The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1471: untitled

Ironwood forest.

Upper bound third-class forbidden ground.

Because it produces iron-hard trees in-house, it gets the name 'ironwood forest'.

Iron wood can be used to make equipment, so even if there are no natural treasures here, it will still attract many warriors to mine.

Right now.

Jun Chang laughed and led his disciples into the Tiemu Forest.

There was a whine in the air, which seemed to indicate that the forbidden ground was crying.


The casual practitioners who came in and found out about them, especially when they saw the word 'wangu' written on it, and immediately judged their identity from it.

"What's up with the people of Wanzong?"

"Did it come from experience?"

"I heard that the magic mist forest was set ablaze not long ago. This is the door!"

Everyone talked privately, keeping a subconscious distance from them, for fear of accidentally inducing them and being labeled the shameful villain.

Going out to pick a stone is an artifact, and the routine of encountering enemies in the wild is not applicable here for Jun Changxiao, because any passerby with a little IQ will hide from him.

of course.

Dog left is not the kind of person who causes trouble for no reason.

This time I came to Tiemulin to bring my disciples to practice, and by the way get martial arts resources to comfort the dead.


Xiao Ziji stopped in front of a tree whose surface seemed to be plated with iron, and said, "Is this an iron tree?"


Gu Zhaoxi nodded.


Xiao Guiji made a punch, and Tiemu just shook and did not break, so he was surprised: "This tree is so hard!"

Gu Zhaoxi said: "The older the ironwood is, the stronger the defense is, so it will become the best armor material in the hands of the foundry master."

"You can take it back and let Fan Tangzhu refine the equipment." Jun Chang smiled and held his chin.

Although the casting cabinet can be used to cast weapons and equipment, after all, it needs materials and cannot be mass-produced. If you use upper-bound materials and make equipment from Fan Yezi, you can undoubtedly improve the **** strength.

Always thinking about the sectarian door, there is nothing wrong with this lord.

of course.

As a reader of the well-known dog Heimou, he will definitely overread it.

"Stop standing."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Mining."


Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others were ordered to sacrifice sharp swords and asked, "How much do you take back?"

"Of course I took it all away." Jun Chang laughed.


Several people came to the iron tree Xiao Xiaoji had found, chopped it down, divided it into five pieces, and then threw it into the space. The whole process was crisp and quick.

Because on the periphery of the forbidden area, such hard iron-like trees are not common. Li Qingyang and others only cut four or five trees after searching for a large circle, so they had to go to the deepest.


Trouble was encountered during the felling.

Because the longer the year, the better the iron and wood, there will be associated iron armor monsters.


Li Qingyang waved his sword and chopped it off.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "This kind of monster that feeds on iron wood is very strong in defense, and the iron armor on it is also very suitable for equipment!"

"Then take them with them."

Since coming to Baoshan, it must be taken away.

As a result, Li Qingyang had an additional task of hunting iron armor monsters while cutting the iron trees.


"Woohoo ——————"

Unparalleled power erupted from within Fang Tianhua's halberd. In an area of ​​iron and wood congregation, dozens of iron armored beasts were cut off by the waist, and the scene was very brutal.


Su Xiaomo stepped open her two long legs and put the iron armor scattered on the ground into the space ring as soon as possible.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xie have been responsible for felling the iron trees, and he and Ye Xingchen have been responsible for solving the monsters, because the division of labor is clear, the collection of resources is very efficient, and a big gain in a short time.

The martial arts followers who came in suddenly looked dumbfounded.

If this felling and hunting speed continues for a period of time, the ironwood forest will no longer exist!

"too terrifying!"

"This is simply a merciless sweep!"

"Is Timberwood going to follow in the Fog Forest?"

No, no.

We can't fall behind, we must take the opportunity to cut a few more iron trees, otherwise there will be no chance in the future!

Because of the violent felling of disciples of Wanzong and attracted a large number of iron armor monsters, the warrior suddenly strengthened his courage.

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "The iron wood here belongs to my eternal ancestors. Whoever dares to take one of them, I will go to his house to eat and eat tomorrow."

The disciples blame you in the front. If you pick up leaks in the back, things are not so good in the world.


The powerful momentum erupted in an instant, and the fighters shuddered in shock.


You are strong, you say it!

The warriors in various places hurriedly dispelled the idea of ​​felling the iron wood, and then turned into the purest people who eat melons. Watching the disciples of Wan Guzong put a tree into a ring of space, their eyes were full of envy and envy.



Suddenly, there was a deafening roar in the depths of the forest, only to see an oversized iron armored monster standing up like a thousand-year-old turtle.

"The demon king!"

"Isn't this guy sealed by Jietang!"

The martial arts eyes of all walks of life startled, and they turned and fled without turning back!

With their strength, it is very difficult to solve a few iron armor monsters, let alone face the iron armor monster king, so it is a wise choice to escape.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "It's a bit wrong."

Tie Mulin was sealed with the demon king. He naturally heard about it, and now suddenly running out of coldness, it was a bit abnormal.

Jun Chang's gaze slowly turned cold.

The appearance of the Iron Armored Demon King reminded him of the Demon King of the Mist Forest, so he secretly said in his heart, "Someone has made a trip in the dark?"


Tiemu Lin another direction.

"call out!"

The streamers gradually dissipated, and Jin Hao stepped out of it.

"The third-level forbidden monster king may not pose a lethal threat to that guy, but it should be able to cause some trouble." The corner of his mouth slightly raised, and a dreadful smile appeared ~ ~ The streamer was covering the area This is the land of the Sealed Demon King, and now the latter suddenly appears, and it must be inseparable from Jin Hao.

In other words, the sudden appearance of the Demon Lord of Demon Mist in the Forest of Devil Mist is also his behavior, otherwise he would not be so skilled.

"Jun often laughs."

Jin Hao jumped on the chariot, raised Erlang's legs, and said, "Although you have the backstage of a real ancient man, but I want to kill you, there are actually many ways."

"is it?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

The smile on Jin Hao's face was a little frozen, then he turned around and found that the guy who hated himself stepped forward.

"Discovered?" He said indifferently.

Jun Chang laughed and stopped a few dozen feet away from the chariot, shook his head, and said, "I thought it was the Emperor Ling Yao who oversaw me in the dark. I never thought it would be your defeat."

His defeat defeated Jin Hao, which deeply stimulated Jin Hao, and saw his face shouting: "Boy, you are just relying on the treasure. Without this thing, you are not even a dog in front of me."


An angry voice came from the other side: "Clear your mouth for me!"


Jin Hao looked back and found that there was another young man about 12 or 13 years old on the right side, so he sneered: "A little fart child with no hair on his back, dare to call himself an uncle?"


Gu Zhaoxi said with a grimace: "This guy is so embarrassed!"


Jun Chang smiled and shook his arms and head, and communicated with the blood of the stone figure family in his body. The skin gradually petrified, and said, "Since it's awkward, then our brothers will kill him today!"

"it is good!"

Gu Zhaoxi shook his fist and said, "Brothers concentric, their profit is broken!"


PS, my son ’s third birthday is in a hurry to celebrate his birthday with him, so there is really no time to think about the title.

:. :

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