The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1477: Is it **** or immortal, is it demon or demon!

Jun Changxiao was suddenly shrouded in violent winds, stunned Gu Zhaoxi.

The gadgets that looked like fruit knives in his hand suddenly turned into golden ring knives, which also stunned Gu Zhaoxi.


No wonder the face of thousands of red-eyed soul beasts, my brother is still as stable as a rock, and he still has a hidden card!

Tie Mulin took out an iron rod and directly ran Jin Hao, who had turned nine rounds into the Danish realm. Now he has a big sword, and Jun Chang smiles again and again to shock Gu Zhaoxi.



The red-eyed soul beast did not perceive the danger, snarled at the posing human, and carried a sickening stench.


Jun Chang smiled across the knife and said, "Take you to worship the heaven!"



The kind of coercion that could restrain everything broke out and rushed in all directions.

"this is……"

Gu Chaoxi said, "The power of space!"

Oh my God!

This gold wire ring knife can release the power of space. It is definitely a magic weapon at the level of fairy characters!

If it is not in a combat situation, Gu Zhaoxi may be holding Jun Chang's thigh directly, saying, "Brother! You are my brother!"

Immortal-level equipment, the top in the upper world, is the artifact that martial arts dream of.


The force of restraint whistled, and space quickly twisted.

That's it!

Gu Zhaoxi secretly said: "Brother has this knife in hand, and the upper bound must be walking sideways!"



The red-eyed soul beast finally realized the danger, one after another weirdly roared, and then dragged its huge body to retreat deep.

"Want to run?"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Is it too late?"

As long as this biggest hole card is used, it will definitely stare at anyone who has settled down and become a lamb that can be slaughtered by anyone.

However, it happened unexpectedly when the restraining force overwhelmed the past, because all the affected red-eyed soul beasts could still flee normally without being affected by space forces.



The beasts were able to flee faster.


Since the overpowered force has no effect on ourselves, why should we run away stupidly?


A large number of red-eyed soul beasts suddenly braked, and then turned their heads neatly, staring at the sword-holding humans, the blinking red light intensified.


Jun Chang sighed with a smile.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "What's going on?"

Jun Chang raised his knife with a smile, and then tilted his head over his head, posing as a renter in kung fu, slipping away, and shouting, "Brother, the wind is tight!"

Gu Zhaoxi's expression suddenly became stiff.

Lying down!

Just describing my inner shock occupies most of the chapters. In the end, my brother ran faster than the rabbit!

"Roar! Roar!"

At this moment, a large number of previously scarred soul beasts gathered around, and human anger appeared in the eyes, apparently to completely crush the two humans playing in the flowers!



All kinds of energy came over in an instant, and he was so shocked that Gu Chaoxi ignored his identity and image, and pursed his tongue like a jumping crazy dog, chasing away where Jun often laughed and fled.


"Wait for me!"




There were frequent explosions in the Wraith Valley. Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, who were outside, heard the expression of disapproval on their faces.

In their view, as long as the suzerain enters, even if there are any fierce monsters in it, they will become lambs to be slaughtered.

In fact.

Jun Changxiao and Gu Zhaoxi, who were in the valley, turned into street mice at the moment. They could only flee under the crazy attack of thousands of red-eyed soul beasts, without any mastery.

Two fists are a true portrayal of rivals!

"Brother, go out!"

"Kill enough one hundred before talking!"


Because of the branch mission, even though there are more and more red-eyed soul beasts, Jun Changxiao can only flee while looking for opportunities to fight back.

Although Gu Chaoxi collapsed, his brother could only do so since he said it, so the two staged a drama of adversity and counterattack in Gu Nai. The whole process continued with high energy and the whole process was like walking a tightrope!


The third form of the gold wire ring knife cuts the space and directly cuts an incoming red-eye soul beast into two sections.

Along with the increase of one, Jun Changxiao was also shrouded in dozens of monsters, and finally burst out in a wild chaos, and then banged against the wall.

He and Gu Zhaoxi are all right when singled out this kind of red-eyed soul beast, but in the thousands of heads, even if they hurt one, they have to pay the price.



In the Valley of Wraiths, the movement was shocking.

Confronted with dozens of red-eyed soul beasts that were comparable to eight turns, Gu Chaoxi was beaten and flew out again, yelling: "Brother, we will be consumed in this way, let's retreat!"


Jun Chang laughed and stepped away from several monsters to attack.

It took about two quarters of an hour to kill more than ten heads. This would require a few hours to complete the task. If you dragged on, you would really die here.


Suddenly, the roar of the shaking space and the valley sounded, only to see the Akane soul demon king originally existing in the deepest step out, and attracted the same roar.


"No time to withdraw!"

The giant demon king that appears is as powerful as nine turns to Dan, and it must be followed by it. It must be cool!

This shows.

Second-class forbidden areas can't just come in casually!

"you go first!"

Jun Chang laughed and fell on the way back, his eyes solemnly said: "I cover!"

"Do not!"

Gu Zhaoxi fell aside and said, "I cover, you go first!"

The situation at the moment is not good, but he who has the spirit of reincarnation is not afraid of death. After all, he can be born again, but his brother is different. He must finish the flowering after death.

"This is the order of this seat!" Jun Chang smiled and said with a smile.

Both men are usually referred to as their elder brother and younger brother. Nowadays Jun often laughs to exercise the right of the sovereign, because the other person once died for himself.

My junior laughter can be hacked and can be interpreted too much, but he never loses his way in right and wrong!


This is the principle!


Suddenly, a voice came from my ear: "You touched me ~ ~ Dasheng!"



Just at this moment, Jun Changxiao seemed to be rolling around, and quickly gathered the substantive armor.


The right hand waved gently, and the flames converged into a cloak.


Gu Zhaoxi's eyes suddenly narrowed when he saw the old man's lava armor and waved into a robe.


Jun Chang smiled with one hand against his ear, slowly separated, and the special effect full of Ruyi golden hoop rods appeared, his voice sternly said: "I will wait to see Rulai Laoer!"



Magnificent brilliance, towering flames!

"Ding! Hunt the Red Eyed Soul Beast 21/100."

"Ding! Hunt Akimura Beast 22/100."

"Ding! Hunt Red Eye Soul Monster 100/100."


"call out!"

Outside, a sky of light emerged out of thin air, like a peacock opening its screen.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The earth shook suddenly.

Li Qingyang and others struggled to hold their bodies, shocked in their hearts: "What happened inside!"

After a little bit.

The sky's rays dissipated, and the sky was restored.

In the Valley of the Wraith, the originally dim environment was scattered, and a ray of sunlight was ingested, which filled the originally forbidden land with light.


Gu Zhaoxi fell to the ground with a wonderful expression on his face.

Thousands of red-eyed soul beasts disappeared in the area that can be seen, and the crystal nuclei scattered on the ground emit colorful rays under the sun.


One stick swiped over and died!


Gu Zhaoxi swallowed a hard spit, looked up at Jun Chang, who stood proudly in front of him, and said in his heart, "Is it a **** or a fairy, a monster or a monster!"

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