The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1527: Why is it him again!

Jun Changxiao just came over to make troubles, the elders had already found out, but he did not go out, because the eight tall martial arts warriors were unusual, and they might be abused when they went out.

All right.

Zongmen has a medal of honor, that guy may not dare to come true!

To be honest, when he saw Qiao Baishou hesitant to pinch the token, he was anxious to hide in the dark.

Obviously the other person is not good, so what are you doing? Shake people quickly!

Fortunately, Jun Changxiao took the initiative to grab the past and kicked Qiao Baishou to crush it, which made the Taishang elder relieved.

Youjie came forward and Zongmen was safe, so I didn't have to go out to face eight unbelievable strong men.

This abacus is as stable as an old dog, but never expected that the realm would send people over quickly, and they would be swiftly blown out, not even the gates.


Eight big and tall are very arrogant!

Just when the elder Taishang secretly rejoiced, Jun Chang laughed and ordered Yao Mengying's fragmented plaque, which made him unable to go any further and had to go out to defend the dignity and honor of Zongmen!


Eight big men can't fight, can't they fight a woman?

Yao Mengying shot just now, but the elders who played Fei were transferred to one or two, so the elders who were too senior did not take it seriously.

The truth?

In his eyes, a woman who is a bit fragile is actually a real truth-seeking realm. If she only talks about the purity of magic qi, it is even higher than the ghost eight generals. After all, she has a complete innate sacred demon body.


They made a move.

From the point of view of the elder Taishang stepping back, he obviously fell behind.

No, he's pretending, he's frantically suppressing, because the internal organs of the body are badly hit!

Oh my God!

A girl who looks only in her twenties is so scary!

The brain suffered from the pain and harassment, so that the elder Taishang was immediately awake a lot. I realized that since the ancient ancestors dared to come to trouble, and dared to work with the world hall, I must be fearless.


Must recognize!

So when Jun often laughed and said it to one billion, he agreed without hesitation.

The current situation is definitely a huge crisis for Zongmen. No matter how much money is spent, this plague **** must be sent away!

In the common routine plots, the elders who came out are definitely used to slap the protagonist, but the elders are too clever to recognize and persuade them, which is very wit!

But how to explain it with the help of Qian Liyu?

Readers at the scene can testify that the token was crushed by Jun Changxiao, and it has nothing to do with my Royal Sword Xuanzong!

of course.

Even if it was smashed by one's own side, the situation just now, the elders of Tai Shang must still offend Jietang to resolve the contradiction with the Eternal Sect, because the latter is the real thing that cannot be aroused.

I have to say, they still see it thoroughly.

This also fully shows that there is an old family, if there is a treasure!


"It's gone, it's gone."

Everyone is gone, and the excitement is gone, and the martial arts soldiers can only leave.

However, although the incident ended, they also made them deeply realize that the eternal ancestors were so daring that they dared to take action with Jietang, who was afraid to let a fart even after being beaten!

Especially the eight tall horses and big warriors hanging on the gate of the ancestral gate, although it is difficult to spy on the cultivation, but just standing there, it feels like an insurmountable mountain!

"Many ancient masters!"

"No wonder dare to come to the trouble of mysterious Zongmen!"

"In my opinion, Jietang is also afraid of killing eight martial artists, so I dare not be silent when beaten!"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that a non-entry Liuzong gate who had just ascended to the upper realm for only three or four years would dare to be tough with the realm!"

"Do not enter the gate of Liuzong? Just let Yu Jian Xuanzong spend money, I am afraid that this ancient zongzong is eligible to be called Xuanzi level, or even higher."

This incident has given all martial arts players a new understanding of Vanguard, but there is no professional organization to agree with it, so no one can count, only the data panel.


"call out!"

After half an hour, the red light in the sky melted into the sky!

"Fuck! Here it is again!"

"This position seems to be ... Ling Dao Xuanzong!"

"Is it a good day to bully Xuanzi Zongmen?"

"Wait a minute, I seem to have heard that Ling Dao Xuanzong once had grudges with Wan Guzong. Could it be ..."

"Go! Go and see!"

For a time, the warriors from Yu Jian Xuan Zong non-stop went to Ling Dao Xuan Zong's realm again.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the scene, they saw the Tonggu warship floating on the gate of the Zongmen, so the corners of their mouths twitched, "Everything suzerain is really a must!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

It didn't take long for the people from Jietang to come again.

This time they learned fine, released the idea in advance to observe the situation, and did not rush into Ling Dao Xuanzong with a silly face for the first time.


The person in charge of the Jietang found that Jun Changxiao was sitting on the stage of the performance, and collapsed, "How is he again!"


"What should I do?"

"What else can I do!"

Responsible person: "Of course it is lively!"

Once he was pitted by Yu Jian Xuanzong, he didn't plan to get ahead. After all, if the two sides reached an agreement to lose money, wouldn't they be more nosy?

To tell the truth, Jun Changxiao just ordered Guiba to attack the Jietang strongman who came first. The nature is very bad. To develop into a serious situation, it is necessary to come through the real people.


Yu Jian Xuanzong acknowledged that the problem was small.

The reason given by Jun Changxiao is that he is dealing with the grievances of the rivers and lakes. The parties chose to lose money, so Jietang has no reason to interfere.

It is not impossible to play by topic, but the result is definitely not painful. After all, there is a real ancient person behind the ancient ancestors. If people say that you have abused your power, you are nosy, and there is no place to justify it.

No wonder the person in charge can only growl and say a few words to go home to sleep.

Was played.

Tete Meow's aggrieved!


Ling Dao Xuanzong.

Sovereign Mo Kaiyin's expression was a little exciting.

The medal of honor was crushed, and the crowds of the temple also arrived in time, but how can they stop outside to start eating melon!

"Deacon Han!"

Mo Kaiyin shouted, "This guy said that he would destroy my Ling Dao Xuanzong. Come in quickly!"

The person in charge of the Jietang surnamed Han replied, "Sect Lord Mo, let's take a shot when he destroys Guizong!"


Mo Kaiyin almost fainted.

Destroy the sect gate before you shot, what is the significance of my crushing the medal!

"Master Mo!"

Deacon Han said: "No wonder Han was ruthless, mainly because the former Emperor Xuanzong asked for help, and I sent someone here. Instead, Lord Qiao chose to spend money, so that we can't get off the stage!"

Mo Kaiyin suddenly realized.

It turned out that the distress signal was released by Yu Jian Xuanzong!


This guy first targeted Qiao Baishou ~ ~ Now he is targeting himself, obviously prepared!

and many more!

Deacon Han just said ... Spending money?


Suddenly, Mo Kaiyin's thinking became extremely clear, and he hurriedly said, "King Sovereign, my Ling Dao Xuan Zong needs to be willing to use money to resolve the grievance between the two cases!"


Deacon Han vomited blood from a distance.

A Yujian Xuanzong, a Ling Dao Xuanzong, crushed the medal of honor for help one after the other, but in the end it was the same story. Did Nima take my Jietang as an authority?


PS, the code word efficiency is fast as soon as you write a dog, you may think it will be very watery, but I really feel like I ca n’t stop!

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