The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1493: Believe in the lord, believe in yourself

The Emperor Ling Yao joined the ten-year covenant, but Jun Changxiao would not fight her, because this is the enemy of Aniu, who must be defeated by him to revenge Xue Xue.


Taixuan said, "This kid is too weak."

He is not optimistic about the dog left by six turns, not to mention the night star with only two turns.

of course.

It is not to underestimate Aniu. The main gap is too big. In the past, he was properly pinched on the floor and rubbed fiercely.


Jun Chang laughed: "Have you heard a word?"

"What is it?"

"Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people!"


Tonggu's real person rolled his eyes and said, "Less to use these inspirational words for teachers."

Jun Chang laughed: "It is six or seven years before the date of the agreement, and the disciple is convinced that Aniu can defeat the Emperor Ling Yao, because ..." Disciple! "

The words were very loud, echoing for a long time over the entire gate.


Ye Xingchen clenched his fist again, and the blood in his body was boiling instantly under the encouragement of the ‘disciples of Wanguzong’.


Tonggu real people said silently: "If people don't improve, they won't grow up?"

He is most worried now that Ling Yao Yao will step into the search for truth, and by then there will be almost no suspense.


Jun Chang laughed seriously: "She can improve and grow, but there will never be my disciples fast!"

Can Aniu become stronger and stronger, or even surpass Ling Yao, the emperor's heart, but the dog has no heart, but it does not prevent him from setting goals.


There must be goals and ideals!

"Night stars!"

"Tell me loud, can you beat her!"


The night star standing at the intersection of Houshan, the boiling blood instantly burned, and shouted, "The disciples must not only defeat her, but also personally sharpen her!"


Tonggu real people have wonderful expressions.

My disciple, was this disciple kicked by the donkey and dared to threaten the sword with nine transfers to Danjing?


He sighed and said, "Things have been told to you, so be prepared. Don't let the teacher down in about ten years."

"call out!"

Say it, fly away from the Eternity.

After he was gone, Li Qingyang and others appeared one after another, stopping to cast their eyes in front of Ye Xingchen to encourage their eyes.

"Master Ye."

Su Xiaomo raised his fist on his chest and said, "Brother believes you can do it."


Ye Xingchen was still cold on the surface, and her heart warmed up.

Now I am not fighting alone.

A large number of disciples gathered in the Houshan area one after another, and they stood near the night star, the camera passing by, and finally fixed on the plaque hanging on the hall and engraved with `` iron bone ''.

Li Shangtian naturally will not miss this great opportunity, quickly find a good angle and press the shutter button to produce a photo symbolizing unity.


On the peak.

Ye Xingchen sat on the boulder alone, looking at the seascape of clouds in the distance.

Although he shouted boldly and wanted to defeat the Emperor Ling Yao, deeper than anyone knows, if he fights with that woman, he has no chance of winning at present.

"It's still too weak."

There was frustration in Ye Xingchen's eyes.

In the past, he never had such a mentality when facing strong enemies, because Yedi's proud bones did not allow his head to be lowered.

It's different now.

Because fighting with Ling Yao Yao emperor, not only represents herself, but also Zongmen.

so much pressure!

Jun Changxiao has changed his treatment of flowers and roses, and Ye Xingchen has become more apparent in his treatment of eternal ancestors. He has even become one, although it is difficult to change his character.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Looking back, there was a drunk of dreams beside him.

"Master Ye."

Xiao Sin was sitting on a tree in the distance, with one leg pulled down at random, holding an altar of wine in his hand, and laughing, "How about we take a stand?"

Ye Xingchen's eyes appeared disdainful.

In the martial arts, he dare not say that he is the strongest of all the ancient disciples, but he will never counsel anyone on the wine path.


An Niu expertly patted the sealed mud, and started drinking and drinking drunk.

Very upset.

Just use wine to relieve sorrow.

Xiao Guiji also lifted up his life and death.

One sits on a boulder, and one sits on a tree, and it is a happy drink, the kind of grandeur atmosphere is instantly set off.


Xiao Xie wiped out the stain on the corners of his mouth and recalled the past, saying, "I was in the Nether, and I did n’t cultivate it. It was a complete waste, but the lord gave me a three-year appointment. Do you know why?

Hearing here, Ye Xingchen understood why he wanted to drink himself, so he answered, "Because of the goal, motivation?"

"Do not."

Xiao Guiji took another sip of wine and said, "Because the sovereign has the confidence to make me stronger."


The expression on Ye Xingchen's face was wonderful.

This answer doesn't follow the routine you guessed at all!

"It turns out," Xiao said. "The suzerain has the ability to get me such a waste to stand up again in three years, and to recover the dignity I once lost."

"what do you want to say?"

"Trust me, trust yourself."

Ye Xingchen fell into silence, then raised the wine jar and drank.

Xiao Guiji did not continue to say, because the simple words to express the meaning, there is no need to repeat, because it will look more deliberate.

The lower bound, a three-year agreement.

In the upper world, a ten-year appointment ~ ~ has also been hurt by a woman, and there are similar appointments in the war, these two are really good friends to go together for a lifetime.

"Coo, coo."

Ye Xingchen drank all the drunken dreams, and then stood up shaking, threw it out, spread his hands, and shouted, "My Ye Xingchen will surely defeat that woman!"


The empty wine jar draws a beautiful arc and falls directly from the peak.

This is the **** parabolic, do you know it is dangerous! "


After drinking a night of wine, Ye Xingchen's mind was gone. He devoted more thoughts to cultivation and was convinced that the lord had a way to make himself stronger.

In fact, Jun Chang laughs very tangled.

Although setting a small goal for Aniu, how can he get stronger quickly?


The system said silently: "Stop disciples no longer standing!"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "Hurry up and figure out how to get Aniu to rise quickly."

"All the martial art resources of Zongmen are used by him alone." System Road.

"Can you surpass Ling Yao Yao?"


"Then you say a fart."

The system said: "The strength of the whole sect should allow him to make a qualitative leap in just a few years, but the female emperor Ling Yao will also cultivate, so at this time you need to use the mall to open and hang."


Jun Chang smiled silently: "It depends on it."

Systemically said: "The gap between Ye Xingchen and Ling Yao Yao Emperor is really too big. If you want to catch up or even surpass it in six or seven years, there must be only this way, or you can jump over the cliff, and if you are not allowed to enter, you will unexpectedly have a powerful heritage. Immediately full. "


Jun Chang smiled and covered his head, and said, "It's still open, at least more realistic."

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