The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1518: See my master

What is an innate demon?

In fact, there are ten secondary constitutions differentiated from the innate holy demon body.

The so-called scattered is a plate of sand, and the gathered is a flower.

When the ten innate demon bodies truly merge, they can be called the most complete innate demon body.


Yao Mengying's higher physical fitness inherited in the land of magical destiny is actually incomplete. Today, the ten physicals are merged, and in a real sense, they are brought together again.

However, Mozu was crying.

The purpose of his physical differentiation that year was to lift the seal, and to summon it after rebirth, to get all the successors of the heirs, and even the holy body stored in the land of the demon is also part of the plan.

simply say.

Don't worry about who inherited the demon body, because it will return in the end!

But before he was resurrected, his constitution would be merged one step before, and an eternal contract was still signed. What should I do after he was resurrected?

"It must be that girl!"

The demon snarled: "It must be that she is merging my innate holy demon!"


The holy body that exists in the land of magical destiny is also part of the plan. Why can the inherited person merge ten kinds of innate demon, what has happened in the middle?

You guessed it.

Something went wrong.

The reason for this change is that Yao Mengying often laughed when he merged with the innate sacred demon body, and went through the magical energy into the body, and even spent three values ​​to get rid of the crisis.

If there is no dog left to participate, no matter who inherits the innate holy demon body, the final result will be the sacrifice after the resurrection of the demon ancestor.

However, this kind of thing does not happen to Yao Mengying, because under the power of learning, the innate holy demon body that merged changed fundamentally, and even completely integrated with the body and soul.

The former physique holder was the demon ancestor, even if it was borrowed to others, now it has completely lost control.

Therefore, when Yao Mengying came to the Devil Realm, instead of losing consciousness to do things that would destroy the seal, she regarded it as a home and easily merged the nine demon bodies.

Life is also fateful.

If the demon ancestor knew the truth, he would vomit blood three thousand liters.

The various plans laid out 100,000 years ago stumped the Ten Great Celestial Sects and various ethnic groups, and finally made wedding dresses for others.


"The world is immortal, the magic road is alive!"

In front of the ninth seal station, the huge black shadow from the transfiguration made a low voice, and Yao Mengying, who sat in front of the pan, also said that the forehead meniscus pattern became brighter.

"Isn't there any danger?"

Jun Chang laughed and didn't know that this was Yao Mengying signing an eternal contract with the Congenious Holy Demon, so she was worried that she might have an accident, or lose her reason, and become a female demon head.

The system said: "There should be no problem."


The system growled: "Can't you say something awkward at this time?"


The system said as he wished: "Loss of reason, turn into a demon!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, the ten black energy **** gathered overhead returned to Yao Mengying's body one by one, and the huge black shadow that emerged behind him gradually materialized and gradually became real!

"What the **** is this?" Jun Chang laughed and startled.

System said: "It seems to be some kind of special creature!"



The huge shadow gradually materialized, because the whole body was dark and looked like Africans.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a bright red meniscus pattern appeared on the forehead, which was not only the same as Yao Mengying's forehead, but also the flicker frequency was the same.


At this moment, the **** man stepped back, kneeling on one knee, holding out a palm, laying flat behind Yao Mengying, showing a very respectful look.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know!"

Jun Chang laughs and the system is in a state of comparison.


Yao Mengying stood up and jumped onto the big palm behind her.


The black man raised his hand and placed her on his shoulder.

Yao Mengying put her right leg on her left leg, leaned leaning and supported her cheeks with her left hand, her eyes glowed with fascination, and a strong magic whistling burst out.

Jun often smiles dumbfounded.

This girl was only a few years old when she first started. Although she is an adult and looks like a natural beauty, she is a bit dull because of her character. Now she is sitting on a **** man, and she has gone from being natural to being black. feel!


Yao Mengying raised her mouth and smiled, "This is the disciple's innate holy demon, and it can also be called the spirit of darkness."

Since there are fire spirits, evil spirits, and dark spirits in the world, it is not surprising, but what makes Jun often laugh is how can a spirit body be a physique!

The system states: "The host has two sons, which is equal to controlling the power of the fire soul and the force of evil, and classify them as physical."


Jun Chang laughed a little.

But ... my two spirits have just reached the juvenile period. The girl's spirit is not only in adulthood, but seems to have reached the period of maturity from the perspective of the block. The gap between them is also widening!


Yao Mengying jumped down, her forehead was hidden, and she smiled, "Fusion of all innate demon bodies, let me break through to find the real world, and in the future, I will be in danger. Disciples will protect the suzerain!"


Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.

Before she came to Devil Realm, the girl was the youngest sister that the disciples cared about and cared for the most. Now, in a short time, she has broken through the search for truth, and the situation has become that everyone will rely on her for protection in the future!


Yao Mengying, who fuses nine innate demon bodies, perfectly inherits the innate holy demon body, possesses the dark spirit, and at the same time breaks through the realm of seeking truth.

This incident tells us that the disciples are hanging up, sometimes they are crazy than the dog left by the suzerain!

of course.

Thank you Mozu.

Without his 100,000-year layout and plan, there would be no big devil today.


Yao Mengying laughed: "The disciples can leave the magic delusion without breaking the seal, should they go?"

Perhaps it is because of the perfect inheritance of the spiritual body and the cultivation for the sake of ascension. The temperament left by this girl is very strange and mature, without the feeling of dullness.

Well, after all, you will grow up.

"Can't go yet."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat is going to be destroyed."

The benefit of the disciples is not the end, and the soldiers in the Devil Realm must be resolved.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The two flew away from the seal station and continued to search for the city.

Because Yao Mengying's realm improved, he clearly surpassed Jun Chang's laughter in speed, which made him feel relieved. After all, the disciples became stronger, which must be the credit of the suzerain.


Not long after.

The two stopped over a small city, and there was a military camp nearby, with 10,000 soldiers sealed.


Jun Chang laughed: "Unblock."

Just order people and don't look at them at all.

Yao Mengying landed in front of the Jiangmen platform, and struck the mark on the wall.



Stones from thousands of soldiers fell off and people recovered from the seal.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and the Qinglong Moon Moon Sacrifice came out, his eyes flashed with war and murder.

The equipment worn by these soldiers must not only be taken away, but their lives must also be taken away, in case the resurrection of the demon ancestors brings them out for wrongdoing.


What left the dogs unexpected was that after the ten thousand soldiers were resurrected, instead of shouting 'kill' as usual, they put down their weapons and knelt on the ground, shouting: "See my master!"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly, turned stiffly and looked at Yao Mengying, who bowed down to them.

The girl gave her tongue out mischievously ~ ~: "Sect, these soldiers seem to listen to my orders."

"Let them take off their armor!"

"Take off the armor!"


Thousands of soldiers did not hesitate to disarm.

"Let them put on the armor!"

"Put on the armor!"


Thousands of soldiers did not hesitate to put on armor.



Suddenly, strange laughter came from the barracks campus, which strengthened the already gloomy atmosphere.

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