The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1544: You are sick

Jidao Cave.

When Jun Chang laughed over, the real people in Tonggu and the real people in Qiye scuffled together, and the chess pieces on the stone platform beside them were scattered all over the floor.


Someone must have regretted it.

Dog left to practice in Jidaodongfu for two years. He knows the two very well. As long as he plays chess, he will regret it. At first, he will quarrel. In the end, it evolves into a big shot.

"Fu Jun."

Flower Rose whispered, "What are the two seniors doing?"

She chose a long blue dress, her black hair scattered naturally, and the noble empress Fan Er was suddenly set off.



Well, this practice of pulling your arms and pulling your hair is a bit different.


The real people in the fight, Tonggu and Qiye, saw Jun Chang laughing, and immediately settled in front of the stone platform, posing with a pair of Fengxiandao bones, but they suddenly widened their eyes when they saw the costume of the flower rose.

Gou Yu designed the dress himself with too many modern elements, so the two old guys who have lived for a long time have never seen it.


Tonggu real person said in a deep voice: "Your daughter-in-law is too fancy."

Kisano said: "There is a loss of system!"

It is difficult for them to accept new things, so they oppose modern dresses.


Jun Chang laughed instead of talking about the clothes, but asked, "When are we going?"

"right now."

"how to get to?"

"Of course it was on your Tungu warship."

"Master, there is not enough energy."

"What do you mean? You also need to provide energy for the division to create your own ships?"

"You can't fly without energy."

"how much you?"

"Ten thousand real stones per person."

In the end, after a conversation, the real people of Tonggu and the real people of Qiye took out 10,000 real stones to board the Tonggu warship, and their hearts growled: "This kid is too shameless!"

"call out"


On the way to the sacred city, Tonggu lively whispered, "Tuer, I heard that you have been married for a long time. How come you have no children yet?"

This question was asked too suddenly, and Jun Chang smiled and asked directly.


After a little consideration, he said, "My current mind is all about my career."


Tonggu's real voice is deep: "You are very young now, and you are not subject to the sanctions of heaven. You should even consider the issue of succession, otherwise you will not want to succeed in the future."

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Master, don't worry about this forever."

"You and your daughter-in-law are both gifted and talented children. The children born are bound to be extraordinary. If you are too troublesome to bring your child down, it is okay to be born to take care of the teacher to ensure that you will be a great person!"


Jun Chang laughed and understood that the old man wanted to be a grandpa.

Not to mention whether there are any children, even if they do, they must be educated by themselves. How can they be raised by others?


The system spit out: "Cultivated by the host, properly become the second shameless."


Tonggu lively patted his shoulder and said, "Since they are married, they must have children so that they can be considered as a complete family."


Jun often laughs silently.

The real man from Tonggu leaned over and said, "Or do you feel sick?"


Jun Chang laughs paralyzed directly on the deck.

"If you are sick, don't be afraid, just treat yourself actively. Don't think about living a carefree life. In the end, you can only face the rest of your life." Through the ancient truth, it seems a little regrettable when you were young Don't know how to cherish.


I am not sick, you are sick!

Although the two were talking in private, Hua Rose occasionally heard a sentence or two, and his cheeks gradually turned red.


Sacred city.

Just listening to the name knows it's sacred!

There are many cities in the upper world. Those who truly count as top-level must have a sacred city.

"call out!"

After half an hour, the Tonggu warship flew in, hanging over the city, exuding an extremely arrogant atmosphere.

Some people may say that dogs will die if they don't pretend.

Do not!

He originally intended to fall outside the city and enter the city in a regular manner, but the real man in Tonggu said: "Only, go straight into the boat."

"It's a bit arrogant." Jun Chang laughed.

"young people."

Through ancient truth: "It should be arrogant."

The chess player standing next to him had his eyes widened. This is not the old man I know who used to play chess and was worried that the students would cause trouble!

There is an order from the Master, and I dare not obey.

Therefore, Jun Chang laughed and drove through the ancient warship.

There is a no-fly rule in the sacred city. Suddenly someone arrogantly drove a warship, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among the warriors who were in it, but after it was determined that it was an ancient warship, the attitude immediately became respect.

The entire upper world knows that the Vanguard Sect destroyed nine warships at the expense of an elder, and now the arrival of the Sovereign naturally pays full respect.

not to mention.

There were two real people standing on it.



On the square in the central area of ​​the city, the ancient warships slowly dropped.


As soon as Jun Chang laughed and jumped down, a cold hum came from a distance, so looking down the sound source, he saw that the lonely real man who had appeared in Wanzong was standing in the kiosk, his face was full of disdain.

Next to him stood a man in a black robe.

Because they are fully armed and bow their heads, it is difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Jun Chang laughed subconsciously and released his spiritual thoughts to investigate. As soon as he approached, he was bounced back by some force, so he secretly said, "It's kind of mysterious."

"Lonely old man."

Through ancient truth: "Is this your apprentice?"


Gu Hong's real person raised his head, expressing strong pride between his words and his eyebrows.

"Well," Tonggu said, "even the protective goggles were given. It seems that this apprentice is highly valued."

Goggles are an iconic high-quality treasure of Gu Hongzheng. It not only has a defensive effect, but also can isolate the realm of the realm, so that outsiders can't really gain strength.

"Don't you give that kid the Tonggu warship?"


Hearing this sentence ~ ~ Gouyu wanted to cry.

After recognizing this master, although I trained myself for two years, I didn't give any precious things, and I connected the ancient warships I found on the battlefield of the plane.


Tonggu real man raised his eyebrows and said, "Wait for me here, is it for the two to learn from each other?"

"That's what it means," Gu Hongzhen said calmly.


Through ancient truth: "Go to war."

Jun Chang laughed seriously: "Master, I am here to attend the meeting, not to fight. Besides, I have to wait for the agreed date to fight."


Gu Hongzhen said faintly: "This time is just a discussion, and the day of the agreement will be the winner."


Jun Chang gave a glance at the real people in Tonggu, and when he saw that he was very serious, he had to spread his hands and said, "Since so, fight."

"Fu Jun."

Hua Rose said: "This person is a bit weird and should not be taken lightly."


Jun often smiled and went out. When he just held his body, the man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

"not good!"


On the wide square, there was a sudden blast, and a slab of stone quickly cracked.

In the area where the air waves roared, the Heipaoren stood at the position where Jun Changxiao was located, and the ground centered on him was sunken down to form a round pit of about several feet.

What about dogs?

Lie tens of meters away.

He raised his hand and thumbed up, weakly, "You ... you ... won ..."


Can you act more fake?


ps, took a look at the background. I wrote less than 180,000 words this month. I felt a bit lame. I set myself up. The last two days of the month must reach 200,000.

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