The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1560: Chengtian broken cloud lotus

Over the Lingyin Island, Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan are fighting fiercely. The force of space is frantically raging around, and the damage caused is not bound to heal in a short time.

Strictly speaking, this is not a battle of life and death, but rather a matter of learning, so the scene is quite explosive, but it doesn't look terrible.

"call out!"

The two entered a brief truce.

Jun Chang laughed: "It's been so long since I played."

Historically, the hard-to-receive knives have been used to cut grass, but today they can compete with a martial artist, and the process should not be too cool.

"Me too." Liu Sinandao.

For so many years in Langji Tianya, the opponents they met were extremely vicious, and they often chose to fight quickly. Only this time, they completely let go of their hands and even hoped to fight for a while.

Because of the mentality, the fighting is not fierce, and the two are more like old friends confirming each other's martial arts.


Liu Sinan shook his head and said, "You and I are going to make a difference."



With both hands spread out, the power of space is frantically pervading, and from a distance, it looks like a lotus flower enveloping him.

"Are you going to move?"

Jun Chang smiled and crossed the sickle in front of him, his expression gradually became clear.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan fluctuated with both hands, and said, "My name is Chengtian Broken Cloud Lotus, to form the strongest offensive by converging the surrounding space."



With each movement of his palm, the force of layers of space twisted and superimposed nearby, and the lotus-like shape became more and more obvious.

The space was agitated, and the water below was boiling violently.



The speed of the ground cracking on Lingyin Island accelerated, gradually showing a crisscross deep trench, as if it would disintegrate at any time.

In fact, the entire island is blessed with a long-standing ancient formation. It will never be affected by the use of space by a true-looking warrior, but the problem is that it is broken by Jun Changxiao and is always stopped.

The matrix method is effective only when it is in operation. If it is always closed, it means that it has lost its defense. Not to mention seeking truth, even if it turns to Dan, it can also cause fatal damage.

The current situation is that the matrix system on the entire island has completely failed with the collapse of space and the earth, and it has also affected the two-way teleportation array.

The demon ancestor of the magic delusion domain did not know it, and started when the formation method had completely collapsed, and was finally blown out directly.

The rank of the array he arranged is not low, and it is difficult to destroy. Once it is destroyed, even the explosive situation occurs, the damage is very serious, so he passed out instantly.

Thanks to the physical good.

Changing to the ordinary body has long since turned into nothingness.

This is not the point. The point is that the two-way teleportation bursts, which means that there is no way out. The demon ancestors will be trapped in the delusional realm. When they go out, they can only pray that the seals arranged by the Ten Immortals and various ethnic groups will weaken over time.

Throughout the past 100,000 years, the seal is still strong, and the possibility of weakening is almost zero without human destruction.

Originally with the mentality of leading a million troops, he entered the realm of delusion. As a result, he not only suffered a heavy blow, but was finally trapped inside.

Uncle Devil.

You are too difficult.


What are the Top Ten Immortals doing recently?

Use your best power to search the Burial Moon Pavilion and search for the hiding place of the ancestor.

Now the crisis can be announced in advance, because most members of Funeral Pavilion are destroyed, and even the demon ancestors who were resurrected are trapped in their homes.

The creators of this situation, Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan, did not expect that they would fight on the island, and would confuse the villains with a very high danger coefficient in the delusional realm.

They don't keep their names for good things, they don't know what they do.



Liu Sinan is still working on his big move, and the space is still frantically folding.

At this moment, once a warrior who has not been repaired enters, he will be cut into pieces by chaos.



Slightly, Lingyin Island could hardly bear the space squeeze, and instantly fell apart and scattered into pieces scattered on the sea surface.

The base area left over 100,000 years ago has completely vanished today.


Liu Sinan folded his hands.

"Huh! Huh!"

The folded space seemed to shrink together instantly, and in front of him a bright lotus the size of a palm was gathered.

Chengtian broken Yunlian.

One of Liu Sinan's big kills.

The principle of this martial art is to continually compress the space. The wider the coverage area, the more the essence of convergence.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

Just from that dazzling degree, this little lotus must contain explosive energy!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan proudly said: "Although I am not in the middle to find the truth, I have great control over the spirit of space and I have the strength to find the truth. So you must take this seriously.


Jun Chang laughed and crossed the death sickle in front of him.


The power of the fire soul and the power of evil permeated the entire blade instantly, the whole body was shrouded in flames and half in darkness.

In the fourth form of the difficult sword, two spirits are used again, which is very serious.

It's not over yet!

Shrouded in flames and darkness, the exposed skin gradually petrified.

Liu Sinan knew that there were two kinds of spirits in Jun Changxiao, so it was not unexpected to release them, but when he saw the skin was stone-like, he was surprised: "Are you a descendant of stone statues?"


The dog left cheeky.

The blood of the stone statue tribe was inherited in the land of the devil. He would not deny it if others had to think so. After all, he had an identity.


I'm not touching porcelain!

Liu Sinan gradually realized, "No wonder there would be such a strong sense of killing. It turned out that he was like a descendant of the family like that guy."

That rascal?

Jun Chang laughed: "Who did Brother Liu say?"

When he was in the lower realm, he learned about the stone statue tribe from the mouth of the black and white Luocha, but so far in the upper realm, he has never seen any one of the three major ethnic groups.

"A guy who does everything by himself, wantonly." Liu Sinan shook his head: "Not to mention."


Jun often laughs silently.

What's the difference between selling a prince like this and a broken chapter dog?

Of course ~ ~ Gaoyu analyzed from each other's words. The two should know each other and may be friends, because the tone is full of complaints, not anger among enemies.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan retracted his thoughts and said, "It's almost time, let's take a victory."

"it is good!"

Jun Chang laughs no longer thinking about other things. The power of the fire spirit and the power of the evil spirit are insanely poured into the hard-to-reach sword, making them instantly gather red and dark colors.



The wind rose, as if crying.

Fight like this, the space can't stand it!

Liu Sinan's hands spread out, the bright lotus flew by, and the sky that was gradually darkened was instantly rendered into daylight.


Jun Changxiao held both hands on the Death Scythe and took a step in the air. With the triple blessing of weapons, blood, and two spirits, he directly tore a shocking swordman!


The knife light swept across the sea, and the current was cut off directly.


From a long distance, mid-air looks like a nuclear bomb exploding, raising a spectacular huge energy mass, half of which is dazzling and pure white, and half of which is red and black and confronts fiercely.

"Coo coo!"

Energy and heat continued to erupt, and the sea water boiled violently and dried up.

The piece of Lingyin Island land wandering around, failed to escape the clutches and was gradually evaporated to nothingness.

An island collapsed, and maybe there is the possibility of repair. Now that nothing is there, it means that the base of the demon ancestor was not only ruthlessly destroyed, but finally they were ashamed by them.

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