The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1505: Demon Ancestral Plan 2

Take a bite of explosive spicy fish, the energy core in Dantian will instantly explode, eat a lot of mouthfuls? Or a bowl?

Liu Wanshi didn't know because it hadn't been tested.

Now Ye Xingchen, who is in the Phantom Spirit array, has personally experimented. Although the portion is less than a bowl, the lunch box used for food must have at least a small bowl.


It was completely fried.

Aniu's face and neck not only turned red as blood, but even the skin changed color, especially the pores were billowing with thick smoke, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

Ox devil his son, red baby!



Dantian's energy core runs wildly, and the power of the true spirit is constantly compressed and excited, so as to reach the extreme!

From the perspective of the warrior, this is no longer an individual, but a downright monster.

The soul beast transformed by special energy is also frightened at this moment, and deeply smells a strong sense of crisis.


At this moment, Ye Xingchen took a difficult step.

His eyes were flushed and bloodshot, and his right hand seemed to become a hot piece of iron, spreading on the Fangtianhua halberd, and the surface was enveloped by a burst of flame effects.

"Supernatural power?"

"Advanced martial arts?"

For this sudden outbreak, warriors from all walks of life have speculated.

In fact? It seemed as if he suddenly ran away, completely because of eating a bowl of spicy fish, and the spicy flavor gathered in his mouth, giving him the urge to spit fire!

this moment.

Night stars are scary like a cow!


The eight-headed soul beast screamed in fear, and twisted their bodies to escape.


The corners of the martial arts twitched.

A warrior whose strength is roughly four or five turns, releases a momentum similar to a volcanic eruption, and directly shocks the eight-headed soul beast, which is unprecedented and unheard of!


How could the starry night stars let them flee, and immediately stood up, holding the Fangtianhua halberd with the blazing flame effect over them and connecting them with a sweeping and sweeping army.

"call out-------"

The light of Chi Yan swept through, and the explosive force roared.


Slightly, the night stars fell with their war halberds, and eight beasts of different orientations all collapsed into nothingness.

Their intuition is right. This is like a human volcanic eruption. It is indeed extremely dangerous. He has no ability to escape and can only be killed by him.


"too terrifying!"

The martial arts soldiers were shocked.

It is comparable to the strength of the soul beast, but it can directly kill eight heads in the outbreak. How powerful is this super power to greatly increase the combat power!



Night stars are breathing.

This is not too tiring to consume energy. This is because the spicy taste in the mouth is still there, which deeply stimulates taste buds, nerves and the brain.


Ye Xingchen turned his head suddenly, locked his eyes on the crowd, and Fangtian Huaji in his hand was shrouded in flames again, exuding an atmosphere of longing for battle and longing for killing!

"not good!"

"This guy is crazy!"


Various martial arts rushed to the periphery, among which there were no shortage of Zhuanjing strongmen who made five or six.

The momentum is too strong, everyone is afraid!

Seeing them all running away, Ye Xingchen suppressed the war will and left the phantom array as fast as possible, and found a stream of crazily drinking water to dispel the taste in the mouth.

A small bowl of exploded spicy fish eats the belly. The side effect is that the taste remains for a long time, and the skin will always be red and bloody.


"too spicy!"

In the mountains, the roar of the night stars came.

The next time, the surrounding area gradually spread, and a warrior with red body all over often appeared, so he was also titled "Red Flame Demon".

After being laughed at by Wan Changzong and getting Night Stars, he collapsed and said, "This guy won't eat up all the take-away food he sent."


Liu Wanshi came over and said, "I have tested it. If I eat too much explosive spicy fish, my body color will continue to turn red."

"No other side effects?"


"That's good."

Jun Chang smiled and reassured, and said, "How long will it last?"

"Uh ..." Liu Wanshi scratched her head and said, "It depends on the weight. It's ten days and a half months sooner, and two or three months slower."

Jun Chang laughed and wondered: "How did you test?"

"Zhutang Lord," Liu Wanshi said.

Jun Chang laughed quickly to release the spiritual thoughts, covering the distant Spirit Beast Peak, only to see the purple prince demon king's red mouth full of breath, his whole body was like a red piece of fire that was burned.


"I'm sorry for you, Azi."


Ye Xingchen continued the cultivation journey with the side effects of flushing all over the body, and the disciples of Wan Guzong were as busy as ever in cultivation and tasks.

During this time, the elderly Taixuan was always installing Diablo, and new products were successively put into the battle riding hall, and the number also increased from one hundred to two hundred or three hundred ...

Jun Changxiao occasionally came to inspect and saw the members activate mecha for training, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Zongmen's overall strength is not too strong, and it is difficult to fight against the major sects. If he can be equipped with a large number of Diablo, such as thousands of thousands of them, naturally there will be a battle.

The system said silently: "It was a fight with a meal, and it was a battle with a armor. This door is poisonous."


Jun Chang laughed disapprovingly and said, "Not yet allowed to use black technology?"

Orthodox cultivation, waste time and resources, if you can go to the front to improve the strength of Zongmen, he will never care about the style of the painting, after all, the fist is the last word.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "I have no chance to use it for actual combat."

Diablo has produced a lot, but has never experienced the real battlefield, so it is difficult to show the powerful side.

If you want to blame, you can blame Master Zongtong Ancient Reality for being too top, so that the main gates dare not jump out of ridicule, and cannot provide the dog left with the opportunity to use it to pretend to show existence.

Changed to the lower realm, three years of development, he had beaten Hao Qimen and fought the holy spring sect.

"the host."

Erya's voice rang in her ear: "Are you still interrogating that guy?"


The helm of the burial moon pavilion captured in Demon City.

Because there were too many things to deal with, Jun Chang laughed and threw him into the Tianyuan Town Prison Tower, and then completely forgotten it. If it wasn't for the reminder of Erya, I wouldn't remember it at all.

"call out!"

Moved into the prison.

Jun Changxiao just came to the first floor of the prison, and before standing still, the burial master of the funeral pavilion said: "I said ... I said everything ..."

During the period of being forgotten, he has experienced countless tortures. Nowadays, people have no ghosts or ghosts, because the picture is a bit cruel, so the details are not described, and everyone will slowly appreciate it.

"Where is the magic delusion?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

"West Sea!"

"Not inland?"

The helm of the funeral pavilion said: "After the Ten Immortals and the strong men of various ethnic groups destroyed the demon ancestors, they moved the entrance and exit of the Demon Realm to the West Sea with magical powers. Not only were the seals arranged, but also traps. "

When it comes to Mozu, Jun often laughs and remembers that the guy seems to have said that the land of Moyuan is only one of his resurrection plans, so he asked: "What is the other revival plan of Mozu?"

Suddenly the Lord of the Funeral Pavilion stunned.

Another plan for the resurrection of the demon ancestor is confidential in the Burial Moon Pavilion. How did this guy know?

"Do not say?"

"Say! I say!"

The Lord of the Burial Moon Pavilion hurriedly said, "Before the Lord Mozu fell, he used his magic power to differentiate his innate sacred demon body and sent it to the lower world. The blood pool, so that the demon ancestors come together. "

"How much differentiation?"


"How much are you excited now?"


Jun Chang smiled and held his chin ~ ~ said: "It means that if there is another warrior with an innate demon flying to the upper world, the demon ancestor will reshape the body?"


The burial master of the burial moon pavilion really had to answer questions, which shows how difficult this period is.


"Coo coo!"

A dark place like the altar, the once calm blood pool boiled again.

"I'm coming!"

The old man in black robes sitting in four positions excitedly said, "The tenth warrior with an innate demon body is about to rise to the upper world!"

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