The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1431: 0 stores all open

After some friendly consultations, Wan Guzong and Dan Tang reached an agreement to send alchemy talents to earn more and more from the guaranteed base salary.

simply say.

Give a fixed monthly bill every month, and it depends on the workload.

This is actually the same as Jun Chang laughed at the dead salary, but there is nothing more than another calculation.

Bai Chaoyang agrees?

In the face of the bargaining king, I can't talk about other people, but can only give up step by step.

He was well prepared. You must know that Yuan Gongzi didn't know from the beginning to the end, it was a hasty response.

"Baitang Lord."

Jun Chang laughed: "As long as you and we cooperate sincerely, Jun will never treat me in terms of profit!"

He is short of money now, so he is more entrenched and will make a lot of money in the future. Left-handed Nokia and right-handed Motorola will definitely give benefits to partners.


Bai Chaoyang sighed secretly.

The eight major alchemists of the Eighth National Congress have all joined the Vanguard Sect, and alchemists of all levels have also been in place. So far, they can only pray that the capitalists have the conscience to go with him.

"Sovereign monarch, Dan Tang still has things to deal with, Baimou will leave first."

"Let's go after dinner."

What was the mood of Bai Tangzhu to eat? After a few words, he set off and returned to Wushuang City. When he came, he was prestigious and vicissitudes when he left.

Longji Peak.

Yuan Gongzi stood proudly and his clothes danced.

Behind him, Su Xiaomo and Xiao Xieji fanned hard with fans to provide the highest force for the vice-monarch.

"Baitang Lord."

Watching the old figure gradually leave, Yuan Gongzi secretly said: "You are also a good opponent, I hope to have a chance to try again in the future."


After the negotiations were over, Jun Chang laughed without hesitation. He devoted all his energy and funds to the branches, and the money was spent.

no way.

The renter needs money, and the decoration also needs money.

In just one month, the profits made by Wangu Zongdan Pharmacy for more than two years were smashed into by the dog leftovers.

Fortunately, Yuan Gongzi and Bai Chaoyang negotiated in advance. The first three months after the opening of the store, wages were reduced. Otherwise, Zongmen is now at the bottom of the family and cannot support 100 stores at the same time.


Jun Chang laughed and summoned all his disciples, and said loudly: "From today on, tighten the belt for this seat!"



Inside the cafeteria.

Su Xiaomo held a bowl of boiled cabbage, and even a little oil on it, collapsed and said, "Girl, please add some meat, otherwise my brother can't keep up!"

"The lord said, be frugal in food," Liu Wanshi said.


Although Su Xiaomo is depressed, he still eats it cleanly. After all, any simple and unrefined materials can be made into the treasures of the mountain and the sea.

Zongmen's frugality is not limited to the cafeteria, but there are other aspects. It can be said that in the true sense, it has tightened the belt of the pants.


Jun Chang smiled and stood on the mountain peak, looking at the sulking area below, and said, "This time you worked hard."

Vangudan pharmacy is Zongmen's main profit point at present, all of this is not due to Pecs' hard work and reclamation, so on credit, it is the biggest!

Dog left remember, dog left.

No, did you come to visit me specifically?

Pecs listened to his chest and said, "For the master, for the gate, don't work hard!"

"What level do you have now?"

"Uh ... barely comparable to the median breaking through."

"So fast?"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and widened his eyes.

After entering into the third form, Xiaolong Dragon also entered the upper level to break through the air, but it only has the blood of the holy beast. Compared with the blood of the dragon clan, it is so different.

Paige said: "I wouldn't ascend so fast if it weren't for the owner's nourishing soil."

Since the Nether, it has been responsible for reclamation and construction. It belongs to the kind of distressing labor, but at the same time, it has also received huge returns, and its strength has improved very fast. .

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You can achieve what you have achieved now. It is achieved through hard work. No one can help you, neither can I."

Of course, the improvement of strength is related to the soil of nourishment, but the dog left nothing more than to provide it with a platform. Whether it can eventually become stronger depends on its own perseverance.

Xiaolonglong has the noble dragon blood, and even if he sleeps, Peggy has blood of the sacred beast, but it is very common in the upper world, so the two can be said to be the representatives of the nobility and the civilians.

Nobles are born noble?

Are civilians born low?

Do not!

As long as you are willing to work, as long as you have perseverance.

Even if the starting point is lower than others, you can stay up later.

Reclamation around the clock and night, eating soil every moment, and finally having a page that is comparable to the median broken page, is the best proof, is the inspirational brother!

Reader: "I'm so poor every day to eat soil, why didn't I get stronger?"

"Remember the agreement between us?"


It is precisely because of the strength of the agreement that has been spurring Page to continue to work hard and continuously improve, so that has achieved today's achievements.

"The upper bound is big and dangerous."

Jun Chang laughed: "I hope you can make persistent efforts and face the storm with me."

"I won't let the host down, I will definitely work harder!"

Page's blood was ignited again.

Jun Chang smiled with relief, and then pointed to a distant area, saying, "Then go to clear the wasteland."

The system growled: "After speaking for a long time, I still let people do coolies. Your routine is like six or sixty six for your contract beast!"

"You know a hammer!"

Jun Chang laughed: "I'm motivating it!"

"He ~ tui!"


After talking with the owner, Page was greatly encouraged and entered the wild reclamation wasteland mode again, and the land was improved, suitable for planting medicinal materials.

Sun Bukong and others took the time to sow seeds and did their best to provide alchemy materials for the upcoming Danish pharmacy.


Li Luoqiu said: "The Xingxia City branch has been renovated, and the alchemist in the Dantang area is also in place."

"What about the progress of other cities?"

"In a matter of days, it should be all done."

Jun Chang turned the yellow calendar with a smile and said, "Half a month later, it will be a lucky day for the zodiac. It is suitable for opening. Please keep it informed and prepare all branches."


Li Luoqiu rushed to spread the news to the various cities, and the refurbished branches had begun preparations for the opening ceremony. As for the alchemists, they started to make various elixir.

Tiancaidibao-grade medicinal materials are limited, and each branch can only get a small share, so it can only be refining ordinary elixir for the time being.

at the same time.

A large number of members of Xiyutang left Zongmen and set up a transmission network along the way.


After half a month.

The firecrackers of all major cities and towns are all sounding, and the drums are loud!

On one side, a sign with 'Wangutan Pharmacy' was opened in the busiest street.

At first, everyone didn't care too much. After all, the shops in the city opened very frequently, but when the news began to spread in the surrounding cities, when everyone realized that there were many branches of this pharmacy in the city, it immediately caused a big sensation!

"Extreme, terrible!"

"This vanguard pharmacy even has semicolons in dozens of cities!"

"It seems to be a big step into the elixir industry!"

"I heard that Yangyuan Xuandan sold by this pharmacy has more than ten times the effect of ordinary yam. Let's go and see."

"Don't go, these high-quality elixir have been snapped up by major families."

Before the opening of the elixir branch, Jun Changxiao did not make any publicity, but many big families who bought elixir in Abyss City learned about the news and began to prepare.


Drizzle Hall.

Li Shangtian and others sat side by side in the hall ~ ~ The news network of the various placements sent news.

"The Qingyang City branch opened for an hour and made a profit of 0.86 million yuan."

"The Xingxia City branch opened an hour ago, making a profit of 2.4 million yuan."

"The **** city branch opened for an hour and made a profit of 1.2 million yuan."


The members responsible for receiving the messages successively shouted the real-time benefit situation, and were entered by a person in the matrix method. The numbers on the light curtain printed on the wall were changing wildly.

Jun Chang, who was sitting opposite, crossed his hands and stared intently.


Ding Xingwang said with excitement: "It will be a billion in an hour!"

Jun Chang laughed and leaned back against the back of his chair, then put his crisscrossed hands on his legs, and said, "It's expected."

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