The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1562: It is difficult to be kind

Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan lay for two or three days, experiencing the wind and the sun, and the wind and the waves, and then they gradually gained strength.

After the two were able to act, the first thing they did was to go to the beach and take a shower, because when they couldn't move, their bodies were covered with bird droppings.

Especially dog ​​leftovers.

A lot gathered in the forehead.

This made him deeply doubt whether he was equipped with a GPS positioning latrine system, passing birds all over his head, and he even pulled a pin!

"no way."

The system chanted: "Who makes your head brightest."


After bathing, Jun Chang laughed and lay on the beach to bask in the sun, with a pleasant expression on his face.

Since passing through, what has made him most worry-free is to enter a period of weakness after using a hard-to-receive knife, because it is not necessary to practice martial arts or think about the sectarian things, and it is rare that you can relax.

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How are you thinking?"

They have talked a lot these days, from astronomy to geography.

Liu Sinandao: "The role of the Demon Exterminator is to remove the demon guardian. There are too many restrictions on joining the gate, so ... I'm sorry."

"Jietang is unlimited?"

"No, I can do what I want to do without having to order them to dispatch."

"Big Brother Liu can also enjoy absolute freedom when he joins the Vanguard Sect."

In recruiting talents, Jun Changxiao has always been serious.

What's more, I can't resolve myself with a hard-to-find knife. Such a special type of strongman is definitely more powerful when joining the Vanguard Sect, even if he is willing to give it as an uncle!

The system wanted to scold him.

It is true that joining Vango may temporarily be free.

But as long as it is arranged in the future, it will immediately change from idler to instrumental.

Tai Xuan real people and Fan Yezi them.

What's more serious is that Gu Zhaoxi is directly transformed into a bomber, carrying an explosive package to complete him.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinandao: "Everyone has his own aspirations, but he cannot be forced."

Jietang and Dantang are similar. They belong to non-fighting organizations. It is not illegal for members to join Zongmen, but he is free and unwilling to bear shackles.

In fact, in the martial arts world, many people are reluctant to join the forces, and they yearn for freedom and freedom, and they also yearn for the home of the world.


Jun Chang laughed and took out the two-point fried rice from the space ring. He was drunk and dreamed of death. He said, "No more talk about disappointment, come, let's eat and drink!"

The system said silently: "Fudge is unsuccessful, you have to go this way!"


Looking at the opened fried rice and smelling the fragrance of fragrance, Liu Sinan couldn't stand it.

When people are weak, hunger is most likely to occur, so Jun Chang laughs and brings out wine and rice, which undoubtedly has great lethality.

"Thank you Monarch for your hospitality again!"

Liu Sinan was also rude. He picked up fried rice and ate it. He touched the soul again. He remembered the past once again, and tears flowed unconsciously.

The man did not cry easily, but he did not reach the sad spot.

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang laughed and touched a bowl of wine with him, saying, "Being an honorary elder is fine."



Three days later.

Liu Sinan restored the success of May 6th.

Although Jun Changxiao can walk, the side effects continue to exist, so he always does nothing.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan carried the sarcophagus on his back and hugged his fist: "Farewell!"


Jun Chang smiled suddenly dumbfounded.

I've been eating and drinking me for a while, and you're almost recovering, patting your **** and leaving, leaving me on the desert island?

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang smiled bitterly and said, "I consume a lot of energy, and it takes time to recover. Can I take the trouble to send me back to Wanzong?"

"it is good."

Liu Sinan released the power of the true spirit and shrouded the dog left, then flew away from the desert island and headed towards ...

"Wrong, wrong!"

Jun Chang smiled and hurriedly shouted, "Go east!"

"Uh ..." Liu Sinan smiled awkwardly, turned the plane and continued to fly, but the road was corrected countless times.

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed.

A guy who controls the spirit of space can even be foolish to such a degree!

Fortunately, he has his own way of guidance. If he is left alone in the West China Sea, why not get lost in the wild?

In fact, the reason why Liu Sinan Road is blind is because of the side effects of the Spirit of Space, just as Gu Chaoxi has the Spirit of Reincarnation and loses key memories every time he is reborn.

I ca n’t swim after eating the demon fruit, so it is reasonable to be deprived of a certain ability now that I have obtained a special ability.

Here comes the problem!

How often does Jun often laugh?

You need to know that he masters the fire spirit and the evil spirit, at least there are two kinds of side effects.

In general, when certain things cannot be reasonably explained scientifically, we usually call such phenomena "skin problems" (LPWT).


"Brother Liu, I'll arrange a meal for you after I arrive at Wanguzong."

"The fried rice you ate previously was prepared in advance, and some of them have been better for many days. At that time, let you eat the fresh fried rice, eat hot!

"Brother Liu returned from me not far away. This meal must be arranged. Don't refuse it!"

"I don't have any merit in Wanzong. I'm absolutely filled with wine and vegetables!"


Jun Chang laughed and talked all the way, Liu Sinan listened all the way, although the surface collapsed, but he was looking forward to it.

The cold fried rice is so delicious, it has to be ready-made ... can't think, can't think, drool when you think!

A few days later.

The two fell in front of the gate of Manzong.


As soon as Jun Changxiao came in, he said loudly, "There is a VIP, come and prepare a table with the most hearty meals!"

"Sovereign monarch, no need!"

Liu Sinan said so, but his body followed him honestly.


It is difficult to be kind.

The canteen started to get busy.

Qian Songbao was in charge of washing vegetables, Ma Yongning was in charge of cutting vegetables, and others prepared various materials and food.

The lord said that the tone of the guests was obviously strengthened, which meant that they must be entertained at the most expensive level, so Liu Wanshi carefully read the Chinese recipes, and directly selected the Manhan full-course package ~

I'm afraid it's hard for even the gods to carry it!


It takes time to prepare the banquet. Jun Changxiao took advantage of this empty area to go to Zongmen with Liu Sinan, and finally came to the courtyard where Gu Chaoxi once lived quite intentionally.

Although the others were gone, the yard was clean and there should be regular cleaning.


Jun Chang smiled squatting at the door, grieving: "I'm here to see you!"

For a moment, tears flowed across his face.

Real acting does not need to be brewed, nor does it need props to assist.

Looking at the plain courtyard, feeling the sense of righteousness emanating from the air, Liu Sinan put down the sarcophagus and put it with one hand against the chest, his highest respect appeared.

The great man is the country and the people.

He Gu Zhaoxi did it, he is a great hero!

After a moment of remembrance, Liu Wanshi's voice came: "Master, the banquet is arranged!"

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang laughed: "Please follow me to the cafeteria."

Liu Sinan said earnestly: "Sovereign monarch, eat here, so that Liu will respect the strong men for a few glasses of wine, and respect his spirit in heaven!"

"it is good!"

"it's here!"

One black and two blacks brought tables and chairs, one after another exquisite dishes, all kinds of aromas filled the courtyard, so that Liu Sinan was full of heart.

"Brother Liu, please."


Liu Sinan picked up the chopsticks and tasted a dish carefully. The whole person's soul floated to the sky instantly, returned to the previous node where Gu Zhaoxi rushed to the nine battleships, and witnessed the feat of reverence!

The meal ate for a long time, and details are not described.

All in all, eating is dreamy.

After the banquet, Liu Sinan gently put down his chopsticks and looked at the main hall of the courtyard, saying calmly: "Sovereign King, I am willing to inherit the spirit of Gu Zhuangshi, willing to inherit his chivalry!"

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