The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1536: Send you to heaven!

Unmanned fighters are small in size, fast in speed, and fragile. As long as they can be accurately captured, they can easily be defeated at low levels.

The problem is ... there are too many!

At this moment, ten warships were still flying out, just like locusts.

Although the Ten Great Celestial Sects and various scattered repairs were obliterated everywhere, from the overall situation, the destruction is completely out of sight!

Fortunately, people were shaken in advance, and the major gates and reinforcements were dispatched again, so they could soon join the battle to prevent the spread and coverage of unmanned fighters.

Unfortunately, some of them are deliberately dying, and others are actively searching for vein resources!



The suffocating mountains, hundreds of drones bombarded wildly, directly blasted a tunnel to the ground, and then fired some light into the interior.


Pieces of intact or broken basalt were collected.

This place is so ordinary, there isn't even any heaven and earth attributes appearing, even a black stone vein is hidden!

Before the change, martial arts soldiers from all walks of life saw crazy stones, and they must have rushed in madly. Now all they have to do is to stop these strange things that can fly as soon as possible and not let them take away their own martial arts resources!


Near the black veins, Liu Sinan came over.

He lowered the sarcophagus first, spread his fingers, suddenly grabbed the void, and yelled, "Tian Luo Di Wang!"



The space around them quickly twists, folding like a quilt!

When the strong man came to stop seeing this, he was relieved and secretly said, "Thanks to the presence of the exterminator who controls the space, otherwise ..."

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, hundreds of unmanned fighter jets sprayed a special light, passed through the folding space out of nowhere, and returned to the main battleship with a full load.

Liu Sinan frowned: "It can even break through the blockade of space!"

"The veins have been dug up!"

"This Nima is a bandit!"

The warriors from all walks of life rushed to the mine, and when they saw that the interior was empty, they were instantly angry.



At this moment, a series of explosions came from above, and everyone was shocked to see a group of more powerful warriors supporting it, numbering up to 3,000!

Among them are people from different true and Taoist schools, more from the Ten Great Immortals.

Being able to have absolute right to speak in the upper world, the heritage and strength of the ten ancient sects are still very strong.

As far as the dogs are concerned, the joint retreat and overthrow of all ethnic groups are totally whimsical.

"Old Hu!"

The Lingtian Xianzong strong shouted, "Attack the warship above!"

The biggest problem now is that endless drones fly out of it. Only by bombarding them can the source be solved!


"Brush! Brush!"

Immediately, thousands of strong men, mainly the Ten Immortals, flew up to the sky, all kinds of energy converged, and the most exciting and beautiful pictures since the battle broke out. Readers with low mobile phone configurations should watch the lowest effect to avoid Crash.

"There is no need to struggle."

A voice of contempt came from the main battleship.



The attack systems of all ten warships were activated.

Various turrets and muzzles were probed, and the most violent fire attacks were launched against thousands of strong men who came!



Various streamer missiles and various streamer bullets are pressed down like a storm.



Energy rays flicker in the sky, and the dark environment is rendered as day.

Thousands of powerful men who rushed up couldn't carry the firepower at all, and could only form a defensive enchantment in front of them and step backward.

The collision of the Gao Wu civilization and the scientific and technological civilization, for now, only ten giant battleships can crush them and they can't come close!

The only good news is that the beam weapon that hit the pinnacle of truth just now is not used, and it takes a lot of energy to think about it, or it takes time for secondary brewing.

The entire battle between the Upper Realm and the alien invaders was too costly, so the lens shifted quickly to Vanguard.

Although a hundred fighters were destroyed, because of the heavy firepower of the organic armor, the interest of the offenders was immediately caused, and several formations were immediately deployed to launch the attack again.

Zongmen high-level and core disciples flew out.

Unmanned fighters are very fast. How can they fight without the strength of Zhao Zhaoxi's hand-to-hand missiles?

At this moment.

A martial arts technique finally comes in handy!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen and others guarded the gates of Zongmen. Two fingers kept waving, and colorful streamers burst out.

That's right!

Qi Xuanxia light is broken!

The speed of unmanned fighters is very fast. Du Tian's palm prints can't hit mid-to-close range martial arts at all, and they are very chicken thieves, and they won't fly over silly. Therefore, the long-range, or even ultra-long-range martial arts created by Qi Xuan Shengjun Learning comes into play!

When the brothers showed up, the disciples also showed up.

For a time, inside the gates under the protection of the ancestral array, a dense array of colorful beams emerged, intertwining several drone formations blasted by the Tianluodi net.

It is true that outsiders are not strong enough to maximize the use of Qi Xuanxia, ​​but there are a total of 100,000 people. Standing on the mountain peaks, performance martial arts, and other areas, they are released together, and the scale of the formation is very explosive. In addition to the weak points, special effects No worse than outside.



It is difficult for an unmanned fighter to escape from the rain of guns and forests and receive comprehensive care. It can only end up exploding on the spot or falling into the forest.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

As the disciples joined forces to bombard, Jun Chang smiled loudly in his ears, and the number gradually increased from 100 to 200, 300 ...



"Catch it!"

"call out--------"

Jun Chang smiled and waved to Xiao Xiaoji, who took it over and found it was a bazooka-like equipment, so his eyes were hot: "New weapon?"

Not bad.

New weapon!

Jun Changxiao bought it in the process of refreshing the mall. It is called the enhanced version of the power of the RPG rocket launcher.


Xiao sin said, "Is it a crystal nucleus for energy!"

"Do not!"

Jun Chang laughed and continued to refresh the mall ~ ~ while answering: "Use real stone!"


Xiao Xie hastily took out dozens of real stones, communicated the internal energy, and instantly incorporated them in the way of bullets to other firearms. As a result, it took a full hundred to gather a cannonball!

I go!

This power must be strong!


Xiao Guiji resisted the bazooka on his shoulder and shouted, "Sect master, who to fight!"

"Who's here, who ?!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Guiji hastily proofread the aiming instrument, locked in several subsequent fighter formations flying from the main battleship, and said coldly, "Send you to heaven!"


The trigger is pulled.


The cannonballs gathered with real stones immediately dragged the light curtain and blasted out, quickly sketching a beautiful arc, and bombarded hundreds of drones.

Xiao's crime was gone.

I was exposed to this weapon in the past and was bombarded more than once by recoil. Now I do n’t feel the shock when I use the new breed.


Suddenly, the sound of the explosion spread over the ancient mountains of Wanxian, a huge flame mushroom Yun suddenly appeared, and several batches of fighter formations that were flying were wiped out.

"too strong!"

Xiao Guixin was overjoyed.


At the same time, a more deafening explosion came from the sky!

A giant battleship at the outer periphery was truncated across the waist and exploded on the spot. The energy wave rippling filled the upper half of the circle instantly!


Jun often laughed and scolded in his heart.

With the efforts of the powerful men, a copper-walled iron-walled warship was destroyed, but it was not done by dogs, so the number of missions was always zero!

Soul bomb, my brother, come out quickly, this will be solved by all of them, I will take the puppet to complete the task!

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