The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1452: Land of magic

"Born by nature, the treasure is born?"

In Changzong, Jun Chang smiled, his eyes were always staring at the western sky, like a whirlpool of chrysanthemum blooming, his eyes gradually appeared shiny.

As a person who loves to make fun and die, naturally he will not give up this good opportunity.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "This is not the birth of the supreme treasure, this is the opening of the devil."


Jun Chang smiled blankly.

Gu Zhaoxi explained: "One hundred thousand years ago, before the fall of the demon ancestors of the magic delusion, they opened up an independent space with magical powers and stored their entire life-long collections in it, so it is called the realm of magic fate.


Jun Chang laughed and remembered the past when the Emperor deposited various martial arts in the Valley of the Devil, so he secretly said: "Do people in the Devil like to hide things before they die, so when they start searching in later generations?"

Gu Zhaoxi also said: "Every one hundred years, the devil will open, and then the magic repair from heaven and earth will surely attract death."

"Dead to death?"

"According to the statistics of the Jietang, the warriors who entered the land of the demon are only single digits alive, so they are also called the land of the demon."

"Alive, will Huang Feida fly all the way?"


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Either he died later or lost his mind and became a lunatic."

Jun Chang smiled silently, "What's the point of going in?"

"I heard that there is a magic ancestor's will in Devil's Land. If it can be inherited, it will be the same as inheriting the entire magic delusion, and it can command the world to repair magic." Gu Chaoxi said.

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed and immediately became interested.

"of course."

Gu Zhaoxi said, "I have also heard of another version. The land of the devil is an opportunity for the demon ancestor to be resurrected after he stays."

"Are you dead after you die?"

Jun Changxiao was originally surprised, but when he saw the person in front of him, he had previously farted in the nether world, and now he has changed his body and appearance, and suddenly realized that in an unscientific world, resurrection seems to be normal operation.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Brother, I heard that the demon ancestor of the Devil Tribe had entered the third step, and resurrection is still possible."

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said, "That would be a bit terrible."

The so-called third step refers to the heavenly realm, which is also the last level in the upper realm system. Those who reach this level can transcend life and death without being restricted by heaven.

"Not right."

Jun Chang laughed: "Since we are all in the third step, how can we still fart?"

"Because of the Ten Great Emperors, there are also powerful opportunities." Gu Chaoxi said.


Jun Chang laughed and asked, "The Ten Great Celestial Sects will watch the land of the Demon Margin open, and then wait for the demon ancestor to rise?"

"At first I was quite puzzled, but later I learned that the land where the demon ancestor created the devil's edge had established a connection with the origin of the upper world. If it was forcibly broken, the foundation would be shaken, so the Ten Immortals did not dare to act lightly." Gu Chaoxi said.


Jun Chang laughed, "It's a cruel man!"

"Brother, where do you know about the delusion so much?"



Jun Chang smiled at the camera, and said slightly from the corner of his mouth, "How can this source feel unreliable!"


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Did you just ask where the funeral pavilion is, I can tell you for sure now that this dark force will definitely go to the devil's land!"


Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

Yao Mengying's abnormality in the recent period made him realize that there may be unstable energy in his body, so for the safety of his disciples, he must find a way to resolve it as soon as possible.

Funeral Pavilion is a branch of the magic delusion family, and knows where the magic delusion domain is, it can be captured.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go to the land of magical destiny!"

The system said silently: "The host who finally low-keyed for a while finally started to die again, and I don't know if the real people in Tonggu are ready to brace at this moment."

"We can't go."


"Not magic."


"If there is a pure devotion to lead the way, it should be able to mix in."


At this moment, Yao Mengying stepped out of the mystery of time and space, looking at the dark daisy-like clouds gathered in the distance, and said, "The disciples want to look over."

After a long thought, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Yes!"




The chrysanthemum-shaped clouds that converge in the west are like machinery, and begin to slowly rotate. The powerful magic is diffused, and it contains a certain force, which leads the magical repairs from the south to the north.

In the dark altar.

The old man in black robes sitting in four positions of the boiling blood pool flashed with excitement and said: "The opening of the land of magical fate may be the opportunity for the resurrection of my ancestor!"

Some people worry: "Jietang may interfere."


The headed person sneered: "The situation is closely related to the origins of the Upper Realm. They only have to avoid rat poisoning, and only watch my ancestors return to the world!"


"Is the new innate demon already found?"

"Still looking."

"You don't have to find the order, let them go to the land of the devil, they should be able to meet in it."



Dark clouds converge in the sky, and the magical qi disturbs the world, causing most of the upper world to be trapped in a quite killing atmosphere.

The major gates have entered a state of alert one after another, because when the land of the demon is opened, it is equivalent to a major event in the field of demon repair, and it is uncertain what moths will appear.

Jietang even sent a large number of masters to the area to open the area, monitoring the magic repairs every day, for fear that they would gather in trouble.

The independent space opened by Mozu, although only people in Modao can enter, but it also attracted a lot of casual repairs to come and see it lively. The former story of the former was turned out again and became a hot topic for everyone.


Demon City.

The city nearest to the vision.

It used to be a very ordinary city. The ancestors of the demon ancestors opened up an independent space with Supreme Masterland 100,000 years ago, so it was regarded as a sacred place by the demon repair ~ ~ even the name was changed to the word devil.

Nearly 80% of the resident martial artists in the city of Moyuan are Moxiu.

Various industries operating in Fang City are also related to magic, such as martial arts and cheats.

Moxiu has a weird personality and a bad temper. Therefore, the city often develops into martial arts because of ‘what are you doing?

It doesn't.

On the wide main street, there were several scenes with the sleeves rolled up. When the crowd saw the rise, they clapped their hands and praised it.


Li Qingyang, who passed by the two fighting demons, frowned, "The City of Demons is chaotic."

"It's normal."

Jun Chang laughed: "After all, it is a gathering place for magic repair."

Half a month after the vision appeared, he took a group to the Marvel City.

Accompanied by his life and death brother Gu Zhaoxi, there are Zongmen's core male disciples Wu Qingqiang Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo, Xiao Xinji, Ye Xingchen, He Wudi.

of course.

And Yao Mengying.

As the younger sister of Zongmen, he was protected in the middle by many brothers.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "It will take some time to open the Devil's Land. We can first find an inn to rest."

Jun Chang nodded with a smile, and was about to lead the crowd to an inn on the street in front of him, but was blocked by several good-looking warriors. He said, "This place has been blocked, and we are going around at a constant speed."


Suddenly, the explosion sounded.

Only a few strong men flew in place, then fell out of Baizhangkai, covering his stomach with pain.


Gu Zhaoxi was in a slamming posture, his right fist gathered explosive power, his black hair fluttered in the wind, his eyes flickered coldly: "Remember, speak to my brother, you must be polite!"


Jun Chang smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth, and collapsed in his heart, "This guy's trouble-making skills are not inferior to me!"

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