ——————" Jun Changxiao, the robe of Death's robe, appeared behind the dragon warrior and resisted the sickle on his shoulder. Then he slowly said, "Go to death."



As soon as the words fell, hundreds of dragon warriors fell to the ground.

There were tiny knife marks on their necks, and when the pain rose, their minds were completely disconnected.


San Gong Jiu Qing was stunned.

They were not shocked by the patriarch's instant kill of so many warriors of the dragon clan, but they were shocked by the rushing just now, and the stature they cast was Tianying Charm!

Gongsun Ruoli couldn't make it: "I learned it?"


Roll melon!

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