The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1488: Stray veins

After all the real stones were dug, Ren Shan was a little bit anxious, so he went to the deepest point to solve it, but just on the wall, a streamer emerged carrying a more explosive world property.

I go!

What is this!

"Master, come and see!"

Jun Chang laughed and heard the news. A ray of visible properties leaked out of the soil, and his eyes suddenly lighted up!

Gu Zhaoxi rejoiced: "Brother, it should be the mother of real stone!"

"Dig!" Jun Chang smiled and ordered.

The disciples took out a small shovel and dug up along the diffused area of ​​the heaven and earth properties, and soon formed a top-to-bottom artificial tunnel.

After digging for about a thousand kilometers, the source of the earth and earth's gush was found. It was a large stone buried deep in the ground, surrounded by streamers, and it was gorgeous.

That's right!

This is the mother of real stone.

Large veins are bred in places where birds don't shit, which is naturally also its credit.


Gu Zhaoxi said with excitement: "This time it is really going to happen!"

The nature of heaven and earth contained in the mother of real stone is very powerful. This can be seen from the appearance alone, but its real role is not to ingest, but to hold more real stones, so it can continue to multiply, and the value cannot be measured by money at all. !!

"Can you move?"


Jun Chang laughed and said nothing about putting the heavy mother of real stones into the space ring, then covered his face and said, "Happiness came too suddenly!"

Ten billion resources.

A source that can multiply.

It's a super harvest to visit Yuding Mountain!


Inside the cave.

Jun Chang came back with a smile and took away all the diaries in it, so as to leave no clues.

All the real stones have been dug, but the attributes accumulated throughout the year have not dissipated. Once the formation method fails, it will inevitably cause a strong vision of the heavens and the earth, thereby attracting all major forces to go. If they are told that they have taken it by themselves, it must cause unnecessary trouble.

"The host is cautious," the system said.

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "Before you have the absolute strength to harden the whole world, you must naturally exercise caution."

Hard and hard all over the world, you hear people say no.


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed with a thought in his heart, so his eyes lit up and said, "I can do something on the veins."

"What article?"

"The Yuding Mountains belong to the northwestern region, and the Emperor Lingyao also lives here. After the birth of the vein, will the major forces find her?"

Dog left This is ready to arrange the woman.

However, how to make the major forces believe that the real stone veins were dug out by the Emperor Lingyao needs to make a good plan.

"If she happened to be on the scene when the veins were born?"

The formation system in Dongfu can only last for half a year, but Jun Changxiao has mastered it and can be lifted at any time, which will cause a vision of heaven and earth. It would be very interesting if the female emperor Ling Yao could be deceived and released in advance.


How did it get it?


Jun Chang laughed: "Is there any way to contact the woman?"

Gu Zhaoxi shook his head and said, "No contact."

He and the Emperor Ling Yao had an agreement, but only an agreement, leaving no contact information with each other.

"in fact……"

Systemically: "The host does not need to attract her, but can send the trouble over."

"Send it?"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said: "How to say?"

"Removing all the empty veins and the array system directly and placing them near Lingyao Wonderland?"

The system has changed.

Began to coexist with the host, and began to be a dog head army division.


Jun Chang smiled and his eyes brightened, "Good way!"

Real stone veins are right in front of your house. After entering, there is nothing. What do the major forces think? What does Jietang think?


How to move?

If it's an item, just include a space ring.

However, this vein is too big, and it is definitely not possible to remove it directly. After all, it is too swaggering.

Although the prison tower of Tianyuan Town has the function of containing, but the internal space is limited, otherwise the entire Iron Bone Mountain will be sent in early that year, and one person sneaks in, and the whole mass soars.

The system said: "If you have any questions, find the mall!"


Jun Chang laughed in his heart and said, "No wonder he will actively come up with an idea!"

The dog left did not open the mall, but asked: "Master, is there a way to move this vein to another place without being aware of it?"

Taixuan said, "The real stone is gone. Why move it?"

"Can you?"


Jun Chang laughed with a happy heart.

The system collapsed: "Everyone in Nima Zongmen is talented. How does the system mall feel that there is a crisis of layoffs?"


Although the mine veins are spoilers for epic missions, there are ancient warships over here, looking for Koi Renshan, and Taixuan old people. From a comprehensive point of view, it is more based on Zongmen.

The ore excavator has exerted a lot of power, but it is nothing more than icing on the cake, because it can be dug out by disciples, at most it takes time.

Before the change, Jun Changxiao was sure to be open for a while, and always open for a long time. Now I have a difficult problem, at least someone can stand up in time.

In fact, this situation is already a bit obvious when buying a property.

When the Nether Developed, the dogs left to rely on the medicines of the Dan Yaoge and the Beast Dan to collect money. Although the way they are going now is similar, they no longer rely on the system. Instead, they hire Dan Tang alchemists to make money.

Someone may have said that it is not yet nourishing the soil?

Yes ~ ~ As of now, the cultivation of system props is very important, but when the pharmacy gradually blooms in the upper world to form a brand effect, even if you sell conventional pharmacy, you can still get a lot of profit.

Jun Changxiao is working hard to be systematic. He also hopes that he can continue to develop steadily for a long time without relying on the help of malls and props. Then he shouted, "I always laugh, there is no hanging!"

"He ~ tui!"

The reader's saliva sprayed all over the screen, and it couldn't be wiped off.


The way to remove the veins is very simple. Place an invisible matrix method in a fixed area, and then lift it up brightly.

As a result, the elderly Taixuan began to get busy, inserting flags in various areas, and so on, the entire vein was completely shrouded, even as if it was cut into a huge square.

"Get up!"

Zhong Yi, who manipulated Diablo, shouted loudly.


Suddenly, the one hundred mechs in the formation of the formation simultaneously exerted force to directly lift the empty veins and slowly fly to the sky.

Because of the existence of a high-level isolation matrix method, even a large area of ​​soil can not be seen.

Reader: "Rely on, I thought I had sent so many mechas, ready to work with the major forces to promote the power of eternal ancestors, but it was only used to move the veins!"


The veins were lifted and the original terrain was concave.

Jun Chang laughed certainly would not leave exposed clues, immediately ordered Pecs to fill the soil, and soon filled the missing area.


"Go to Lingyao Wonderland!"



From the perspective of readers, a vein covered in a matrix of separation, leaving the Yuding Mountains slowly under the consignment of hundreds of mechs, opened a life of luxuriant displacement, so it is also called a stray mine.

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