The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1458: Demon Gate opens

Double fists hammered into the void to form a clique-like enclave, and then grabbed it, binding all the members of the escaped funeral pavilion. This operation came down, and Jun Chang laughed suddenly.

What shocked him most was that he and his disciples were also clearly in the enchantment, but they flashed past and were not affected.

The system admired: "This person's control of space power has reached a level of fire!"


Jun Chang smiled and raised his respect.

Without influencing the innocent, the members of the funeral pavilion were wiped out, and so on. The four nine-turn Dandan seemed to slip away!


Liu Sinan shook his head and said, "Ran four."


Jun Chang smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth, and said silently in his heart, "You will not run if you don't pose at first."

"young people."

Liu Sinan said: "You are safe now."

"Thank you for saving!" Jun Chang laughed and thought, if such a strong man would become a member of my eternal ancestors, it would be even more powerful.

Liu Sinan looked up at the outline of the gate to the city's foreign exchange gathering, and said, "The land of the demon will be opened soon, and people in the demon will also come in large numbers. For your own safety, let's leave quickly."


Does this mean that I am weak?

The system said: "Compared with others, the host is indeed weak."


Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and looked calmly: "Since joining the Jietang, I have vowed that in this life I will use my life to defend justice. Even if there is a sword and fire in front of me, I will move forward without hesitation!"

Every sentence and every subtle manner will fully perform the acting performance, leading Su Xiaomo admiring behind him: "I am too bad compared to the suzerain!"

"Brother isn't really Jietang?" Gu Zhaoxi muttered in his heart.

"young people."

Liu Sinan nodded and praised, "I appreciate you very much."

"Brother Liu!"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "It's not a secret, I always hope to be your big husband like this!"

"I can't even protect my own woman. What kind of husband is I?" Liu Sinan put his hand on the sarcophagus, and his decadent and uncle covered his entire face again.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This is a man with a story."


Liu Sinan lifted the sarcophagus back and pointed to the helmmaster restrained by Gu Zhaoxi, saying, "I will take this person away."


Jun Chang laughed and tangled.

It was not easy to catch an identified leader of the funeral burial pavilion and be taken away by him before he began to inquire.

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I am Feng Ling Yao girl"

Speaking of which, it stopped abruptly, because the gate in the sky seemed to be completely substantiated, and the rusty facade gradually emerged with weird lines, delineating a huge monster-like head like a monster.

Liu Sinan looked back and frowned, "It's time to open the door."

"call out!"

Suddenly, a black ripple visible to the naked eye, rippling from the huge iron gate, not only swept the entire city, but also extended thousands of miles away.

Touched by energy, Jun Chang smiled suddenly felt disturbed, but quickly disappeared, so he was surprised: "What happened just now?"

"This is the magic wave."

Gu Zhaoxi solemnly said, "I heard that the scholars can interfere with the magic repair."


At this moment, Li Qingyang pointed at the sky and exclaimed: "Little sister flew up!"

Jun Chang smiled and looked up hurriedly, and saw Yao Mengying's eyes twinkling red, and a crescent moon pattern appeared between his eyebrows, as if approaching the iron gate.


"What does this guy do?"


"Hmm! Hmm!"

Jun Changxiao first flew up until he got close to Yao Mengying and shouted, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Yao Mengying said nothing until she stopped more than ten feet away from the iron gate and made a prayer-like gesture.

At this time, the flying magic repairs also stopped, and they gathered around the iron gates with flashing lights and became pious believers.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"I do not know."

"The storyteller didn't tell you?"

"He is not omnipotent, nor is he omniscient."


Jun Chang laughed and tried to shout Yao Mengying, but the latter couldn't hear it at all, and the bright red flickers in his eyes grew stronger.

Liu Sinan said: "These magical corrections convey the power of faith, and when certain conditions are met, the iron gate will open."

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled and realized, but looked a moment and secretly said, "Why is this guy here too? What about the members of the funeral pavilion just arrested?"

After the iron gate became substantive, the magic repairs of thousands of miles flew over.

They gathered around, devoutly contributed to the power of faith, and strengthened the strange patterns on the facade.

Before his birth, the demon ancestor opened up an independent space and threw all the treasures into it, thus opening up the era of great hunting, but for future generations to obtain, they must gather faith to open the door.

Jun Chang laughed: "This design is a bit boring."

Liu Sinan stood beside, holding his chest with both hands, and the cloak engraved with the word "Chivalry" rang behind him.

What about the sarcophagus?

It is placed on the streets of the city and presses the plastic wrap that binds the members of the funeral pavilion.

Jidao Cave.

Tonggu real people looked at the substantive magic gate and said, "The gate is about to open."

"Hope as usual, let's pass by calmly." Kisano was human.

The Devil's Land appears once every 100 years. Although it appears n times, although the momentum is great, no one has inherited the opportunity inside, so the whole upper world is still calm.

The major gates are also watching the magic gate. After all, there is so much movement. If you do n’t do it, the masses will say that it is a bit unimportant.

"the host."

On the top of a cloud-drenched mountain, the old man said, "Jun often laughs too."

The Emperor Ling Yao said: "With him, the land of the demon will open this time. I am afraid that something will change."

After half an hour, the camera returns to the sky outside the demon city. The number of demon repairs from heaven and earth has reached hundreds of thousands, and the iron gates are densely surrounded.

Maybe because Liu Sinan was standing on the edge of his body, and no magic practitioner dared to approach, Jun Changxiao and others looked particularly dazzling.

"Ka ——————"

At this moment, a crisp sound came, and the tightly closed iron door shook slightly, and then there was a gap in the bottom.


Liu Sinan solemnly said.

His spiritual thoughts were released in full, capturing all the magical people around him, fearing that they would lose their minds and a serious trampling event would occur.


"Boom boom!"

Shocks came from the iron door frequently, and then slowly opened from the bottom to the top, until the gap became larger and larger, and a chilling cold air was blown from the inside.


The iron door opened slightly.

Because of the vortex, it is impossible to see what is inside.

"Zongzhu ~ ~ Yao Mengying said:" We can go in. "


Jun Chang laughed a little dumbfounded.

The girl's eyes were still red and red, as if she was controlled by some power, how could she still have consciousness, and how could she still speak?


At this moment, Yao Mengying spread her arms, and the magic air emerged from her body, quickly covering the suzerain, Li Qingyang and others, saying, "Go!"

"call out--------"

The crowd was dragged directly by her, and quickly merged into the vortex of the gate.

Liu Sinan didn't follow because he was not a demon, and he wasn't interested in finding opportunities, but he held up his chin and said, "The baby girl just felt a little different from other demons."

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