The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1571: This guy is too irritated!

Jun Changxiao originally planned to go head-to-head with Gongsun Hou, but suddenly rushed over and clasped his wrist. There was no chance of reaction, and he realized that the gap between the two sides was too great.

The inextricable ability to fight with Liu Sinan is due to the blessing of the difficult sword.

Without such a hole card, even if the dog left now has the strength that is not inferior to the lower-level truth-seeking, it is difficult to compete with the median truth-seeking.

Forget it.

Let's do it the old way, let him single out eight.

Guiba will be dispatched collectively again, like a killer who has no emotions, and as if he is in the form of a healthy brother, he fists and kicks around Gongsun Hou, and his blushing face will soon swell.


Liu Sinan was shocked.

There is no denying that the eight ghosts will be powerful.

However, the guy didn't fight back even when he was being abused. He even lay on the ground with a swollen mouth and a smile on his face, just like being beaten hard and very comfortable!

This is totally inconsistent with the design of an acute child with a bad temper!

"Ha ... haha ​​..."

Gongsun Hou laughed hard and smiled happily.

"This guy is sick?"

"Should he be so miserable?"

Disciples whispered.

For the first time, they saw a weird man who was beaten hard and laughed so happily.


Jun Chang laughed and felt that this guy was laughing at himself, so he said coldly, "Keep on!"


"Boom boom!"

All kinds of big feet fell wildly.

It didn't take long for Gongsun Hou to slump on the ground like mud and fainted as a result of being abused, but there was always a smile on that unrecognizable face of that father and mother.

"Couldn't this guy have special shaking properties like a psychic cat?" Jun often laughed in his heart and muttered.

"Come here!"

"Sent to the cell!"

Since I came to Wanguzong in a smashing way, and beat Dadu Nan and He Wudi and others, regardless of their identity, they must be locked up with Liu Sinan.

Unless ... lose money!

"Xiao Mo, search your body!"


Su Xiaomo Ma ran over, searched his hands up and down, shook his head and said, "Master, there is no space ring on this guy!"


Jun Chang laughed and scolded "Poor!"



The door opened, and Gongsun Hou was thrown into the cell of the Spirit Beast Hall.

People were violently beaten, and Jun Chang smiled with a lot of anger, otherwise he was properly delivered to the Tianyuan prison tower and handed over to the prison trio for disposal.

Wanshou Demon King locked the door and said coldly, "Dare to come to my troubles in ancient times, Laoshou is hung and tired!"

Azi entered the mountains of swords and mountains and seas to go through 981 days, so Jun Changxiao temporarily asked him to take care of the housework of the Spirit Beast Hall.

of course.

The toilet cleaning had to be done because it was arranged before the main church owner left.

Although Wanshou Demon King has a short introduction time, he has already used Wanzong as a writer. After all, there are former benefactors, and ... delicious food.

The orcs will never be slaves unless they are eaten.


In the hall, Liu Sinan was worried, "Gongsun Hou is a bad-tempered man, and it is difficult to settle in the cell, so he might as well throw it into the wild mountains."


Jun Chang's laughter hadn't faded, and he said ruthlessly, "If you hit this person, what can you do without losing money!"

For the sake of the Exorcist of the Demon Guardian, Gouyu will not hurt Gongsun Hou, but since he has done something wrong, he must be punished.

"as far as I know."

Liu Sinandao "This guy likes to gamble money, and loses every gambling, and may not have a little savings in his body."

"That's better."

Jun Chang smiled calmly and said, "If you can't afford the money, you will pay for miscellaneous repayments in Wan Gu Zong."

When Zongmen developed to this time, he was not short of money. If Gongsun Hou did not pay back the money, it would be good to force him to stay.

"It's even harder to get him mixed up."

Liu Sinan knows this old friend very well. Not only is he has a quick temper, but he also has a good face, so that he can stay in Zongmen to deal with miscellaneous things.

"Do not worry."

Jun Chang smiled with evil spirits and said, "People who fall into the hands of this seat can't escape a certain law no matter how hard they are!"



The next day, the cell opened.

Xiao Xing walked in first and skillfully set up his chair.

Jun Chang laughed and sat down, waving gently.

Su Xiaomo Ma slipped forward and **** the unconscious Gongsun Hou with an iron chain, and then directly hung up.


Cold water toppings to stimulate thinking.

Gongsun Hou opened his eyes stupidly.

When yesterday's scene returned to know the sea, when the regular smile appeared in the field of vision, an excited expression appeared on his face again.


"Fuck her nonsense, give me another seat!"

"Boom boom!"

Su Xiaomo wrapped the chain around his fist, a set of bombardment on Gongsun Hou, his face was dumbfounded, and then ... his head crooked and passed out.


Cold water splashed again.

This time, while the other was just awake, Jun Chang laughed and said, "You don't need to talk, just listen."


Gongsun Hou closed his mouth tightly, his eyes still flashing with excitement.

Su Xiaomo and Xiao Gui are speechless. This guy must have a strange disease without being abused!

"Injuring two of my disciples and one senior, you need to pay the corresponding medical expenses." Jun Chang smiled. "Nodded and shook his head."

Gongsun Hou nodded.

Liu Sinan standing outside the cell suddenly narrowed his eyes ~ ~ This guy agreed to pay medical expenses? It's incredible!

Jun Chang laughed very unexpectedly.

I thought it was a hard character, but I didn't expect such counseling.

"Nodding money, no money shaking his head."

Gongsun Hou shook his head.

Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together, and said solemnly, "Since I have no money to pay for medical expenses, I will stay with me in Wanguzong for miscellaneous payments, agree to nod, and disagree."

"It's no wonder that guy can promise."

As Liu Sinan whispered to himself, Gongsun Hou nodded with difficulty, which made him momentarily stunned.


You are too irritated!

Jun Chang smiled with disappointment on his face.

He naturally hoped to recruit this mighty exterminator, but he was disarmed and surrendered just after being abused for two meals.

Can advise me today.

I'll counsel others tomorrow.

"How about this."

Jun Chang laughed, "Give up the soul."

Gongsun Hou counseled too quickly, which made the dog left very despised, so he did not intend to enter the ancestral gate, and chose to force control, purely used as a servant.

Liu Sinan frowned.

Surrendering the origin of the soul is tantamount to being controlled by others for life and death. It is difficult for any warrior to accept, and that guy will definitely be angry ...

Lying down!

Why did he nod again!

Seeing that Gongsun Hou shook his head up and down without hesitation, the expression on Jun Chang's face was frozen.

Let the warrior surrender the soul, he played a lot and skilled, but the parties must compromise after a lot of difficult considerations or threats.

Look at this!

So he was stunned by Su Xiaomo, and he was directly obedient, and he almost encouraged the attitude!

Still, I often laughed and finally awakened the legendary power of the king. The strong man willingly surrendered, and the beautiful woman willingly posted.


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