The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1455: The wicked must grind the wicked

Half an hour ago.

Gu Zhaoxi had nothing to do in the streets, but he acted very well and did not deliberately touch the porcelain.

However, when I just walked to the gate of the city, I saw a group of tall horses with flames on their soles walking in. The warriors carried on them wore black robes, making it difficult to see the appearance.

Jun Chang Xiaoping also likes to wear black robes at sunrise, mainly feeling very compelling.

These people are different. They lowered their heads, as if they were completely integrated with the black of the costume, and they felt a strong sense of mystery.

"Big man," Gu Chaoxi muttered in his heart.

Criticized by Jun Changxiao, he didn't intend to touch the porcelain, and planned to walk elsewhere.


Ma Mingsheng came, and a group of people had stopped in front of them.

The head of the man raised his head slightly, revealing an extremely cold face, and said, "Go away."

Two words, no emotion, like a professionally trained killer.

At this time, anyone with a little eyesight can realize that the visitor is by no means a good stubble, and he will surely leave early, and Gu Chaoxi is standing in front of him.

He dismissed the idea of ​​wandering elsewhere, crooked his head with his hands on his hips, and said, "What do you say?"



Gu Zhaoxi stepped forward, the power of the true spirit was poured into his hands, and he was severely bombarded on the back of the tall head Malaysia, which flew on the spot.

The beriberi horse is so cool.


The warrior in black robe fell to the ground with a frown, and said, "It turned out to be a master."

"Brother said that a gentleman saved money, and it's a good idea. You have humiliated me just now, so you need to pay a million yuan of black stones!" Gu Zhaoxi said lightly.

The identity of this group of black robes is certainly not simple, and the lion must speak loudly.

"Save money?"

The old man in black robe said gloomily: "You are looking for death!"



Suddenly, more than a dozen companions sitting on the tall horses flew down and surrounded Gu Zhaoxi with a certain meaning.

The faces of these people are pale, as if they have not seen the sun all year round, their eyes are not only cold, but also very flashy.

There is no doubt that they are magic repair.

In fact, there are also many people in the magical city who look very scary, but it is very rare to be able to magic to such a degree.


Gu Zhaoxi faintly said, "Do you want to fight more with less? OK, one million per person!"

Under the influence of the dog's three views, he was eager for someone to ask himself for trouble, and then took the opportunity to make a small sum of money.


The black robe warrior headed coldly: "Capture him!"



More than a dozen men took a footstep like a shocking dragon and quickly made complicated handprints.


Gu Zhaoxi sneered.


Suddenly, the five-faced streamer enchantment gathered around him, forming a small cage to trap him in it.

A martial artist saw from the building windows on both sides and secretly said: "This is definitely a master!"


"Yesterday the little guy who forcibly touched the porcelain finally kicked it on the iron plate!"

Seeing Gu Zhaoxi's trapped combo formation, the warrior hiding in the room was naturally happy, and unanimously determined that the wicked had to be grinded by the wicked!


Seeing this on the other street, Li Qingyang hurriedly whispered: "Zongzhu, uncle and others are fighting!"


Gu Zhaoxi's mouth raised in the streamer's cage, and the disdain was more intense. Then he poured the power of the true spirit into his two fists, and suddenly launched a fierce bombardment towards the enchantment. The denseness of the fist shadow was comparable to the rubber machine gun of a straw hat.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

However, after some violent bombardment, the streamer enchantment still stood upright in front of him.


Gu Zhaoxi's eyes flickered with anger.

He was previously bound by a special magical power by Ling Yao Yao Empress, but now he is trapped by a group, which really makes him unhappy.


The head of the black robe warrior faintly said: "Any strength can break the sky, and it will not help in front of the Jiuyin Seal Array."

"Jiuyin Seal Array?"

Gu Zhaoxi's eyes flashed suddenly.

He had heard of this kind of formation, which was created by a top magician tens of thousands of years ago, but it has been lost in the upper world since his death.

"who are you?"

Being able to exhibit the long-lost seal formation allows Gu Zhaoxi to immediately judge that this is not something ordinary people can do. Maybe it is a magical force with great energy!


As long as the author does not force him to reduce his intelligence, it is still a bit of a brain.

The black robe warrior headed was completely uninterested in his ink, and said lightly: "The contraction matrix."



The hands scattered in different areas made fingerprints again, only to see that the streamer enchantment similar to the prison cage began to move closer to the central area, and the space became narrower and narrower.

Of course, Gu Zhaoxi would not sit still and gather forces to bombard again, but every time he touched the enchantment, the strength seemed to be integrated into the cotton, and he could not do any harm at all.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The closer the barriers on all sides are, the narrower the space becomes.

no way!

Gu Zhaoxi raised his head and shouted, "Brother, come and save me!"

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the lens suddenly shifted to the other end of the lens. With the super-combustion BGM accompaniment ~ ~ colorful streamers dragged the arc, bursting close to the ground.

"Be careful!"


The seal array method, which is about to shrink to the extreme, was impacted by external forces and immediately exploded in place. The resulting Yu Wei harassed the surroundings and spread to several stores.


More than a dozen black-card warriors in the formation backed up and, after holding their bodies, looked at the end of the street ahead.



With colorful streamers leaving the afterglow, Jun Chang laughed and led five disciples, and Ye Xingchen was responsible for carrying the magic to change the sound.


At this moment, Gu Chaoxi rushed out of the explosion fog, and his eyes were red as the black robe warrior headed by the devil, and yelled, "Uncle, I give you a face?"


The right fist, where the anger and the true spirit converged, banged directly on the opponent's abdomen, and instantly appeared concave, with their eyes bursting open.


The clothing behind was cracked and protruding, and the energy ripples were visible to the naked eye.

Gu Zhaoxi's fist was quite explosive. Although the warrior named Heipao was still standing in place, his internal organs were severely damaged, and he went from full blood to residual blood.

"Lord Master!"

More than a dozen men exclaimed, and this was about to break out and rush to the past.

However, as soon as he was about to prepare for action, he saw that Chang often laughed and did not know when he appeared in front of Gu Zhaoxi. He raised the desert eagle lightly and arrived at the temple of the black robe warrior headed by the muzzle. Speak well. "

Although everyone does not know what Yin Liangliang's gadgets are, it can be seen from the action that this is holding the helm master, so they are standing in place and dare not act lightly.

At this moment, Gu Zhaoxi, the sharp-eyed man, noticed that there was a thing hanging on the waist of the old man in black robes, so he took it off and looked at it, and said, "Brother, they are the people who buried the moon!"

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