The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1508: Burn it, Aniu!

First, there was a strong protector of his disciples, and now a strong protector of his sisters.

that moment.

Ye Xingchen inherited the character of Jun Changxiao's protective calf, and no one is allowed to hurt his fellow students!

"Master ... brother ..." Yao Mengying, who was standing behind her, covered her head, her eyes were sometimes clear, and she sometimes fell into red. Difficulty, "I ... I can't control my body ... I'm so afraid ..."

"Don't be afraid."

Ye Xingchen said: "With a brother, don't want to hurt you."


The energy of the whole body is shrouded, and the Warriors of War are put on him, his eyes flashing like a bison.


The child on the left yells at Xingfeiyun with me, and the child on the right yells at Sun and Moon!


The head of the black robe mask said deeply, "You are delaying a very great and sacred thing."

Raise your hand while speaking.



Several of the men who sketched the pattern rushed over quickly, and the strength was all over five or six revolutions!

If it ’s just a monster in the forbidden land, the problem may not be too big. Now it is all real warriors, and it is obviously a magic repair from the perspective of breath, which is undoubtedly a test for the night star with only four turns.

Not afraid!


Ye Xingchen suddenly raised Fang Tianhua's halberd and said coldly: "No matter what sacred thing I am, anyone dares to hurt my sister and sister, and they must die."

Domineering side leak, ruthless Niu.

Since these people's breath is very gloomy, it may be related to controlling Yao Mengying. The best way to get her out of the shackles is to kill them all.

If you change into a regular laugh, you may think about it before and after. After all, if you do n’t pay attention, you will be criticized by the readers.


With this in mind, Aniu pushed Yao Mengying out, covering it with air walls, and then talking about Fang Tianhua's halberd, his shot was a deadly move!

"not good!"

Several people in black hurried back.

Judging from his strength, this young man seems to have just turned four times. Why is the power so strong and powerful?

Because of equipment, because of blood.

Don't look at Aniu who has just entered four revolutions now, but after the text special effects are stimulated, the improvement in strength is particularly obvious, let alone awakening the blood of Qingniu.



Strong energy explodes, and the light shines on the valley.

Although a few men in black avoided in advance, they still inevitably resisted the force of the halberd, and they were shocked one after another, but unfortunately, they couldn't see their expressions with masks.

The head of the person did not expect that a four-turn was so strong, and immediately drank: "Hurry up the woman!"

This section of bones is not the time to fight, you must quickly complete the task assigned above, and take away the ninth demon body owner.



Ye Xingchen waved Fang Tianhua's halberd to protect him in front of Yao Mengying.


If I ca n’t protect my sister today, the last name of the former Wang head will be written down!



At this moment, more masked warriors flew out of the dark, and the number gradually increased to hundreds. Fortunately, the strength was not too high, and most of them turned around Dan.


The night star just set, frowned.

With so many martial arts, several of them are mixed in five or six turns, and I want to protect the sisters and sisters a little harder.

"It's been so long since the news passed, why haven't anyone been seen to support it!"

Although Ye Xingchen was annoyed in his heart, but now things can only rely on himself, so he shook hands with the Chinese sky painting halberds and locked his eyes on the hundred men in black who were pressing hard.

He could not take the initiative to attack, because the opponent must grab Yao Mengying, so the situation was very passive.



Suddenly, dozens of people in black rushed over.

The various dark attributes erupted, rendering the valley even more scary!



Ye Xingchen waved Fangtian Huaji in a frantic manner, pushing all the warriors from all directions to retreat, but it was unavoidable to be attacked by the fish that leaked the net, and he could only step back, step by step, and the blood in his body rolled violently.

Realm suppression, number suppression.

And because of the need to protect Yao Mengying, he fell into a passive situation.

"Don't waste time!"

The black robe warrior yelled, "Hurry up and kill this obstructing guy and take the woman away!"


Everyone was ordered, and madly pressed.

Of course, because Yao Mengying must be brought back alive behind them, they are also largely restricted, otherwise the big move will be released together.



Ye Xingchen held the Fangtian Huaji and the attacking warriors to fight, always stayed near the sisters and girls, and did not let them cross the thunder pool halfway. As a cost, they were bombarded again and again!

Consider carefully that since the establishment of Wan Guzong, no disciple has sacrificed. In order to get closer to reality, it is better to ...


At this moment, the area surrounded by the crowd flashed a golden light suddenly, and a large number of black warriors with thorns closed their eyes and backed away!


Ye Xingchen is still standing in front of Yao Mengying. The original Warrior Warrior suit that was attacked and damaged has been replaced by Jin glitter armor. With that cold face, the whole person is handsome at a new height!

"Jin Yao's Sacred Armor ?!"

The voice of the head-dressed black robe mask has incredible sound.


Ye Xingchen raised his hand, and Fang Tianhua's halberd standing at his feet disappeared out of thin air, and then a spear with the same golden appearance appeared.

"Jin Yao's holy gun!"

The man in the black robe mask secretly said in his heart: "These two pieces of equipment are obviously Jin Hao. Why did they appear in his hands? Could that guy be killed? The equipment treasure was also taken away?"

At this more dangerous time, many people eating melon are waiting for the night stars to stimulate the blood to turn into big green cows, but as a result, they call out two artifacts close to the fairy-like level.

What is an artifact?

Just very god!

When the night stars put on the golden shimmering armor, holding the golden cannon's sacred gun, every meridian and every pore seemed to be completely excited, and the thought of wanting to fight became more and more intense!

"you guys……"

Aniu looked up and said, "All are dead!"


The golden special effects instantly bless the whole body, as if turning into a golden saint!


Burn the little universe!

At this moment, the light that belongs to you and the glory that belongs to you will illuminate the entire upper world!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Just then, there was a sound of wind breaking in the distance.

A dense stream of colorful streamers emerged from the sky, flying over in a staggered pattern. The special effects were stronger than the night stars wearing holy clothes.

"Master Ye!"

Li Qingyang's voice came: "Here we are!"


Ye Xingchen's expression was wonderful.

You do n’t come when I ’m being beaten up, I come when I start a big move.

After thinking about it, Aniu was relieved. After all, they came in time, and ... I went and opened so many diablos. Sister Yao is definitely not in danger!


Ye Xingchen resisted his gun and said coldly, "You can go to death."

In the close-up of the lens, a mech behind the sky with colorful streamers flew at high speed, and then slowly landed in the valley.

What does this mean?

On behalf of Aniu, when there was danger, there were thousands of troops behind him. Unlike in the last life, he fought alone, and even when he was eventually overcast, no one felt bad.




There was frequent vibration from the ground.

Slightly, a large number of Diablo stood behind Ye Xingchen.

Their eyes twinkled with luster, like the long-hungry beast locked the shivering black robe mask people.

One hundred and one turns a lot?

Sorry, in the dictionary of disciples of Wanguzong, the last thing I was afraid of was fighting!

"call out!"

The ancient warship flew over and stopped over Taniguchi. Jun Chang laughed and lit a cigarette while sitting on the bow of the ship, and said with a facial expression: "The vanguard regiment obeyed me and destroyed them all."


Zhong Yi shouted: "Strike!"



Qianjia has a huge body and a powerful Diablo who walks up quickly, just like a group of adults surrounded the children of No.10 within a very small range, either raising their fists or raising their feet to launch a stormy pear-like offensive!

Some four-to-five turn strong may not be afraid of this mech ~ ~ But at the moment they are being stepped on by one of Gu Chaoxi and black and white Rakshasa, testing the thickness of the floor with their faces.


After a little bit.

More than a hundred people in the black robes were all solved. Only the leader was left. When they untied their masks, they found that the forehead was engraved with a crescent pattern.


Gu Zhaoxi frowned and said, "It's the one who buried Yueyue Pavilion!"

Jun Chang smiled and stepped on the face of the elder man in black gown with a grim look, and said ruthlessly: "Dare to manipulate and control my disciple of Wanzong, believe that I will make the funeral pavilion history in a second?

When he came to the upper world, the dog left was always low-key, but it did not mean that he changed from evil to good and became an old man.

If Yao Mengying is not stopped by Ye Xingchen in time, if a little accident happens, such as losing her hair, she will desperately destroy this mysterious organization hostile to the enemy!

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