The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1437: Mowulin said, can I rescue 1 time?

The sudden weakness of the destiny of Li Qingyang and others indicates that the owner is in danger. After all, everything is damaged, and everything is glorious.

Don't say it.

A bit like soul jade Jane.

But the difference is that as long as the injury can be transmitted to the contract beast, instead of falling apart, it will collapse.

The disciples are in trouble, and the whole sect is dispatched. It is a fine tradition of the Wanzong sect. So in a short time, the high-level officials and their disciples sacrificed colorful glare wings to the magic mist forest.

Jun Chang laughs and flies the fastest, and can be reached in about an hour or two, but he is anxious on the road and secretly prays, "Don't do anything, don't do something."

After coming to the upper world, there will be more dangers waiting for the disciples. Although Dog Left repeatedly emphasizes that he is psychologically prepared, if he does, he will still be flustered. After all, shamelessness is also personal.

"No need to worry."

The system states, "Although the high-star task is difficult, since it is released, it will definitely be calculated carefully. Several core disciples will do it together, and the probability of falling is not high."

"That is the possibility of falling down"



Jun Chang laughed and took out the Tonggu warship, and recovered the colorful glare wings and landed on the bow, but saw the blast fly away.

The speed is much faster, but the energy consumption is also large.

As long as you can help your disciples in time and help them get out of danger, you will not hesitate to use up all your assets.

This is Jun Chang laugh.

A scumbag who can hide his face and make people crazy, treats his disciples like a selfless caring parent.

"Baby, hold on"

"I'm here to save you"


A cloud of dark clouds gradually drifted over the distant sky of the magic mist forest.

"It's going to change"

The warriors who had previously entered the internal exploration have not left because they are waiting for the disciples of Wangu.

"Half an hour."

"They must have become a walking dead."

"Hey, isn't it good to live"

There was a lot of news just now, especially the roar of the demon king, so the martial arts present all thought that the five were cold.


The middle-aged man who bought the elixir shook his head and sighed.

Although it was forced to buy and sell, and it took a lot of black stones, in fact, I am very grateful to the disciples of Wanzong, because without them, the brother would have become a walking dead.

"It's gone, it's gone."

The crowd waited for a while, and were about to turn around to leave. Suddenly, there was a heavy breath behind them, so they looked up instinctively, and saw a large ship suspended in the air, clearly engraved with the four characters of the ancient warship.

"Eternal Suzerain"

"call out"

Jun Chang laughed and flew down from the warship, and then landed in front of the outer entrance. Shen said, "Where is this disciple?"

"In there"

"call out"

Jun Chang laughed and rushed in without saying a word.


"This goes in"

"Dense fog is the strongest stage, even if the six or seven turns can not carry it"

"No wonder those disciples dared to go in, their master was also a fierce man."

Watching Jun Chang smile without hesitation entering the magic mist forest, everyone can only give uppercase admiration in their hearts, and be cool again

"Boss, can't walk"

"Wait a minute"

The elder monarchs went in at the height of the dense fog, and everyone would definitely not leave.

After half an hour.

"call out"

Jun Changxiao rushed out of the magic mist forest, the black attributes of the whole body gradually faded, and the entire face returned to normal from the lacquered black.

The soldiers who did not leave have their eyes widened.

Oh my God

This guy went in for half an hour and it was incredible that he could jump out alive.


After dissolving the enchantment in the body, Jun Chang turned with a smile and said, "Who do you know where my disciples are?"

The dense fog in the magic mist forest has been maximized, and there is a great limit to the diffusion of ideas. He found it in the inside for half an hour and could not find it.

The martial artists were silent.

Many of them knew the position of Li Qingyang and others, but did not dare to say it, for fear of being pulled in by that guy.

Strong magic can't help you, maybe we can't help us

"Monarch Sovereign"

At this moment, the middle-aged man who bought the elixir stepped out and said "I know"

Readers "Friend, please believe me. The moment you stand up, it means that there will be a name soon, and the future will be bright."

"Come in with this seat"

"it is good"

Since Li dare to stand up, he has already done his consciousness.

Lying down.

Really give the name in seconds


Jun Chang smiled and clasped his hand on Li's bold shoulder, which would bring him into the dense fog area, but saw that the black and white Raksha finally rushed over and said in unison "Sovereign, the magic of the magic mist forest will disturb the mind. Do not enter at will "

As a local, I am familiar with this third-class forbidden area.

"I can't control that much"

Jun Chang is too lazy to use this seat, which means he is anxious now


The two melted into it.

As a result, he returned in a quarter of an hour, because the five were no longer in the same position


Li boldly sprayed black sticky things in his mouth, and it was seen that the magical energy had penetrated into the body, but it was not cool because he was being insanely ingested by Xiaoxie's attributes.

At this time, a lot of high-level people and disciples of Wanguzong had accumulated around the magic mist forest. They were either standing in front of the entrance or exit, or waving their wings to hang in the air.

Thousands of warriors who did not leave shivered together at this moment.


There are so many masters in this unclassified Zong Menzhen

Moreover, the gorgeous colorful wings behind it are very advanced.

In fact, if there are only a few people, it will not cause too much reaction. Now a group of high-level and core disciples are gathered, and because of the uncertainty of life such as Li Qingyang, everyone is frowning, and the momentum formed is a bit scary.


Jun Chang laughed and released Li boldly, and he would enter the magic mist forest again.


At this time, the black hair fluttering from the crowd came out of the crowd, and he said, "Sovereign, there is too much magic in it. It is easy to lose your mind if you enter it without permission. It ’s better to let the disciples use the Dharma."

I'm coming

Buddhism for many years has finally come in handy


But before he finished talking, he saw Yao Mengying coming, then stopped at the entrance and exit, arrogantly saying, "Can't you just **** all the magic away?"


Jun often laughed and patted his mind.


Xiao Xie said in his ear, "I want to absorb it."

"it is good"

"call out"

The evil spirit turned into a year old flew out, and then stood side by side with Yao Mengying.

"Everything goes away"

"Brush brush brush"

The crowds retreated and kept their distance.


The small evil breathed deeply, his mouth widened indefinitely instantly, and his mouth became absorbed.

Yao Mengying was not so sturdy. She sat on the ground, reversing the magical spirits of the inner magic, and instantly dragged it into her body.

To the evil spirits and demon repairs, the magical attributes in the magic mist forest are super tonics.

"I go"

"This is too exaggerated"

"Don't eat magic energy, aren't they afraid of exploding?"

The martial arts fighters stared in surprise.


"It's still too slow"

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, took out a large number of magic vacuum cleaners from the space ring, and then threw them to his disciples, saying "suck the magic gas completely"


As a result, the disciples of Wanguzong held their flat mouths neatly, standing like a fire-extinguishing firefighter at the entrance and madly ingesting, and the thick poisonous mist began to gradually fade away ~ ~ Gou Fugui

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Don't be idle, hurry up."


Du Nan hurriedly ran over, then sat cross-like like an old monk, saying something in his mouth.


Golden light flashes, French phase appears

The "South without Amitabha" made a complicated seal quickly, and his hands were raised in the shape of a sky. He shouted "The Diamond Sutra"


The huge Buddha statue behind him suddenly opened his eyes, and the light reached in an instant, rendering the surroundings instantly into a patch of gold, and everyone was shocked to shout "My eyes"

"Still not fast enough"

"Small fire, come out and purify together"


The spirit of the fire soul appeared out of nowhere, and rushed into the fireman directly. Under the pure flame, the dense fog was incinerated immediately.

Some people are eating, some are absorbing, some are purifying, and some are purifying. Looking from a telephoto, it looks like a demon mist forest engulfed by a monster. At this moment, it seems to be shaking violently, and he can't rescue him

Can't be rescued.

Because, in just half an hour, the magical energy existing in it has been ingested seven or eighty-eight, because of the decline in intensity and density, a large number of disciples are going hand in hand.


At this moment, Xiao Xie, who was driving in the front, shouted "There was found"


Jun Chang laughed and hurried over, waiting for the surrounding fog to gradually fade, and found that five huge ice cubes were irregularly placed on the distant ground, and Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were frozen in them.



You may feel that the magic air has weakened, and the ice cubes have cracked rapidly, and the five of them can escape from it, and then lie on the ground and breathe quickly.


Lu Yan squatted down on the ground, a spurt of blood spurted, his white hair quickly recovered, his face paled to the extreme, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

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