The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1460: Dreamland

The treasure hunter purchased by the Nether and used to obtain opportunities in the battlefield of the plane can be used in the land of magic, which makes Jun Chang smile very unexpectedly, and even more unexpectedly, the orientation shown does not point to the ten stone gates, which means that there is nothing in it .

In this case, it is still out.

Isn't the devil who created the chance deliberately pit people?


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "The world of top powerhouses is hard to understand."

"It's normal."

The system said: "If you can be found casually, it is not a chance, it is a rotten street cabbage, so future generations want to inherit it without paying a huge price."

"For example, the host, if one day knows that they are going to fart, and martial arts need others to inherit, it will definitely set up complex opportunities to embarrass them."

"Are you cursing me to death?"


Jun Chang laughed: "If it is me, it will definitely set this opportunity to be more interesting, rather than let the future generations choose."

Although he was talking with the system, in reality he was not idle. After carefully observing the position of the compass, he led his disciples to the opposite direction of Shimen.


Yao Mengyao wondered, "Where are we going?"

"Do not talk."

Jun Chang laughed: "Follow me."

Yao Mengying hurriedly shut his mouth, even though there were a hundred question marks in his heart, he didn't say them.

Because Li Qingyang and others are not magical, their mentality is normal, and they do not care if the suzerain takes himself anywhere.


Gu Zhaoxi looked at the compass and said, "What the **** is this?"

"Treasure detector."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "The Master gave it to me."

Gu Zhaoxi cast an envious look.

He has been in the upper world for so long, and he has been working hard alone, without the help of the master.


I jealous!

The position on the compass is in the northwest direction, so Jun Chang laughed and took a few people along the way until he walked for about half an hour, the frequency of light flashes faster, which means that the treasure is very close.


"It's close, but why is there nothing?"

Jun Changxiao is still in the barren land now, and there is nothing except moonlight and magic qi around him.


However, I took a few more steps, as if touching the invisible enchantment, the space rippled suddenly.


At this moment, a larger stone gate appeared in front of him, and a strong magical spirit was blown inside, making Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others snoring.

Jun Chang smiled and looked down at the compass, and found that the frequency of the light's beating speeded up, so he rejoiced: "It should be inside."


Everyone entered one after another.

At this time, the magic repair who was lining up in the distance also found that a larger stone gate appeared in the rear. After a short consideration, he immediately poured in.


An old man in black robe said, "There is a secret door!"

The land of previous magic fate has been opened, many magical repairs have been entered, and few come out, but after countless times, the experience will be summarized in the end, so the opportunity of the ten stone gates has always been jealous.

Nowadays, Jun Chang smiles for cheating on the treasure finder, inspiring the hidden door, which has confirmed many people's speculation.


Inside the stone gate is a deep, long tunnel with reddish walls, like smeared with blood.

Jun Changxiao walked with his disciples, but with each step, the soul seemed to be eroded by some kind of power, and people began to drift.


Gu Zhaoxi was shocked: "The magic here will disturb your mind, so don't take care ..."

"call out!"

Without talking, man has lost his mind.

When I returned to God again, I found myself in a forest of birds and flowers.

"what's the situation?"

"I just felt a dream!"

Li Qingyang, Xiao Xieji and others were also nearby. They glanced at each other with puzzled eyes.

and many more!

What about the lord and sister?

Everyone was in the mountains and forests, but Jun Changxiao and Yao Mengying were not seen.

"Don't worry!"

Gu Zhaoxi closed her eyes and felt a little, then said, "This is not reality, this is a dream!"


Everyone looked stunned.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "The magic has just disturbed our mind and brought it to an illusory scene. The suzerain and the girl didn't come in, it should be resolved in advance."


Suddenly, Ye Xingchen punched Su Xiaomo's stomach and said, "Does it hurt?"

"... No pain!"

"It really is a dream!"

"No, can't you hit yourself? You have to hit me?"


As Gu Zhaoxi guessed, they have fallen into some kind of dream, but in reality they stand in a tunnel like a chicken.


Jun Chang, standing next to him, sighed with a smile.

He was not harassed by the magical energy, because Xiaohuo and Xiaoxie worked together and besieged the magical gas that poured into the sea.

"It's over."

"They were recruited."

Seeing Gu Zhaoxi, Li Qingyang and others with eyes blind, Jun Chang laughed and stepped forward to hold his pulse, let Xiao Xie and Xiao Huo work together to help resolve them, but suddenly found Yao Mengying standing in the middle of tears.

Oh shit!

He even cried my lovely disciple!


Jun Chang walked over with a smile, clasped one hand on Yao Mengying's pulse, and was about to use two spirits to help him get rid of the magic, and suddenly a buzz came from his head.

After a while.

He seemed to wake up from a dream, and suddenly found himself in the setting sun, then slowly looked up, and found a dilapidated building in front of him, and the word 'iron bone' was faintly seen on the broken plaque.


Jun Chang laughed as if he was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stupid instantly.

Because the dilapidated building is exactly the hall of Zongmen after many transformations by Li Qingyang!

He turned his head stiffly, realizing that he was on the Yanwu Stadium, and the houses around him had been destroyed. The disciples' bodies were lined around and blood gathered into the river.

Jun Chang's heart seemed to be stunned by the sharp blade, and the whole face gradually twisted.

who is it!

Destroy my gate!

Jun Chang laughs that the blood in his body seems to be burning, erupting in endless anger, and offering all the cards such as hard-to-receive knives and stone statues!

At that moment, when he was in the ruined sect door and in the sun, he was like a totally enraged demon, and he would put the whole world into eternal darkness at any time.

"Host, calm down!"

Just then, the system's voice sounded in the ear: "This is a dream!"


Am I having a nightmare?

The system said: "To be precise, the host is in Yao Mengying's dream."


Suddenly, a cry came from the ear.

Calmly smiling, Chang often hurriedly turned around and saw Yao Mengying kneeling in a pool of blood, holding Liu Wanshi's body, crying in tears like rain: "Master, wake up!"

Although reminded by the system, it was only a dream, but when I saw this scene, my heart still came with a strong tingling.


At this moment, a man in a black robe came over, stopped in front of Yao Mengyao, and said in a cold voice, "Crying is the performance of a coward, stand up and follow me."

"who are you……"

"People who can change your destiny."

"I won't go, I'll wait for the sovereign to come back!"

"That guy is dead. You are the only survivor of Van Gogh."

The old man in the black robe was a little impatient. He shrouded Yao Mengying with energy, and forcibly took it away with or without consent.

However, as he was about to fly away, he was suddenly struck by one hand on his shoulder.

"old man."

Jun Chang stood behind with a smile and said coldly, "Let go of my disciples."

The old man in black robe turned around suddenly, and said, "How can you ... enter other people's dreams?"

"I'm curious."

Jun Chang laughed: "How can you come in?"


Suddenly, an old man in black robes fell directly to the ground with a shoulder fall, and then poured power and fists, screaming angrily: "Whether it is reality or a dream ~ ~ Who the **** dare to bully my disciples, Lao Tzu must get Fuck him! "

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Don't look at it as a dream, but the fight is very real. The fist to the flesh is just one word, cool!

After a blast of bombardment, the mysterious black-robed old man was instantly stunned into a ray of magic, and the surrounding space collapsed instantly, and the two immediately broke away from their dreams and returned to reality.

"Why ... what happened?" Yao Mengying said with tears in his eyes.


"Master, how do you ride on Uncle!"

In dreams, Jun often laughs at the old man in the black robe, but in reality he grabs Gu Zhaoxi, who is close to him, and he is ruthless. At the moment, the thinking is falling into a dream, but his nose and face are swollen.

No wonder true!

No wonder the punches go to the flesh! Magic Moon Academy

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