The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1520: Treasury of the Demons

The innate holy demon body of the demon ancestor was taken away by Yao Mengying, and the million demon army trained 100,000 years ago was controlled by her again. What does this mean? The representative fulfilled Jun Chang laughs and fulfilled the eternal ancestor.

Therefore, it meets the beauty condition of plundering people and completes the hidden task.

The contribution value is not much, it is only 1 million. For the imminent collapse of the contribution system, it is not worth mentioning. It is not bad to only reward the four generations.

As a hole card that has not yet been used, even if it is not used in the future, it will be recycled for money. Jun Changxiao will also be happy to see the ring full of space. After all, one more layer adds security.

Typically, I want to fart.

"Ding! The Soul of Heaven's Heavenly Gong was detected, and it was automatically matched as Zongmen Gong."

"Spiritual Sacred Power?"

Jun Chang laughed into the space ring, took the yellowed cheat book in his hand, and immediately felt a strong historical atmosphere, so he said, "This should be a bit powerful."

Opening the homepage, after reading the detailed introduction, the dog left was ecstatic.

The soul-hardening Holy Heavenly Gong is a martial art that strengthens the soul. Although the level is unknown, as described above, if you practice to the extreme, you can achieve the soul and fly to the sky.

"It's a bit like Tian Jun's soul-refining recipe."

Jun Chang laughed and murmured, "But it must be higher."

Regarding the martial arts of the soul, there are not many ancient schools, but now they can match the Zongmen Gongfa, and go back to make sure to copy a lot, and let the disciples have one.


The dog left raised a very bold idea.

Cultivate the soul of the Holy Heaven to the extreme, so that the soul knows the trick, can you drive the Diablo?

The mech is very strong, but if it encounters a powerful enemy, it is definitely a death penalty. If the soul replaces the physical body to control, even the explosion will not endanger the life of the disciples.


The system said silently: "Host, this is intended to study drones."

"No?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

The system said: "First of all, it is not technically supported."

"This is not my problem, this is the problem of the elderly Taixuan and Zhenfatang." Jun Changxiao said indifferently, "I am only responsible for putting forward ideas, and they solve technical problems."


Master Fan, No. 1 tool man, has not cried in the toilet, but Tool No. 2 has been arranged.

In all eternity, you really do n’t support idlers!

In fact, Jun Changxiao wanted to use his soul to control the Diablo, also for the sake of his disciples. After all, it was all his own flesh. How could he bear to see that they would sacrifice in the future?

"Master, go back?" Yao Mengying said.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Since the Demon Ancestor has built a million army, he must have prepared a lot of supplies."

The soldiers and horses did not move, and the forages came first. He really didn't believe in the great magical domain, and there were no valuable things hidden, such as black stones, ores, crystal nuclei, and so on.

"Girl, ask the ghost generals."

"it is good!"

Yao Mengying looked at the ghost fight and said, "Are there any supplies?"

"Master, yes!"



In a tunnel underground in the main city palace, stone gates gradually opened.

Strictly speaking, this is the national treasury of the delusional tribe, because it is protected by heavy arrays, and it is difficult to detect it unless it is directed by someone.


"Be calm."

Jun Chang smiled and walked in, and secretly said in his heart.

The treasury of the magic delusion is endless, so try to control your emotions and don't humiliate the fainting past.

The system said with emotion: "If the demon ancestor is resurrected and learns that everything has been taken away by the host, I'm afraid he will die on the spot."

Inside Shimen is a huge palace, the pavement slabs are very luxurious, which makes Jun Chang laugh even more excited.


When he entered, his expression was dull.

No imaginary black stones are piled up like mountains, no imaginary gold and brilliant flashes of blind dog eyes, and some are just scattered ore, which may add up to less than a hundred pounds.


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Is that the Treasury?"

Ghost fighting said: "100,000 years ago, my demon tribe used all materials to build the army."


Jun often laughs and collapses.

Feelings, I am happy for nothing!


Jun Chang smiled and locked his eyes on the shelf on the side of the palace. When he saw the densely packed books on it, he rejoiced, "Is all the martial arts of the magic delusion here?"

"Yes," said the ghost.

One hundred thousand years ago, he and the other seven will absolutely obey the demon ancestors, and now they are revived, absolutely obedient to Yao Mengying, because without him, whoever has a complete innate holy demon body, who is his boss.

"That's fine."

Jun Chang laughed and walked over to open a copy.

The above recorded the delusional text that could not be understood at all, so I received the space ring and said, "System, I have time to translate these cheats into simplified Chinese characters."


The system growled: "I'm not a tool person!"

There are many secret books stored on the bookshelf. Since they can be stored in the national treasury, the level and quality should be extraordinary. They can be used for Yao Mengying's practice, and those who do not need them can also get the Gongfa Pavilion as the exchange number.

Jun Chang smiled and accepted all away.

However, in the process, a book different from other martial arts was found, because the outline of the medicinal materials was written.

"Cheats related to elixir?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

System said: "Good."

Jun Chang opened the first page with a smile, and said, "Tell me the content."


The system tool is sexy, and after a short crack, it said: "This is a kind of Danfang that has been circulating for a long time. It is from the ancestors of the magic delusion. Only one type of Danfang is recorded above."

"A kind?"

Jun Chang smiled very disappointed.

The system said: "Please take a deep breath first and relax your mind."


"Don't ask so much, Ma Liu."


Jun Chang smiled and took a breath.

The system said: "The name of Dan Fang is a speed of Dan. After taking it, users can make a breakthrough from the empty state to the Dan state instantly."

After listening to this sentence, Jun Chang smiled calmly and said, "Done?"

"It's over."


Jun Chang laughed, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the ground in an enchanting gesture.


System said: "I knew it would take him a few more breaths."


Even if he had been tossing all day, Jun Chang laughed that the syncope should be syncope, after all, the instant breakthrough of the elixir of Dandan was too powerful and exaggerated!

"the host."

The ghost fight was weak: "The monarch is down again."

Yao Mengying calmly said: "Normal, carry it back."


In fact, after finding that the sealed soldier has a turn of strength ~ ~ Jun Changxiao had considered it, and the magic delusion was too excellent.

Today, the case is solved.

It is not that they are genetically superior, but that they have the elixir that raises the realm.


After waking up, Jun Chang laughed and sat on the throne of the palace with his right leg resting on his left leg. His left leg kept shaking and proudly said, "If I can make it, Zongmen disciples will certainly be able to turn around easily."

"The host can't make it out."

The system splashed cold water in a timely manner: "The materials needed for Chengdan at a speed are extremely toxic substances. Conventional warriors take violent poison immediately, so they are only suitable for the magic delusion."

"It's all right."

Jun Chang smiled with a finger and said, "This is not my problem, this is the problem of Medicine Hall and Dan Yao Hall."

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