The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1496: Do what you say, as you wish


The night star came out of the mysterious space of time and space, and the diffused breath was stronger than ever.

That's right.

He has broken through to three turns.

It took four months.

From the perspective of normal practice, instead of being slow, it is super fast.

However, it only costs tens of millions of real stones to upgrade only one level, which is not a price that ordinary martial arts can afford.

If you rely on the resource heap, there is no problem. After all, there is still a lot of laughs for Jun Chang, and it is no problem to take it out all night.


As the realm gets higher and higher, it is not possible to break through by ingesting resources, but also to meditate.

For example, the night star has reached the peak level of the turnaround period, and another step is the turnaround period. At this stage, you cannot rely on resources to improve, you must rely on your own understanding.

to be honest.

Nine turns to three stages, you can eat resources to improve, but when you reach a critical point, you can only fight the real material.

The most typical is the elderly Taixuan.

His realm, like Ye Xingchen, is also a three-turn level, but entering four turns is far away.


Because this is a hurdle, you must seriously enlighten.

The old man Taixuan was absent from martial arts, all in Qimen's armor. Previously, he could break through three revolutions while studying and practicing, but he must be absolutely focused and break through bluntly ... then continue to boil time.

Three six nine.

Turning bottlenecks in Denmark.

Of course, this bottleneck is not applicable to Jun Changxiao.

Because he only needs to complete the epic task, he can successfully break through to a higher level, there is no such thing as calm down to enlighten.

"Hope not to get stuck for too long."

Ye Xingchen prayed in his heart, but continued to practice for another half a month, then collapsed and found that he didn't gain a little bit.

If there is a problem, find the lord.

"Uh ..." Jun Chang smiled and scratched his head, and said, "Go ask the black and white defenders."

This product belongs to the task of opening up, so there is no understanding and experience of the cultivation process at all, and it is impossible to impart the corresponding martial arts experience.

Ye Xingchen found the black and white Rakshasa.

"The transition period is over from the transition period. It is designed to peep into the power of the profound true spirit hidden in the attributes of heaven and earth. Only by transmuting the internal energy nucleus can it be sublimated." He Luosha explained to him.

"How long did it take for the two?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Five hundred years."

"More than four hundred years."


Bai Luocha growled, "You're a year faster than me!"

"The year 499 is also over 400 years, did I make a mistake?" Hei Luosha said lightly.


The brothers quarreled again.

Ye Xingchen collapsed and left.

The two defenders also belong to the talented warriors in the upper world. They have gone from three to four revolutions for hundreds of years. How can they do it in just six or seven years?


Jun Chang laughed and encouraged: "As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more ways than difficulties."

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath and said, "Sect Lord, it is up to you whether you can make a quick breakthrough. Hurry up and give me some panacea!"


"Don't worry."

Jun Chang laughed: "It should be available soon."

There are only a few days left for the epic quest four settlement days. He is pinning his hopes on rewards, not extravagant to a formula that directly breaks through and seeks the truth, even if it is a spiritual formula.

"What if you don't give it?" The system said.

Jun Chang laughed: "Then you can only go to the mall!"

Over the past five months, the disciples have been doing tasks one after another, and the three values ​​have been improved in balance. Now they have accumulated a lot. If there is no way, they will crazyly save money, such as the VIP year!


A few days later.

"Ding! The epic mission resolves."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the large-scale true stone veins born in the Yuding Mountains, which meet the defined conditions. The epic task is completed, the completion is 100%, and the host receives 1 million contribution.

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 3440000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Upper Epic Epic Mission 4 and getting the Seal of Sealing (4) x1, the words must be done x1."


Hearing the reward, Jun Chang smiled and collapsed.

Is it because the completion is only 100%, so it only gives a four-generation seal and ...

"Do what you say?"

Jun Chang smiled and rejoiced, "Good thing!"

One mission was given back then, the effect is to promote a great realm for no reason. Now that I have completed the epic quest of the Upper Realm, I can help Ye Xingchen break through to the real world in an instant!


Jun Chang laughed and covered his face and laughed, "This is better than Dan Fang!"

Dan Fang still needs to find medicinal materials. If you can do what you say, you can directly promote it by calling out your name. It should not be too convenient.

The system said silently: "Am I not a poisoned milk?"

Obviously wish the host to get his wish, and the result ... It is really better than he expected!


I'm harder than He Invincible.

"Ding! The host successfully broke through Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan Jing!"


Just when Jun Chang laughed ecstatically, the whole person stood still as if he were standing still, his thoughts and soul seemed to blend into some kind of fantasy.

The Seven Turns are classified as the Turning Soul Period.

Therefore, once again raised by the task, he instantly entered a new martial arts world, and then insanely absorbed the mysteries that existed inside.


After a while, Jun Chang laughed back to reality, covering his head with pain.

Because by hanging up and hanging up, he did not experience the process of understanding the soul-turning period, so now he suddenly entered coldly, naturally experiencing the throbbing of the soul.

in short.

Forcing all kinds of knowledge and energy into the sea and the body.


The pain lasted for half an hour. After gradually adapting to the high realm, Jun Chang laughed and leaned directly on the chair, then collapsed and said, "Are you only raising one level!"

"Normal ~ ~ The system is indifferent.

If you jump every time, do you give the upper bound a living?


Epic Quest IV is only 100% complete, so no matter how much the contribution value, rewards, or even the realm of improvement is, this makes Jun Changxiao very dissatisfied.

"No more, no more."

"Let Aniu break through to find the truth first."

Hurry to contact Ye Xingchen, let him come to the hall as soon as possible.

Words must be strong, Jun Changxiao's first thought was to promote his disciples, which shows that he is a very qualified suzerain, a selfless man ... he can't edit it anymore, because the props cannot be used by himself.


Ye Xingchen came to the hall and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

Jun Chang smiled with his fingers clasped and laughed: "If you are given a chance to choose, what level do you want to rise to?"

"The upper bound is the strongest."


Jun Chang laughed and almost fell off the chair.

This desire is a bit big, and the mechanism must be uttered, and it cannot be done.


"Peak seeking truth."

"Lower a bit."

"Then break through the realm of Dan and enter the real world."


Jun Chang laughed with a snapping finger and said, "As you wish."

"As I wish?"

When Ye Xingchen's face was aggressive, he saw that the monarch took out a large conch and shouted, "Ascend the night star."


"My disciple."

"Meet the requirements."

The words must be disintegrated immediately, and turned into powder to stick to the night star, so that his realm was instantly elevated, and he exclaimed: "I have broken through four turns!"


Jun Chang smiled.

But the expression freezes in the next second, his eyes widened and he says, "Isn't he seeking truth?"

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