The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1547: Kill with a knife

The next day.

In the main hall of the city, a strong man named Zongmen, family and other forces came in one after another, and sat down according to the name cards on the table.

Not to mention, this conference is quite professional, and the tables and chairs inside can fully accommodate the predecessors.


Jun Chang laughed and followed Master to walk in, watching the powerful men gather from all walks of life, and secretly sighed: "If you can come, there must be a big man with a head and a face in the upper world."

Just at this moment, Gu Hongzhen brought his apprentice in.

He glanced coldly at Tonggu, and then proudly found his place to sit.

Jun Chang smiled for nothing, and looked at the black robe man carefully, but because of the treasure body, he couldn't peep at the appearance, let alone the height of his realm.

Two words, mysterious!

The more mysterious, the more curious.

So Jun Changxiao always thought about what is special about this guy.


Tonggu lively said: "The apprentice, Gu Hong Lao Er, was brought from the lower realm, and I heard that he was the son of the plane."

"Son of the plane?"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "It's a bit powerful."

Although the lower plane can not be compared with the upper universe world, but since it has the identity of the plane, it is definitely a **** of heaven.

and many more!

Strictly speaking, I am also dominated by the starfall continent. If there is a child in the future, is it not equivalent to the son of the plane?


Since you are not the son of the Emperor of Heaven, try your best to let future generations enjoy a prominent identity.

"The premise is."

The system uttered: "Hosts can do it."

"How do you know I can't!"

"can you?"

"Why can't I?"

"Okay, you can!"

In this solemn meeting, the dog almost quarreled with the system.

Of course, Jun Chang laughed at the man in the black robe, and the man in the black robe was also watching him, but because the hiding was too deep, he couldn't see the facial expression changes at all.


About a moment.

The powerful group represented by the Ten Great Immortals came in.

Among them are the elders who have traveled to Wanguzong, and some old people who do not know them.

The conference held in the Sacred City was initiated by the Ten Great Sects, so when they appeared, the leaders of the various sects all stood up to welcome each other.

Jun Chang laughed and didn't stand up.

to be frank.

He didn't like any of the Ten Great Sects, and wouldn't bother to come to participate if it was concerned with the safety of the upper world.

The real people of Tonggu, the real people of Qiye and the real people of Guhong did not stand up.

The sectarian forces must act on the basis of Xianzong's face, and they do not care at all.

It seems that I know a few people's personalities. Although the Ten Great Sects showed dissatisfaction, they didn't say anything. After the seat, they announced the official start of the meeting.

Since it is a conference, there must be a theme.

The theme of the discussion was where exactly the ten warships came from and whether they would come to invade the upper world.

"You all."

The elder Zeng Tianxian had his throat moistened and was about to speak, but was stopped first by Jun Changxiao: "Ten warships come from the astral world. This person is very proficient in the way of formation, and can be far away. The cosmic sky crossed to our upper bound. "

This statement drew public discussion.

"Astral Realm?"

"I never heard of it."


The upper universe is so big, let alone the astral realm, even if it is the same mountain and sea realm, you are probably unheard of.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Elder Zeng said, "How do you know?"

Jun Chang smiled and leaned on his seat with his finger on the table. He said, "A fighter jet that had flown out of a warship had just landed on the Vantage Fairy Mountain, which was cracked by our array of law halls and learned a lot. . "


The top ten immortals were questioned.

"You can't believe it." Jun Chang smiled, put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and said with the most serious expression: "But there is bad news. I need to tell you that after three years, they will still Come again, and there are only a lot more than before. "

The coming of the Astral Spirit is related to the entire upper world, so it will not be hidden. After all, that day will have to be countered by forces such as the Ten Immortals. If you have the strength, you will help, and if you have no strength, you will play soy sauce.

Elder Zeng looked at the nine great immortals, and gradually worries appeared in his eyes.

In fact, before the conference, the top ten immortals had sat together to discuss and even speculated whether the invaders would make a comeback.

Nowadays, the patriarchs of the ancient times give specific time, let alone prepare for it or not, they must plan ahead to prevent disasters from happening and cannot respond immediately.

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "At present, the biggest threat to the upper world is the newly resurrected demon ancestor, and even the invasion of foreign warships, I am afraid they can't get rid of that guy."

"How do you say that?" Elder Zeng said.

The strong men from all walks of life also came over.

The conference was originally based on the Ten Great Sects. As a result, Jun Chang smiled to speak first, and then spoke of the astral realm. He also said that the danger was coming for three years, and it instantly became the most shining presence in the venue.

"The sudden invasion of external forces is just after the resurrection of the demon ancestors. If the two have nothing to do with it, do you think it is possible?"


The crowd fell silent.

Indeed, the Mozu had just been resurrected, and the upper world was invaded.

"According to the documents reviewed in this post." Jun Chang laughed: "At first, the delusional tribe didn't belong to the ten thousand system, and suddenly appeared in the upper world. Among them, I am afraid that there is an unscrupulous catty."

"The monarch means ..." Elder Zeng said solemnly: "The delusion is from the astral realm? Is the alien ancestor suddenly reporting when the alien warship is killed?"

"It's possible." Jun Chang laughed.


A grumpy strongman angered: "This demon ancestor and his demon tribe turned out to be spies who had mixed into my upper world! No wonder there would be such a big ambition 100,000 years ago!"

"Although I was resurrected ~ ~, but I am sure that my vitality was severely damaged, and the magic domain was sealed by the ancestors. Knowing that we can't fight us, we can only move the soldier?"

Jun Changxiao secretly praised Master.

He was nothing but the rhythm of the ancestral ancestors. He quickly made up his brain, apparently without prior rehearsal, he could reach a tacit cooperation.

During this time, dog left was always thinking about a problem.

Why does the world know that Yao Mengying has a complete innate holy demon?

It can be said that it spread throughout the upper world in just one day. It was obvious that he was spending money to hire the sailors to take rhythm, and deliberately targeted me to eternal religion!

who is it?

The most suspicious must be the demon ancestor, because the girl inherited the whole body, which means that he has nothing.

It's going to be shame and anger, and it's normal to use any conspiracy.

Although there is no absolute evidence to prove it, since the speculation was done by the demon ancestor, Jun Changxiao directly determined that he must be let him know that if you give me a trick, I will give you tricks.


Elder Zeng patted the table, his eyes sternly: "The urgent task is to find the ancestor as soon as possible. This spy is my upper-confidence's affliction!"

If you know that the demon ancestor who is maintaining his health is deliberately taking rhythm because of Jun Changxiao, he will be instantly put on a ‘spite’ hat, because he may vomit blood on the spot.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The resurrection of the demon ancestors has been planned by the Burial Moon Pavilion in secret. According to my Wanzong intelligence, an important branch of this organization is in Neptune City."

Yao Mengying was controlled before, and this feud will not be forgotten. Since it is necessary to play the routine, the Funeral Pavilion must be indispensable. If the top ten immortals can be solved together, it is undoubtedly the best.

Born to kill.

I always laugh and play!

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