The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1581: Enter Dragon City and unlock achievements

Black and white Luo Cha and Ding Lao and others stood in the world of snowflakes and north wind, you look at me, I look at you.

"Elder Liu."

Jiang Xie could not help but asked, "What is this place?"

"How do I know!" Liu Sinandao.

The big guys suddenly compared. The way you lead, you don't know who knows?

"Don't worry!"

Sitting on a snow-capped mountain, Liu Sinanpan tried to remember, and said, "Let me think about how Longyu got there!"


The corners of the mouth twitched.

"I remembered!"

Liu Sinan patted his head: "Long Yu should be in the East China Sea."


"East China Sea!"

"where is this place?"

"how could I know!"

"Brother! It's only a thousand miles away from Xihai!"



Everyone fell to the ground.

The road in the East China Sea, brought to the West China Sea, has not realized that he has gone the wrong way.

The big guy didn't have time to complain. Since he was given a position, he hurriedly turned his direction.

Liu Sinan is in charge of leading the way. There is no lack of loneliness on the way to Longyu. As for whether the entrance can be found, it is unknown for now.


time Tunnel.

The ancient warships traveled at high speed.


Jun Chang smiled and stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the empty environment, wondering: "How did this happen?"

"My stone statue had a close relationship with the Dragons. The ancestors of both sides spent a lot of time and opened the tunnel connecting the two domains." Gongsun Ruoli explained.

The domain is actually a small, independent space, which is always relied on in the upper-bound system, so it is feasible to open a tunnel. If it extends into the upper universe, it will not work.

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed and understood.

"of course."

Gongsun Ruo said: "There is another important role."

"What does it do?"

"My son knows the delusional tribe 100,000 years ago?"

"Slightly heard."

"The Mozu tribe ancestor is a very ambitious generation, and will enter the realm of heaven at any time, and will not be tolerated by the Ten Great Sects. Eventually, it will fall to the ground, and even the ancestral land will be sealed."


Jun Chang laughed.

In the upper world, the version he heard was that the magic delusion is in danger of harming living beings. The Ten Immortals and various ethnic groups joined forces to eradicate it because of the stability of the upper world.

Gongsun Ruo said: "In the past, the Demons and the Dragons did not participate, but they were naturally worried that the Ten Immortals would maliciously target them for the same reason. Therefore, they opened the tunnel of time and space and hoped that one party would have difficulty and provide timely support."


Jun Chang laughed, "How is the relationship between the two races now?"


From these three words, dog left guessed roughly that the relationship between the two parties should be very weak.

There is a general trend in the world, and long-term cooperation must be divided, and long-term cooperation must be divided. It is almost impossible to maintain long-term friendship.


Jun Chang smiled and proudly said, "This time, the friendship between the two races will be indestructible."

"What to say?" Gongsun Ruoer said.

"You'll know by then, and let me sell off."

Jun Changxiao didn't intend to tell that he was going to take over the Dragon Emperor's own contracted beast, because when he arrived at the scene, he would say it in front of San Gong Jiu Qing, it must be more aggressive!

Gongsun Ruo said: "As far as I know, the dragon emperor's throne has been vacant for a long time, and the four dragon kings have been fighting for this. Why did someone suddenly inherit the throne? Could it be that they had high under?"

Jun Chang smiled in disapproval.

My covenant beast is an orthodox five-pronged golden dragon, a dragon tribe appointed King of the Dragon. Before the first four dragon kings can compete, when he returns to Dragon Realm, is he still obedient?

"call out!"

The speed of the ancient warships accelerated, and after a few hours, they finally flew to the end, gradually integrated into the vortex layer, and appeared in a huge and complex array.

This is the end of the tunnel.

This is Long Yu!

However, when the light of the array method gradually dissipated, a famous warrior wearing a fine armor was standing with a gun, and the general who was headed shouted, "Who is coming!"

Since flying from the tunnel, it must be a stone statue.

But as a general guardian of the tunnel, I must make routine business inquiries.

What's more, there are nearly a thousand people on the battleship.

"The patriarch of the stone statue."

Taishidao: "Let the tribe come to congratulate Dragon King on his ascension."

"call out!"

After the words, a streamer flew out.

The General Dragon took the stone statue token, and after confirming the authenticity, waved to signal the soldier to take back the fighting posture, and then arched his hand: "Routine, please forgive me."

My heart whispered that although my emperor's ascension to the throne was a great joy, your stone statue clan will not send so many people to congratulate it!


Longyu's environment is also pretty good, but it's almost meaningless compared to Xanadu's stone statue.

However, the strong dragon wafted in the air, giving a feeling of indecision.

Jun Chang smiled and took back the ancient warship, followed by a special person to lead to the main city. Many dragon warriors were found on the road.

The population of the three major ethnic groups is far less than that of human races, but because of their special bloodlines, they have better strength.

"My son."

Gongsun Ruili said: "The overall strength of the Dragons is not inferior to that of my stone statues. As a patriarch, you must be careful and careful in handling the relationship between the two races, and you must not easily create contradictions."

"Will not."

Jun Chang laughed: "It's all family."


If Gongsun is left blank.

The main city of the Dragon family is called Dragon City ~ ~ Because it is very close to the space-time tunnel transport array, so many people came to the destination after a short walk, and its city size is even more magnificent than the main city of the magic delusion family. Spectacular!

This ethnic group has its roots!

"You, please."


Jun Changxiao enters Dragon City and unlocks new achievements in an instant. He has entered the main cities of the three major ethnic groups in his lifetime.

The whole upper world, who can do it!

The Dragon Emperor's succession ceremony was held a few days later, and the main city was already full of lights.

"Gongsun Patriarch."

The old guide stopped in front of a high-standard mansion and arched, "This is your residence."

"Thank you."

Jun often smiled back to the courtesy.

"After a while, my clan elders will come to visit, and the old man will leave first."

"Walk slowly!"

Because it is a small dragon, the dog's performance is polite.

The strong clan secretly said: "I did not expect that this new successor of the stone statue clan is quite easy-going."

easy going?

Circled and wait for the exam.


The courtyard arranged by the Dragon is very large. Although there are many people brought by Jun Changxiao, they have lived in one after another without being crowded.

in the afternoon.

A dragon elder sent a visit.

As the patriarch, Jun often laughed and was entertained, and the two sides were very happy to chat.


After the elder left, Gongsun Ruoli walked in from the backyard, quite puzzled: "Why didn't you come here?"

Instead, the Dragons came to congratulate them. They would definitely send San Gong to visit them. They only sent one elder, which obviously looked down on people!

"The ceremony will be held soon. Maybe busy."

Jun Chang smiled and closed his eyes, and searched whether the dragon is now in the Dragon City Palace. However, due to the turbulence of the dragon, he couldn't determine the location at all, so he shook his head and smiled, "Everyone is here, afraid to see him?"

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