The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1465: Cruel, ruthless

The resurrection failed, and the ancestor turned into a ghost and slipped away.

However, Jun Changxiao and Yao Mengying are still sitting on the throne, apparently not completely resolved the remaining magic.

At this time, a large number of Moxiu who restored consciousness walked into the underground palace, staring at the delicate box, and appeared greedy, apparently intending to seize it.

It was a cruel reality to save them and end up robbing them.

However, after all, it is magic cultivation, there is no moral bottom line.

What's more, even Jun often laughed without thinking that when he rescued his disciples, he also rescued these people.

Because distraction is used to refine the magic, the dog has no defense at all, and any martial artist can easily wipe it out.

The problem is not big.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others stood next to each other and set off their defensive positions.

Although the powerful magic in the palace has been completely dissipated, because of the confrontation between the elder brothers and a large number of demons, the atmosphere has once again been killed.


Gu Zhaoxi rubbed his fingers out of the flame, lowered his head to light an electronic cigar, and then spit out the smoke ring, his eyes gradually shivered: "If you don't want to die, hurry up."

A large number of demon eyes turned into fear.

Li Qingyang and others did not put much pressure on everyone. After all, it was only after the transfer, and Gu Chaoxi, who turned eight, was a little stronger!

Greed can drive the mind to do irrational things. If the strength is too disparate, it must not be blindly rushed to death.

This shows.

They can stay sane for the time being.

However, the next sentence made Mo Xiu completely crazy.

"The exquisite box contains the body of the innate holy demon before my life. Whoever gets it can inherit the mantle of the delusion!"

The speaker is obviously the remnant of the demon ancestor who slipped away. It seems that he is unwilling to resurrect and fail, and intends to use the hand of demon repair to get rid of the destructive plan.

The plan, which has been brewing for tens of thousands of years, has finally been implemented. As a result, outsiders have failed, and no one can swallow the bad breath.

Demon ancestors play well.

At first, when the feared martial arts warrior heard it, his body seemed to be injected with chicken blood. Not only did people get excited, but their greedy eyes flashed to the extreme!


Gu Zhaoxi frowned: "They are crazy!"

The congenital holy demon body is the top physique of the demon, and inheriting the mantle of the delusion family will surely make the magic repair go crazy.


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Several magic repairs who reached five or six turns took the lead.

Someone took the lead and immediately caused a chain reaction, bringing together thousands of magic martial arts soldiers at the entrance of the palace to act together. They did not intend to stand firm with Li Qingyang and others, but decided to bypass and only responsible for snatching the delicate boxes!

"court death!"

Gu Zhaoxi murderous atmosphere.


At this moment, Xiao Xie had pressed down the heavy machine gun, and then aimed the muzzle at the first few magic repairs that went around first, and he couldn't pull the trigger emotionally!

"Da Da Da Da Da!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The bullet blasted on the enchantment where several demon congregations gathered, and it was immediately ejected.

This hot weapon is very simple to deal with the magic mist monster in the magic mist forest, but it will be very hard to face the five or six turn strong!


Gu Zhaoxi dropped the e-cigar that he just took a sip on the ground, rubbed it with his feet, and shouted, "Give it to me at a high level, and give it to you at a low level!"


As soon as the words fell, he rushed forward.

"Palm prints across the sky!"


The dense palm prints were formed by the gathering of true spirits, and then blasted towards several demon detours who were detouring, and the power of the explosion made Li Qingyang and others feel filthy.

Gu Zhaoxi's strength is strong, his understanding is high, this kind of unique martial arts can exert its true power in his hands.



Several people who were about to rush to the throne of the fifty-sixth turn of the throne were immediately blown out, and then slammed against the wall severely, all with pale blood spurting out.



Gu Zhaoxi's toughness could not stop the greedy demon, they rushed from different directions, only one thought in his heart, snatched the exquisite box in Yao Mengying's hand, and obtained the innate holy demon body!

At absolute profit, businessmen will take risks.

With absolute martial arts resources, the magic repair naturally does not take care of life.

"Master Xiao, stop the followers!"


Xiao Guiji turned his arms, pointed his muzzle at the follow-up magic repair, held the trigger directly without letting go, only to see that the bullets did not burst out like money.

In the face of high-level transfers to Dan, hot weapons have little effect, but in the face of one or two transfer warriors, as long as the firepower is fierce enough and the bullets fire fast enough, it is definitely a hit!

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the two of Danjing turned into a sieve.


Ye Xingchen jumped up and turned into an unparalleled war general. He picked up Fang Tianhua's halberd and swept across thousands of troops. As a result, his operation was as fierce as a tiger. Looking at the record of four bars and zeros, he took four rounds of Danjing.


Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo perfused the thunder and lightning into the body of the sword, wielding a ray of thunderous sword, and one intercepted by speed, but also blocked the position of many warriors, making it difficult to approach the throne.

However, there are too many demon repairers.

What's more, their strength is one turn. Even if they can rely on equipment to fight two turns, but three turns and four turns?

So in this defensive battle, he still has to watch over Zhao Xi, because only he has the crushing power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Live up to expectations, this old man is very wild in his irritability, but when the fist shadow permeates the past, he will definitely fly a group of warriors, so that they can never get close to Jun Chang and smile.

A battle of Vanguard vs. a large number of demon repairs kicked off in the underground palace, but it will be announced soon because ...


On the throne, Jun Chang spit out a sigh of sigh, then opened his eyes slowly and whispered: "Although the strength has not improved, it feels a lot stronger."


Yao Mengying rejoiced: "I have also broken through to the second realm of Dan!"

The little girl has been following the leak, picking up from the upper position to the second round of the Dan border, and you can see that the power of gold is so powerful!

Jun Chang laughed and put her down, got up and performed chest expansion exercises, and looked at the group of magic repairs that were rushing, her eyes gradually turned cold.

No matter what is contained in this delicate box, it was first found by this disciple. If you dare to grab it, then ...


Jun Chang disappeared in situ. When the camera kept up, he already appeared in front of Gu Zhaoxi, and his right fist slammed into the face of a magic repair, saying, "Let's go to hell!"


The hit martial arts warrior hit the wall like a shell, his chest was massively sunken, and his mind was completely disconnected from his brain.

"I go!"

Gu Zhaoxi's eyes widened.

The attacking magic repair strength is six revolutions, and my brother is also at this level. In the same realm, each other will be killed with a single punch. This is too exaggerated!


At this moment, Gu Zhaoxi clearly saw that Jun Changxiao's clenched right fist and exposed skin were stoned, so he suddenly realized: "Brother used the power of stone statue!"


Jun Chang smiled and raised his hand, surprised: "Is the armed man domineering?"


With his two fists clenched, the new energy gathered in Dantian exploded quickly, and the entire body was quickly petrified, and even the appearance turned into a gargoyle.

Seeing this, Moxiu under the control of greed exclaimed in unison: "A family of stone statues!"


Jun Chang laughed out of nowhere and appeared in front of a warrior who turned around Dan Dan. He raised his finger lightly on the side, and put it between his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Dead."

"call out"

Because the picture was too bloody, the camera switched the angle by itself, only to see the blood splatter effect, and then ... the warrior fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were dumbfounded.

From appearing in front of Moxiu to killing it with a shot, the whole process is simply not too simple!


This scene is still happening.

Under the petrification, Jun Chang laughed as if he was an incarnation of a demon. As long as he appeared in front of the enemy, he used his **** to take his life on the forehead.



In a short time, Jun Chang laughed and stopped in front of Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, etc. The number of dead corpses lying behind him had reached more than 300, and all the causes of death were penetrated through his brain.


Seeing his brother's ruthless obliteration, Gu Zhaoxi secretly said, "Like the storyteller, the stone statue awakening blood is ruthless!"

Jun Chang laughed so much that he was too strong and brutal. He immediately calmed down the follow-up magic repair, and then stepped back with fear.

This is not human!

This is a gargoyle!

"The devil's land created by the demon ancestor is nothing more than resurrecting himself. He will be sacrificed when he comes in. Now this place has saved you. Instead of being grateful, I dare to grab things. This is really ..." Jun Chang laughed Calmly: "Damn."

The dead words had not fallen yet, and the streamers burst into the sky.




Hundreds of demon repairs who have not yet withdrawn from the palace have been pierced through their brains regardless of their strengths, three or four turns, and then lying down on the ground and turned into corpses.

After coming to the upper world, Jun Changxiao rarely shot, and has been low-key for development. Now he is directly launching a killing ring in the palace, as if dreaming back to the demon who was crazy killing on the battlefield in the plane.

the difference is.

This time, I did not use the hard-to-reach knife, relying solely on my own strength!


Li Qingyang stopped talking.

This group of demons wanted to take advantage of Shimei's chance, and it was taken for granted.

However, he always feels that the lord of the stone statue of the whole body seems to have changed, and he has no feelings. If he can still speak normally, he is a little worried whether he will become enchanted?

"Second Brother."

Su Xiaomo said: "The lord is a bit abnormal!"

He also realized the difference, and even raised a sense of strangeness.

Jun Chang smiled differently. He has lost the expression of being unkind and sloppy in Shihuahua, and has not faced his disciples as gentle as the wind, but turned his back to them, revealing a sense of chill that is hard to approach.

"Is there a huge change in character under the sway of magic?" He Wudi secretly said.


"Call your lord."


Gu Zhaoxi hurriedly changed his stance: "Sovereign, since this is a set deliberately set by the demon ancestor, there may not be any chance, we must quickly find a way out."


Jun Chang laughed and stepped forward to the tunnel entrance.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others skillfully received the ring of magic repair space.

"Things that don't matter are a waste of space with them." Jun Chang smiled lightly.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Did n’t you teach every bag?

"Second Brother!"

Su Xiaomo affirmed in his heart: "There must be something wrong with the suzerain!"


Ten stone gates.

Survivors who have entered one after another emerged from the inside, and although it looked embarrassing, it was not a big deal.

Although it was only a short time in the past, there were only 10,000 surviving demon repairs, and the rest were all sacrificed.


Someone was surprised: "Why is there a door in the distance?"

"Go! Go and see!"

The crowd rushed to the secret door immediately, apparently had not given up the search for the opportunity.

The surviving Mo Xiu just came over, and it happened that Jun Chang laughed and brought his disciples, because the whole body turned into a stone statue and looked scary.


A warrior pointed at the delicate box that Yao Mengying was holding, and said, "Maybe there is something hidden inside!"

Others also realized that their eyes suddenly lighted.


The voice of the demon ancestor rang again and said, "It contains the innate holy demon body. Whoever gets it will inherit the mantle of the delusion!"

"old man!"

Jun Chang smiled and looked up, angrily: "Your path is getting narrower and narrower!"

Tens of thousands of demon repairs were seduced by the demon ancestor, staring hotly at the delicate box.


Half an hour.

Gu Zhaoxi took out the cigar that had just been stamped out ~ ~, and then patted the dirt on it, ignited and took a sip.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others stood a little dazed when they stood in place.

Because, in their field of view, tens of thousands of magical corpses were standing in front of them, and the blood gathered into a river with a pungent odor.


Jun Chang laughed and crossed Qinglong Yueyuedao in front of him.

From the blood stains on the blade, he saw that tens of thousands of demons were wiped out by him.

Cruel and ruthless!


ps, 10,000 words.

At the end of the month, to sum up this month, a total of 19w + yards, which is the first time since listing, fell below 20w words per month, I feel a bit criminal, and we must work harder next month. Magic Moon Academy

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